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[综合话题] 一字之差,相去千里?——灯具控制器烤箱材料探讨

发表于 2014-8-6 12:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
关于IEC61347(GB19510)附录D烤箱与UL935烤箱材料,请看第一段话:: B. @( {6 r7 {
IEC61347/ l9 u7 i# m3 B! |0 {
D.1 Test enclosure0 ~8 X3 e. @9 F8 t3 _% {! c
The heating tests are made in an enclosure in which the temperature of the ambient air is maintained as specified (see Figure D.1). The entire test enclosure shall be constructed of heat resistant material 25 mm thick.3 B6 y5 L7 \; B9 L$ P8 U
GB19510翻译成耐热材料" C& _7 v: o8 ^

2 J9 q" e  _* x7 i( N; ]" p* z7 q( `( R再看UL935要求:) d, ?" G( t( l. y2 r7 O1 }% ]
25.5 During the test the ballast is to be supported as described in 25.9 and as illustrated in Figure 25.1. The floor between the heaters and the ballast under test is to be of a thermal insulating material.1 |' ^& h' h: Y2 u# e0 O
而根据UL935的要求,thermal insulating material热绝缘材料,与耐热材料完全是两码事。
! \; E$ J9 e& n( F" U) h4 ~7 A8 G, S9 J
! t3 W- U0 w- j; ?heat resistant material (耐热材料)可以是金属(导热材料,但不是热绝缘材料)、夹板(热绝缘材料)、石棉(热绝缘材料)。
3 R6 C  Z1 \/ l; j$ z' ^& Athermal insulating material(热绝缘材料)则不可以是金属,但可以是夹板、石棉等材料。3 ]9 m& L, c) h$ Z. E1 r/ N5 z

6 F" O+ k. G1 K3 z有不同的观点吗?欢迎讨论。
4 x# H8 k6 I+ w: u- s1 M
发表于 2014-8-6 12:45 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-8-6 13:25 | 显示全部楼层
好吧,我一般认为有个烤箱就可以了。7 V, Q" K/ S/ g2 A; T1 a( M" g
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发表于 2014-8-6 13:35 | 显示全部楼层


你确定thermal insulating是耐热的意思吗?heat resistant我相信是。  详情 回复 发表于 2014-8-6 14:00
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-6 14:00 | 显示全部楼层
themaster 发表于 2014-8-6 13:35 7 v% h, ?/ c# W& q$ B. b' P

6 y$ x/ |8 Z+ @! g, q! {: K, E' m0 e
; d* C4 H6 G! x  ?; o你确定thermal insulating是耐热的意思吗?heat resistant我相信是。
8 D1 c+ a/ {7 g- d
# r6 x8 }2 k3 a1 \. tthermal insulating我认为是隔热材料。
. z" O' n$ _: m0 j3 Z/ x- q4 M3 l( X# O$ s
; f1 i# F: U6 F5 g# `0 MRock wool insulation blanket with excellent thermal insulating properties, construction and installation convenience, energy saving effect is remarkable, and is of high performance to price. 4 B) W$ G5 e  s+ Z
岩棉保温毡具有优良的保温隔热性能,施工及安装便利、节能效果显著,具有很高的性能价格比。2 \- W4 I  h* r" S4 X  z
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发表于 2014-8-6 16:21 | 显示全部楼层
thermal insulating 的确是隔热的意思,以前由于本人所接触的过产品局限,没见过这个个词出现在同一个标准中,所以统一翻译成“耐热材料”。
$ {$ H5 Q) {* V5 D' w* ?5 m你说的很有道理:
" h: j: r9 H' o% l9 gheat resistant material  如果翻译成“耐热材料”,则只定义材料的特性,即“耐热”。+ A. x: D) W. l) a$ e8 H/ E
thermal insulating material 如果翻译成“隔热材料”,则意味着材料本身不仅自身要”耐热“,而且启“隔热”作用。一般认为:这样以来“金属”由于传热很快,就不适合做“隔热”材料了(我不太清楚材料是怎么定义的,不知道这样说是不是准确)。9 _' u9 m1 R. z) X- C# \" y/ B$ k
所以结合语境翻译可能更准确点。$ ?9 I; v- h8 D! h0 V! ]
+ x6 s4 L% ]5 g; z" P# e. @
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-6 16:37 | 显示全部楼层
themaster 发表于 2014-8-6 16:21 5 j% c: O7 Y. [3 a' v
thermal insulating 的确是隔热的意思,以前由于本人所接触的过产品局限,没见过这个个词出现在同一个标准中 ...
* M4 i* [  m) O# p* X
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发表于 2014-8-6 16:52 | 显示全部楼层
fasten 发表于 2014-8-6 14:00
0 f1 c: U; F1 j5 {( c你确定thermal insulating是耐热的意思吗?heat resistant我相信是。- ~( `& X) N+ H3 e- G! s  t  M

/ @, T5 b- q( u! x& d; ]) O+ Dthermal insulating我认为是隔 ...
( X+ X% b7 b; @  A' O5 i
美规里thermal insulation是隔热材料的意思,这个在UL1598上有
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-6 16:55 | 显示全部楼层
jsspace 发表于 2014-8-6 16:52
8 W' {* a9 J' I美规里thermal insulation是隔热材料的意思,这个在UL1598上有

. \/ @/ y/ P( |4 g! v& d6 |6 v这个有点区别,是thermal insulation.
& T' ^9 e1 R( J( H2 W0 u/ ~. R  R) D. v1 S/ m& |
5.18 Thermal insulation
7 \% V0 k; d, X- O' W" W1 a: m5.18.1 Thermal insulation shall be fire-resistant material, such as glass fiber, inorganic material, or7 }  H' {$ e  c* K& D
polymeric material.
0 b, H4 _3 o4 N& L5.18.2 A polymeric thermal insulation material shall:3 H8 O$ D$ M. f% |" S& e
(a) have a temperature rating equal to or greater than the operating temperature in the
2 G3 N/ _0 x# Jluminaire; and. w& K# @+ r' T7 I( ?# G
(b) have a minimum HB flammability rating, or comply with the horizontal burning flame test of$ ?. y. a* D3 y
Clause 16.25.
, }2 b) b* I8 F: p6 c5.18.3 Thermal insulation shall be reliably secured in place. It shall be attached to the luminaire in the
5 Y0 e- L& O( W) R; _6 Mcorrect position by at least one of the following means:
  P  F5 F# H7 Q; K: o! ](a) staples or bolts;# U, v% F7 E! d7 W* \  \: o. m" T
(b) adhesive applied to at least one-third of the surface of the insulation;
2 ~4 h9 S) }3 X6 n/ i* k0 f# G8 a9 `) Q(c) parts of the luminaire that do not have to be removed for installation. A supply conductor
' F. |0 X8 D8 I' r0 p* j9 c# L" F8 cprojecting through the insulation is not acceptable for securing the insulation in place; and) z' a" \% K' U2 J7 O: I$ ~
(d) other means if investigated and found to be mechanically equivalent.
- V/ {+ H$ L% z. Q" {6 w' M5.18.4 Thermal insulation shall not be located within 6.4 mm (0.25 in) of any opening for the connection
% V. x( l* k1 H$ hof conduit unless the insulation is attached to a cover or other part that will be removed when conduit is. l' S( l! y) c( o7 [7 S* _
being attached to the luminaire.
- ~. y; D8 q0 g* D5.18.5 Glass fiber thermal insulation provided as an integral part of the luminaire shall have a minimum
/ G  g- ^% h/ {6 g. t0 mdensity of 9.6 kg/m3 (0.6 lb/ft3).
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发表于 2014-8-6 16:56 | 显示全部楼层
fasten 发表于 2014-8-6 16:37
9 g0 T6 _, X1 |* Q2 _这个语境有何特别之处吗?
7 O, @3 t: |( N; `* \
没什么特殊语境只是个人觉得:“The floor between the heaters and the ballast under test is to be of a thermal insulating material” only can see it says it's a kind of "thermal resistant" material, not see it has "insulating " function.
! x+ B5 B4 k( N% M1 }所以个人觉得翻译成“耐热材料”比较稳妥。
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