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[美洲产品] 請教在UL產品中要求的"intrinsically safe"是什麼意思?

发表于 2011-6-29 10:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
: F" P) @: N7 Z* \9 V5 g* D在UL產品中要求的"intrinsically safe"是什麼意思?
$ W* |8 n3 r, R& a5 u. y  V. m/ }如何驗證我的產品達到了"intrinsically safe"這個要求?在哪個標準或章節中有對此的評價和定義?0 e! f8 V9 g% H5 o( e6 x
(Application is a pump controller/monitor, for USA & Canada, input 85-264Vac)
发表于 2011-6-29 10:48 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-6-29 10:49 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-29 10:53 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-6-29 10:56 | 显示全部楼层
25 Expelled parts
: U3 H1 N  t9 t, R! B2 i25.1 Where expelled parts could constitute a SAFETY HAZARD protective means shall be provided.: W! S8 I! O; r- Y# X, j6 ?
Compliance is checked by inspection for the presence of protective means.8 Q: |# X5 ~7 L2 ?) b8 J; X
25.2 A graphical display vacuum tube whose maximum face dimension exceeds 16 cm shall either be5 L/ z1 X* \* k1 `. e+ e; W
intrinsically safe with respect to effects of implosion and to mechanical impact, or the ENCLOSURE of the7 [9 l' D0 N- }6 c4 H6 H
EQUIPMENT shall provide adequate protection against the effects of an implosion of the tube.
0 q5 D$ ^/ d9 R1 yA non-intrinsically safe tube shall be provided with an effective protective screen which cannot be
, t( X& G& a$ m# r$ q9 Bremoved without the use of a TOOL; if a separate screen of glass is used, it shall not be in direct contact
, R8 I: A1 @4 ?" V' qwith the surface of the tube.
6 e) ]7 \: N' aThe tube shall be tested as specified in IEC Publication 65, unless a certificate of the testing is provided.
发表于 2011-6-29 10:57 | 显示全部楼层
4 H/ u5 B" j5 Y* z真正安全
发表于 2011-6-29 10:57 | 显示全部楼层
25 飞溅物
6 x) B+ A% m6 L; [4 _0 m25. 1 如果飞溅物能引起安全方面危险.应采取防护措施。+ w& \+ }' k+ v5 u1 t
; t+ j) K5 ]7 \5 U. Z( G25.2 屏幕最大尺寸大于16 cm 的显像管‘对内爆平r~ 机械冲击的影响应是因i 有安全的.或设备外壳应对
* i* r0 a) p$ B4 _/ H管子内爆影响提供足够的防护O  \5 X) L( H( x3 ]
固有安全的显像管.应备有不开!工具不能拆除的有效防护屏;若采用分离的玻璃屏‘则其不应与! k$ W0 U0 e: T& R$ h
显像管表!在i 直接接触。
0 Y4 Q' R' L: u9 N% ^8 b除非提供有检验合格证.否则应按G13 8898 Itt 有关规定进行检验。
发表于 2011-6-29 11:41 | 显示全部楼层
引用第4楼jackyhu68于2011-06-29 10:56发表的  :
, o# O  ~1 \. \3 m: e& _25 Expelled parts, W2 k$ E; |. C2 v4 \! u3 R
25.1 Where expelled parts could constitute a SAFETY HAZARD protective means shall be provided.
, f6 w- Q9 m9 P+ G8 fCompliance is checked by inspection for the presence of protective means.
' o2 ~% j% G; {9 g" N" N( z25.2 A graphical display vacuum tube whose maximum face dimension exceeds 16 cm shall either be intrinsically safe with respect to effects of implosion and to mechanical impact, or the ENCLOSURE of the
5 \2 B7 `- L: N4 T.......

0 b$ M* v9 x1 v. L1 H% K1 i此點應該只是intrinsically safe本質安全方面其中之一的一種表現,而不是標準定義或標準的驗證方法吧.
发表于 2011-6-29 13:53 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-6-29 15:46 | 显示全部楼层
intrinsically safe只是一種特定狀態,並沒有標准定義或解釋。
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