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[业内新闻] 美国能源部关闭LED Lighting Facts认证计划 2018.03.01

发表于 2018-2-26 09:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在2018年2月21日,美国能源部突然宣布将在 2018年3月底前结束LED LightingFacts认证计划。此能源部的决定已经立即生效,LEDLighting Facts认证计划将从3月1日起不再接受产品提交,网站也会在2018年3月30日关闭。
之前的“LED Lighting Facts”认证计划是由“美国能源部(DOE)”和“下一代照明行业联盟(NGLIA)”联合共同发起的。通过其认证的产品可以使用相关的认可标签。同时LED Lighting Facts也提供了独立测试的可核查的光度性能测试方法如LM-79。因此,LED LightingFacts的标签能够使购买者,规范提出者和消费者审查和评估单个LED照明产品的配光性能,并选择那些最适合特定应用的产品。
此次能源部突然取消LED Lighting Facts认证计划,同时也造成了美国DLC认证(DLC是由公用事业公司与美国地区能效机构组成的联合认证计划)的困扰和混乱。
由于美国DLC认证也同样参考且依赖“LED LightingFacts”认证计划中的LM-79指标。在2018年2月23日,美国DLC出具了紧急通知,暂时取消了要求申请人提交LM-79数据的要求,并正在制定新的LM-79替代计划。
Due to the ending of the LED Lighting Facts program onMarch 30, 2018, the DLC will no longer require applicants to provideproof of submission to LED Lighting Facts, effective immediately. The DLCwill also release a transition plan for its lab accreditationrequirements, which will be communicated well ahead of the March 30th close ofthe LED Lighting Facts website. Learn more.

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-2-26 11:38 | 显示全部楼层
https://www.designlights.org/new ... c-ssl-applications/
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) F; h9 U9 K$ I/ wFebruary 22, 2018, V* ]2 Q5 P6 u% P, T' x; I7 J
LED Lighting Facts Submission No Longer Required for DLC SSL Applications
& q3 J' a# `# S+ TOn Wednesday, February 21, the DOE announced that it will be ending the LED Lighting Facts program by the end of March 2018. As the DLC has referenced and relied on LED Lighting Facts for several components of the DLC program, we are making immediate changes to the DLC SSL product application requirements to reflect the closure of the LED Lighting Facts program and streamline our process.& N1 q( t$ F5 f6 m

6 n" J7 b* U% tEffective immediately (2/22/18), the DLC will no longer require applicants to submit LM-79 data to LED Lighting Facts. All open applications where this information may not yet have been provided will consider this issue closed. Changes to the website and application submission portal will be made ASAP to clarify this change.% v9 x; w9 u* W5 T- [
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The DLC is working on a transition plan for its LM-79 lab accreditation requirements. As the LED Lighting Facts website will be available through March 30th, the DLC will continue to point to the list of labs acceptable via the LED Lighting Facts rules until that date. The DLC will be determine a longer-term solution for LM-79 testing acceptability over the next couple of weeks, and will communicate those details to you as soon as they are finalized. The final policy will be in place well ahead of the March 30th close of the LED Lighting Facts website.5 u4 I6 s+ ^8 ~* Y
If you have any questions about this transition as it applies to your SSL application(s), please contact your reviewer through the Application Portal messaging system. If you have general questions not addressed above, please contact info@designlights.org.
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