本帖最后由 ylgc123 于 2017-6-19 11:01 编辑
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①R4:EN60335-1 2016 CL7.10或者IEC60335-1 2016 CL22.55中都有明确要求,按键开关需要有一定的感官反馈信息,比如说触觉或(视觉和听觉一起)的反馈。
3 |: y/ i: {8 h0 S8 T, n( B" |$ X$ x1 D A3 v. s/ Q
②R3:参考 IEC417(有同步的ISO文件),楼主的这个符号只能用来作为待机状态的指示。不能用来显示开/断【国内很多产品都是不合格的】
& B% q2 p& I8 Y9 J% F) S7 X 同时IEC 22.55:Devices that are operated by the user to stop the intended function of the appliance, if any, shall be distinguished from other manual devices by means of shape, or size, or surface texture, or position - Y% S t2 y" W: {- l
同时EN 7.10:Devices used to start/stop operational functions of the appliance, if any, shall be distinguished from other manual devices by means of shape, or size, or surface texture, or position, etc
9 m3 F0 X' v4 [8 l/ ?/ {2 C) `) z7 c 上面都要求关 or开/关功能的按钮要与其他功能的操作按钮有明显的区别,比如位置、图案、尺寸等等。兄台的产品都是同一个按钮,哪来区别。5 Z4 v, v; j# J+ C/ r/ d4 q