Background: Ref. OSM/EE – 2007 Item No.7.1 (enclosed):
# d; j+ F# R) R, [7 c/ z9 l“OSM decision 01/8 requires markings on the product (e.g. "Use only power supplies listed in the user manual / user instruction." or “For applicable power supplies see user instruction”). Furthermore such sentences shall be in the languages acceptable to the country where the product will be used.8 S" j. I0 o- y+ ]
We cannot assume that all people speak or understand English and therefore it is necessary to put nearly all languages of such relevant safety instructions on the product.2 K. N6 \, o6 k) d. [* ^
That cannot be a solution because many products are too small!”
1 d+ r/ T' \, [4 QOSM/EE-2007 agreed to use instead of such instructions (sentences) on the product, international accepted symbols like these both marks (ISO 7000-0434 and ISO 7000-1641):
0 D0 R, \8 }: e8 TLater it was confirmed by TC108/MT2 that the book only can be used as an alternative. See explanatory notes below. Based on this it is proposed to revise decision 01/8 as amended with red text under the decision below.
+ m. ]5 l" f* ], W0 q" G* cIt may be considered that the Decision 99/2, requiring marking of manufacturer and model of the power supply on the product, is too stringent in light of sub clause 1.7.2./ e- e/ j& z m0 ]
Decision: This decision replaces 01/8 with the amended text in red:
3 I0 A8 y! V7 p$ o3 c4 X4 lA Class III equipment with an enclosure made of HB material and using a non-special connector for the a.c./d.c. input has to have a marking stating the following: "Use only power supplies listed in the user instructions"
$ M6 Q- j- A9 I. Aor1 ]9 H5 Z- U( W" g! s
"For applicable power supplies see user instructions". This statement shall also be in the user-instructions.# M- h9 y; D, Q* P
The user instructions must then have a listing of manufacturers and models of the relevant power supplies.
( E- x8 b+ N- i3 g7 AIn respect of reducing the risk of ignition and spread of flame, Method 2 of 4.7.1 of EN 60950:2000 is recommended.! _6 i) M! _2 c- F, s5 D# z
As an alternative to the text on the product, it is acceptable to use both the symbols ISO 7000-0434 and ISO 7000-1641. The book alone is also sufficient (ISO 7000-1641).. T# o0 h' c, s8 N0 z+ j
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