热爱学习 发表于 2015-8-13 17:07 
7 Z/ J3 b3 A' W/ a固体绝缘29.3的三条是选择性的,只要满足其中一条即可,厚度仅仅是其中一条,并非必须满足
' D `. I& x0 V( i( ? Z而且第三条就 ... 6 |: q; t9 I+ a3 c/ k
22.33 条款2的问题可以归结于对于可接触的导电液体单层绝缘是否可靠的问题,很明显,标准是认为不可靠的,水和金属应该考虑为一体,因为金属是导电没有绝缘的,做绝缘的只是单层的陶瓷体,就算陶瓷体可以做为加强绝缘,也是单层的,也就是说这种结构是绝对不允许的,考虑陶瓷体开裂的问题,还是直接包三层绝缘胶带比较靠谱" ]6 W) C/ A& a7 v# O* ]
' C$ g8 {- S* @1 U" V+ F/ i
For class II construction, conductive liquids that are or may become accessible in normal
, L2 c( I7 U3 z3 euse and conductive liquids that are in contact with unearthed accessible metal parts shall
; f W& p$ ^$ R8 D2 [" dnot be in direct contact with basic insulation or reinforced insulation unless the reinforced
4 y9 s( m) T/ k, ^9 Sinsulation consists of at least 3 layers. |