引用第11楼barry于2007-08-13 09:03发表的 :. s8 a. ]5 u/ K/ @, B+ u4 t
6 z: K9 d6 D( {: v* u/ k+ |
7 t6 N& B. P7 c/ t3 k1 p指令会规定协调标准? ; G. M4 D, u5 F" D& _/ ?, r
: _0 } g3 ^! o/ K2 c3 |. t还没见过这样的指令。。。
7 H2 t3 u3 E9 s' e* t% D$ g....... 0 W9 }0 u0 X$ r! c, L
指令並不會規定協調標準, 關於協調標準可以參考:! o; J; v5 b/ G
% o+ _! H/ B+ F: z# t, v* c9 |
http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/n ... rmstds/reflist.html
( B8 V( p5 U. P7 z" {0 W: P( ^' j: u3 n: `. D# q6 M$ d
, W5 v! W2 Q3 d+ m0 V
introduction& `4 }; d; l/ t! ~
: m x. A5 q/ Y# t4 TThe "New Approach", defined in a Council Resolution of May 1985, represents an innovative way of technical harmonisation. It introduces, among other things, a clear separation of responsibilities between the EC legislator and the European standards bodies CEN, CENELEC and ETSI in the legal framework allowing for the free movement of goods.
# ^1 x9 B! A4 u& a
* B: t( f/ b. r9 pEC directives define the "essential requirements", e.g., protection of health and safety, that goods must meet when they are placed on the market.
2 {2 I: N$ G, M7 l' o
4 M$ i# o+ z0 y2 `8 \5 n0 F! |- BThe European standards bodies have the task of drawing up the corresponding technical specifications meeting the essential requirements of the directives, compliance with which will provide a presumption of conformity with the essential requirements. Such specifications are referred to as "harmonised standards"." S, q: ?* _/ R' x0 e- l& z
5 T) k. t( ~( B; r
More ...6 F9 j5 F& B( S; X# x
0 A) p4 D% J2 q8 R, OHarmonised standards n; |. Y6 @) p8 O& u5 O
. d$ m/ [) ~' c8 U* \
1 O) T: p t3 e4 L4 N6 z
"Harmonised standards" are European standards, adopted by CEN, CENELEC or ETSI, following a mandate issued by the European Commission after consultation of Member States. They are developed through an open and transparent process, built on consensus between all interested parties. 7 W( [; [& C0 R& i. L$ _- X
8 p( B. R0 @' p* X. g9 W; ~ @: r
Compliance with harmonised standards, of which the reference numbers have been published in the Official Journal and which have been transposed into national standards, provides presumption of conformity to the corresponding essential requirements of the EC directives. Compliance with harmonised standards remains voluntary, and manufacturers are free to choose any other technical solution that provides compliance with the essential requirements. In a number of cases compliance with harmonised standards also increases the options for conformity assessment procedures.7 r! y4 |& R; \ H, B# z
: F: n, p \* d* aWhere the Commission or the Member States consider that harmonised standards present shortcomings with respect to the essential requirements, the publication of the reference in the Official Journal can, in conformity with the procedures laid down in the directives, be withdrawn by the Commission. In such cases, the harmonised standard will cease to provide a presumption of conformity. 1 o7 s) ]! m0 }+ ^+ k/ M. X4 @
. F1 e$ V, f. ]4 n9 ZAn overview of the references of harmonised standards can be found in the "List of references of harmonised standards" . Although it is updated regularly, it may not be complete, and only publication in the Official Journal produces legal affect. |