本帖最后由 tsunn 于 2013-4-28 09:59 编辑 5 j+ [; |" o, z/ z
, w! Y7 J, U* n$ h) p' zThe values of ambient temperature and the temperature measured at 0,9, 1,0 and 1,1 times the
8 z- Q0 O$ V( N# rrated voltage (or the maximum of the voltage range) are used for the linear regression formula( G& M# p8 X! y( i- s/ _
in calculating the temperature of fixing points and other exposed parts in relation to a6 I+ X% T2 p; d2 [, E0 n! X
ballast/transformer winding temperature of 350 °C. If the difference between winding
+ P) t/ U5 H0 Etemperature measurements at 0,9 and 1,1 co-ordinates is less than 30 K, a fourth point is
R- P3 H: H7 ]! i. Kadded, whose co-ordinates are winding ta, fixing or exposed part ta. The thermoplastic material5 I/ T; h. I5 d+ T2 [: L: J. a
is then subjected to the ball pressure test as described in 13.2.1 at the estimated temperature& M9 f5 [: r T: A0 k$ T
determined by linear regression, but not less than 75 °C. The diameter of the impression shall3 v3 p8 p; J% w+ j: c
be measured and shall not exceed 2 mm.1 U+ a3 y2 _( j0 o2 C: j
这段话的要怎么理解,是不是说用0.9和1.0和1.1倍电压测出三个温度点组成线性回归公式来计算固定点和外露部分当采用350°C绕组等级的变压器/镇流器时的温度,如果是,怎么通过公式取得这个温度呢? 还有如果各点之间的差异小于30K时,需要增添第四点,那第四点用多少电压做呢?另外此条的目的是不是仅仅为了测得的最大温度用来做球压实验(如果小于75度,则直接用75度做)。 |