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[玩具标准] ISO8124

发表于 2012-11-3 09:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 哥哥在家 于 2012-11-3 09:29 编辑 , o% W2 c  v7 s- E$ n" t5 Q

3 F& A* i8 H+ i- q  j+ T: r# y. t( kISO 8124-1 AMD-2 2011 Draft
6 T$ U% T" ^; p" @ISO 8124-1 AMD-1 2011 Draft# \. k/ p3 K, W/ g# w6 d1 u

2 U! u- d  t  c8 w


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发表于 2012-11-4 18:52 | 显示全部楼层
期待正式版! ISO 8124-1:2012
1 Z# Z: I8 ]; k; p* b- H6 @5 g/ Ahttp://www.iso.org/iso/home/stor ... .htm?csnumber=62327
发表于 2012-11-8 16:47 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-12 08:51 | 显示全部楼层
Contents Page# q  W3 t1 x/ j# l
3 Terms and definitions ...........................................................................................................................35 i8 F5 q  a0 E
4 Requirements........................................................................................................................................3+ K* N4 \8 n. j$ ~
4.30 Magnets and magnetic components....................................................................................................3) Z0 G! _: v5 Z, I3 R( I& n
4.30.1 Magnetic/electrical experimental sets intended for children over 8 years......................................32 a% L% p) E  X  |* t
4.30.2 Toys other than magnetic/electrical experimental sets intended for children over 8 years..........4
) r: e: ~3 e: b. ^5 Test methods.........................................................................................................................................4
4 a0 z; N+ Z; O1 [$ r8 m5.31 Tension test for magnets......................................................................................................................5* u3 O& V% F( X1 I
5.31.2 Toys with magnet(s) or magnetic component(s)..................................................................................5
/ h6 X$ ?9 @0 A' y/ B9 [0 l" A5.31.3 Toys that contain one magnet only and a mating metal component...............................................5% o* `& L5 F. i" {8 O. n
5.31.4 Toys that contain one magnet only and no mating metal component.............................................5) ^0 Y2 M4 a0 r0 t# w2 O
5.32 Magnetic flux index...............................................................................................................................6
4 O& B5 K% l" N3 L+ f5.32.1 Principle.................................................................................................................................................6; I' w, u) G0 b6 V1 _
5.32.2 Apparatus ..............................................................................................................................................61 H* p/ R- h* \1 B/ d* [+ G
5.32.3 Procedure ..............................................................................................................................................6) i" {( K, a+ H6 l3 ?$ Y& x4 C7 V
5.32.4 Calculation of magnetic flux index ......................................................................................................7$ m% E7 W( \/ Y  s8 T
5.33 Cycling ...................................................................................................................................................76 f6 ~& b& H; k: }
5.34 Impact test for magnets ........................................................................................................................7* H2 B1 d+ j9 d2 Q
5.35 Soaking test for magnets......................................................................................................................7% @) {8 F+ L( P  v/ [0 C( M
B.2.21 Magnetic/electrical experimental sets for children over 8 years ......................................................82 a# X6 S: f& I" X
E.44 Magnets .................................................................................................................................................8


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-12 08:52 | 显示全部楼层
3 Terms and definitions; G$ s6 [4 w/ V3 Y  Z$ q: w/ d
Add the following definitions:
$ A, J: A/ `* n) r0 I) p$ ]2 z) K3.xx
+ |, g; ~# C# Z: @magnetic component
, t5 d# A& c0 aany part of a toy which contains an attached or fully or partially enclosed magnet
, Z  U# W& d2 M2 l* x5 k) p% A1 j3.yy; U$ q4 r+ `& C# ]; B
magnetic/electrical experimental set+ a6 M" |' I  p% f/ Y
toy containing one or more magnets intended for carrying out educational experiments involving both
( K* _& J4 ~2 c: S. M% q) Z! p1 u1 Amagnetism and electricity, s4 N5 r5 ?! Y3 y0 _
" E+ ?  B- M8 ^' }functional magnet in electrical or electronic components of toys
  }( ]- e  c: |% E( H) hany magnet necessary for the function of motors, relays, speakers and other electrical or electronic- n( n4 ^7 J3 U, w! T
components in a toy where the magnetic properties are not part of the play pattern of the toy
2 D4 L' ]& y- [" r  h! T1 c1 T5 |, h4 Requirements
3 J; [. Z  W# O# j9 hAdd the following requirements:
1 f  f9 I, s+ s# `4.30 Magnets and magnetic components; ]: t0 P0 H0 }' M& j+ E
See Clause E.44.1 t  V( v  c4 w
4.30.1 Magnetic/electrical experimental sets intended for children over 8 years9 C1 n. c: E+ h' H2 n8 Y  y0 U4 x
Magnetic/electrical experimental sets intended for children 8 years and over that contain magnetic
0 k1 I9 Z$ g7 \' W+ Xcomponents shall carry a warning (see B.2.21 for guidance) if they both:
/ V. u% t+ w6 R' C7 ?- have a magnetic flux index greater than 50kG2mm2 (0,5 T2mm2) when tested according to 5.32 (magnetic
% X2 i3 `+ U* |* ^7 H$ a1 X6 M0 Zflux index)* |7 n4 V8 H* T6 j' _' Q2 N
- fit entirely in the cylinder when tested according to clause 5.2 (small parts test)" Y8 s8 g3 v4 f8 c/ l5 O
NOTE Magnetic/electrical experimental sets intended for children under 8 years shall comply with the requirements in1 ]! p' O' _% A! [$ O7 ~
4.30.2 (toys other than magnetic/electrical experimental sets).$ |7 w5 }) v9 o' M, e. g' G
These requirements do not apply to functional magnets in electrical or electronic components of toys.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-12 08:53 | 显示全部楼层
4.30.2 Toys other than magnetic/electrical experimental sets intended for children over 8 years
8 G' y% O: l0 |a) Any loose as received magnet(s) and magnetic component(s) shall either have a magnetic flux index less
$ ?4 x# e- k, ithan 50 kG2mm2 (0,5 T2mm2) when tested in accordance with 5.32 (magnetic flux index), or shall not fit
9 u9 a3 J! c3 sentirely in the cylinder when tested in accordance with 5.2 (small parts test).% Y. U  u0 V" o$ ]# C
b) Wooden toys, toys intended to be used in water and mouth pieces of mouth-actuated toys with magnets+ k, [9 O# x9 }5 ]& w- M& i
or magnetic components shall be tested in in accordance with 5.35 (soaking test for magnets) before0 e( |' j9 l' \! K, j
being tested in accordance with 4.30.2 c) below.
. n8 n, G  N0 h, z/ E; {c) The following tests shall be carried out in the prescribed order on all unique magnetic component(s). The+ |3 H7 B# B, j
components used for this testing shall not have been previously subjected to normal use and reasonably: ?4 l% r' v* v* r( s# Z
foreseeable abuse tests. Any magnet(s) and magnetic component(s) that become liberated from a toy, or
( y" q2 N! b9 E$ R# x; `+ u- Mfrom a loose as received magnetic component shall either – when tested according to the tests listed
; _3 Z0 C9 E. n3 H# w# s) C+ jbelow - have a magnetic flux index less than 50 kG2mm2 (0,5 T2mm2) when tested in accordance with( N' p, ~2 A: ^
5.32 (magnetic flux index), or shall not fit entirely in the cylinder when tested according to 5.2 (small parts
  l  w8 ]% r% a5 x! u# \4 g1 X, wtest).
# c. W; ^9 m5 V1 t. J! W⎯ 5.33 (cycling)
* u* t. P$ \; _5 ]: F! m4 Q2 @⎯ 5.24.2 (drop test) or if applicable, 5.24.3 (tip over test for large and bulky toys)
2 c5 A" ~; s( b) Q( _⎯ 5.24.5 (torque test)
- A" N7 U0 m7 d; ?: Z⎯ (tension test, general procedure)* i5 O3 L/ J0 D7 p, ]) Q& O
⎯ (tension test for seams in soft-filled (stuffed) toys and beanbag-type toys), if applicable
  g7 u9 f4 k. E⎯ 5.34 (impact test for magnets)" U7 P: ]$ j* H& ^$ m- t
⎯ 5.24.7 (compression test), for magnets that are accessible but cannot be grasped (as specified in) X7 W" y$ c5 R (general procedure)4 V3 K  u9 L1 t% L
⎯ 5.31 (tension test for magnets))
" d  J4 ]) R9 q- ^% mNOTES
1 x! }" o) u; e7 a5 a/ ^0 d1 Examples of unique magnetic components are rods of different sizes or shapes containing magnets.: E2 S+ Q4 Y& O  j: t
2 If the toy contains one magnet, the component holding the magnet is considered to be a unique component.- d- Q0 i* T; {" v0 U
3 An example of a magnet that is accessible but cannot be grasped is a magnet that is recessed.
+ D+ N7 w: `" f5 eThese requirements do not apply to functional magnets in electrical or electronic components of toys
+ R: T3 G+ h. i. P' @5 Test methods9 U5 ?( ?$ X/ `) I. f1 [2 @0 ?
Replace the second paragraph of clause 5.14 (impact test for toys that cover the face) with the following:2 n* ^/ {2 j# |7 V- g! {# S, H
Drop a steel ball of diameter (16 ± 0,15) mm and mass of (16,9 ± 0,7) g from a height of (130 ± 0,5) cm onto4 i! ?8 C& g$ k, S# |$ [
the horizontal upper surface of the toy in the area that would cover the eyes in normal use.
0 L$ z- b, C9 }; c* XAdd the following new note to clause 5.24.1 (reasonably foreseeable abuse tests, general)
' ]: @  }4 G" h' P4 A3 x. kNOTE: The tests according to clause 4.30.2 are carried out in the order specified in the clause, on a toy or
% J7 }% S3 G) B- O: {, mpart of a toy that has not been previously tested according to this clause.
; }, I; Q! x# U4 P6 T- RAdd the following test methods:
4 E2 }! b, i0 P" S( r--`,`,``,,`,```,```,,````,,`,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-12 08:53 | 显示全部楼层
5.31 Tension test for magnets! G: `: |2 r7 {& {( R! S3 V
See 4.30.2 c).
5 l2 \2 ]) N( J! X( a4 f5.31.1 Principle/ t2 `3 G5 C; X- @- e; R
These tests simulate the intended or reasonably foreseeable play pattern. It is recognized that toys may; a6 x* B9 A  I9 B
contain a single magnet or a combination of magnets, magnetic components and/or metal mating parts and4 w8 v* W. u% O. w
the tests are designed to simulate a reasonably foreseeable play pattern using these components to attach
* C- }3 K# s. I% Oand detach the magnetic parts.
6 H% ?, Z( v/ k  GFor toys that contain more than one magnet/ magnetic component, the test specified in 5.31.2 (toys with
, a9 I) {1 i$ s' rmagnet(s) or magnetic component(s)) shall be carried out unless it is not possible to perform the test without4 m% e: G/ n! s* Y; S/ G6 ~5 c' c
damaging the toy. In the latter case, the test shall be carried out using the reference disk, as described in; P' O# k1 c. f/ o$ p( R
5.31.4 (toys that contain one magnet only and no mating metal component).
; q. f" l" m: b. i$ KNOTE: An example of a case where it is not possible to perform the test in 5.31.2 with magnet(s) or magnetic: p/ s  [" ?7 T
component(s) without damaging the toy, is a toy figurine with one accessible but non-graspable magnet in each foot.# k9 G) a0 Z% o( a8 J0 A
Toys that contain one magnet only and a mating metal component shall be tested according to 5.31.3 (toys
$ z9 k/ Y$ e# H+ b4 l# o4 ~0 U, Vthat contain one magnet only and a mating metal part).8 h  @) s( A; h  k: R
Toys that contain one magnet only and no mating metal component, shall be tested according to 5.31.4 (toys( V# K+ y/ z/ ]; Z0 Y
that contain one magnet only and no mating metal component), since this simulates a play pattern where the" A3 ]: z1 y( q$ A" h8 Q
toy is attached and detached to a surface that is not delivered with the toy.' D& J2 O$ d7 m
5.31.2 Toys with magnet(s) or magnetic component(s)
6 b- Z$ i5 @/ }1 ]' t0 a* L; OIdentify the magnet or magnetic component in the toy that is most likely to be able to detach. The identified
$ k, C. F+ I/ P! s! G& m. U/ Pmagnet or magnetic component shall be subjected to the tension test for magnets.
, Y8 Y& h% a+ C# H3 D5 QIf it is not possible to determine which magnet or magnetic component(s) in the toy is most likely to be able to
+ x. o: g& h$ ~3 _' U1 c2 `( _detach the magnet under test, it is permissible to repeat the test with another magnet or magnetic component
$ I* ]( |, x8 f3 jfrom the toy.
& O2 Z, b& \: N2 y5 |7 RWithout damaging the toy, place the magnet or magnetic component in the orientation of attraction, as close
4 @# Z* r! S+ m- Aas possible, making contact if possible, to the magnet to be tested. Gradually apply a pulling force to the
+ Q) |5 m* Q# ~& s' X& S$ r& B3 G9 ~magnet/magnetic component until it separates from the magnet under test. Perform the test 10 times or until
6 j7 t6 D1 h, b6 a5 D+ Ethe magnet under test is detached from the toy, whichever occurs first.
  a- k1 I% K/ m0 I0 \+ RRepeat the procedure for any other magnet that in accordance with 4.31.2 (toys other than magnetic/electrical
! n, `: J* Z& Z; \6 [( dexperimental sets intended for children over 8 years) shall be subjected to the tension test for magnets.
3 }) _7 W: X% c% f5.31.3 Toys that contain one magnet only and a mating metal component1 S9 ]* n, C# C8 H1 c: k+ {9 q
Without damaging the toy, place the metal components as close as possible, making contact if possible, to the
, N  m/ l: o  umagnet to be tested. Gradually apply a pulling force to the metal component until it separates from the
  Y% X0 a5 z( _( {7 pmagnet under test. Perform the test 10 times or until the magnet under test is detached from the toy,
* i* A: n: {; E4 F5 owhichever occurs first.% m- x; z% X- ~: I
5.31.4 Toys that contain one magnet only and no mating metal component
8 ]1 a- r4 y& S5 c# \6 v5.31.4.1 Apparatus, R* B  M$ M6 d5 e( e
Nickel disc with a minimum nickel content of 99 %, and having the following dimensions:
! r; j  u1 Q2 \  @3 f7 R- diameter: (30 ± 0.5) mm
3 x6 s; I6 p; n! o- thickness: (10 ± 0.5) mm
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-12 08:53 | 显示全部楼层 Procedure& ?( ?; }1 u& ~( i' q
Without damaging the toy, place the flat part of the disc as close as possible, making contact if possible, to the$ g& b1 Q+ x5 \: T  m  _
magnet to be tested. Gradually apply a pulling force to the disc until it separates from the magnet under test.
  a  B9 n3 z% M. B' f( g; iPerform the test 10 times or until the magnet under test is detached from the toy, whichever occurs first.& {4 m+ O7 g' V5 @$ P' [& m; ?4 ~' N
5.32 Magnetic flux index
  \! n+ ~+ v$ Q3 m! r; j/ _2 ]See 4.30.1, 4.31.2 a) and c).2 M' b& e9 N! h) o0 }2 ]
5.32.1 Principle, Q$ h7 Z& k9 I
The magnetic flux index is calculated based on the results from measurements of the flux density and the pole  f- x9 \# u& x
surface area.
+ x- i5 P4 y# ^3 A/ f3 a5.32.2 Apparatus
& n; j  M4 ^+ ~$ o% ` Direct current field Gauss meter, capable of determining the field to an accuracy of 5 G.
, T! |& p9 n7 {) s6 ^9 F+ EThe meter shall have an axial type probe with1 M1 L" ^! m: C' h6 P- G. p# d
- an active area diameter of (0,76 ± 0,13) mm
+ N, Y. H3 \% r. S, @2 U# P6 L- a distance between the active area and probe tip of (0,38 ± 0,13) mm$ j1 ]" I- {- t$ W Calliper, or similar device with an accuracy of 0,1 mm.
6 @9 c8 @! ~( X$ f5.32.3 Procedure
  L. e1 U! |6 \4 e' Y0 S* k5.32.3.1 Measurement of flux density# R$ D7 @) P5 G, i
Identify the surface of the magnet that is the pole.
' @1 T! @4 u3 CPlace the tip of the Gauss meter probe in contact with the pole surface of the magnet. For a magnetic
9 ^! m$ C  D) z! O: ?6 g) y7 W7 tcomponent (where the magnet is fully or partially imbedded in part of the toy), place the tip of the probe in
2 y9 |# F, S6 U" P* E$ {4 Jcontact with the surface of the component.+ Z& g- z- t/ _
Maintain the probe in a position perpendicular to the surface.% `7 D3 S$ n1 {- |; d3 d
Move the probe across the surface to locate the maximum absolute value of the flux density. Record the
' }$ D6 k/ o% S+ }2 ]- l- nmaximum absolute value of the flux density.
$ r1 r7 b% B& j6 ZNOTE Since the meter can read both negative and positive values, the absolute value is used for calculations.
: A. [/ t6 m/ j$ b' ^3 ~ Measurement and calculation of the pole surface area" J* K4 R& n+ C% }4 e4 X# G
If the magnet is imbedded/attached as part of a magnetic component, extract the magnet from the component,
- r" y8 o; `1 N& r6 j  j" m4 h8 Ieven if it is necessary to break the toy.0 H3 P  v# y5 [$ a# n3 y9 g6 O
If the pole surface of the magnet is flat, measure the dimensions with an accuracy of ± 0,1 mm and calculate
! J) F. v; o- u; y* [3 a% Fthe area using the appropriate geometric formula.
0 l. Y8 o- ?' \7 KIf the pole is not flat, (for example hemispherical) measure the maximum diameter of the magnet) Z% g7 Y$ m7 @3 a& b  }3 a
perpendicular to an axis through the magnetic poles (see Figure XX), with an accuracy of ± 0,1 mm and
3 x' f8 Q( F& D% h1 I# q2 ucalculate the area of the corresponding cross section. For multi-pole magnets, measure and calculate the
! A  u8 t- t: y# I" yarea of the largest single pole, which can be identified using magnetic field viewing film or equivalent.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-12 08:54 | 显示全部楼层
NOTE An example of a multi-pole magnet is a rubberized/plastoferrite magnet, consisting of multiple strips or poles.
- L) ]0 \. l1 J, ^& H* z% wFigure XX – Maximum diameter of magnet with a non-flat pole
+ [7 m! Q9 m% I1 T7 OKey4 ?6 z$ u. w0 w' o7 _' i* W$ d  y
1 maximum cross-section perpendicular to the axis
2 b. Y+ d3 O, S/ s: T1 _) v2 axis through the magnet poles3 J6 V) p: Y7 U% @5 B
5.32.4 Calculation of magnetic flux index2 t9 C% }; U0 c: Z8 C. W! j- }
The flux index (kG2mm2) is calculated by multiplying the calculated area of the pole surface (mm2) of the
5 ]/ [" P' X; M6 x  k. u8 Imagnet by the square of the maximum flux density (kG2).* ~* t9 X' l) ~7 O% H- A
5.33 Cycling( L$ v9 @! q& a0 f8 y
See 4.32.2 c).1 H- u" i4 ^# ?
Ten cycles as described below, shall be performed on the as-received magnet(s) or magnetic component(s).
4 {' B1 i- z" N0 M4 zThe magnet or magnetic component shall be brought together to a distance that initiates magnetic attraction,
* y( U9 Q  G. j8 ~0 K$ s2 M+ b( ibe released, and then pulled apart to the distance where magnetic attraction ceases. Each attachment and0 ~/ O. z! }) ]9 g) }
detachment shall count as one cycle. If no other magnets or magnetic components are provided with the toy,& l; @1 q! w; O' \3 r* K
the mating metal part or surface, according to the toy’s intended play pattern, shall be used for cycling
* b3 Z1 ^& d& npurposes. If no other metal parts or surfaces are provided with the toy, the apparatus described in 5.31.4 shall0 r) F$ ?; e0 O. s3 O+ r
be used for cycling purposes./ o5 N: B- O& h5 _: f
5.34 Impact test for magnets$ Y& x1 W$ C( t/ k; e" k
See 4.32.2 c).
  V: n6 g, {* [4 @& w8 _" iPlace the relevant component of the toy in the most onerous position on a plane horizontal steel surface and
+ [* `1 G6 ]5 P- jdrop a metallic weight with a mass of (1 ± 0,02) kg, distributed over a diameter of (80 ± 2) mm, through a
0 c& A* n; L7 Bdistance of (100 ± 2) mm onto the toy.* |+ q& `8 p! K
Determine whether any liberated magnets or magnetic components fit entirely in the cylinder when tested in+ f+ `& S+ N* f! s- c5 y) m
accordance with 5.2 (small parts test)., |, |6 u4 n( w  a, h) M
5.35 Soaking test for magnets
1 Z3 S0 y: m2 p* \6 v& c8 MSee 4.30.2 b).3 r5 F2 l' J/ g0 M5 Z! P. b
Submerge the toy or toy component completely in a container of demineralised water at a temperature of (203 `4 p* H9 Q) G$ q- P) H2 @# K
± 5) °C for 4 min. Remove the toy, shake off the excess water and keep the toy at room temperature for 10! W/ c2 H8 P+ r
7 q  V; M) ^  S--`,`,``,,`,```,```,,````,,`,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-12 08:54 | 显示全部楼层
Perform the soaking test for a total of four cycles.
. u! U8 X4 r2 i* X0 dImmediately after the last cycle, determine whether any liberated magnets or magnetic components fit entirely
& G7 M2 D* s& p4 G4 D  e( uin the cylinder when tested in accordance with 5.2 (small parts test).
$ o' N/ c( M! L- b% G4 E' m3 fAnnex B Labelling+ g& N/ _% T' z+ Z7 L
Add the following clause:/ T: x2 Y0 Z' i9 M8 K7 z
B.2.21 Magnetic/electrical experimental sets for children over 8 years' ~+ E5 |" N! ^
See 4.30.1 and E.44)
1 @% x+ x# V  o/ oThe packaging and the instructions for use of magnetic/electrical experimental sets intended for children 8
2 `/ Z& n  L! X6 v% N4 @7 @  i3 uyears of age or older shall carry a statement comparable or similar to the following.
& f- E# @8 B4 \- j“WARNING! Not suitable for children under 8 years. This product contains (a) small magnet(s).
7 c0 Y7 O( r% ~. M+ @; pSwallowed magnets can stick together across intestines causing serious infections and death. Seek  R& s2 m: ^$ Y4 K( y$ s
immediate medical attention if magnet(s) are swallowed or inhaled.”) g1 L' v' g: Q/ ^
Annex E Rationale1 E: n+ w" C9 ^
Add the following clause:" ~( @% @4 ?  i4 K' R
E.44 Magnets' U5 W/ ?  @/ U! e- [  Z* q  q1 V8 f
See 4.30.
4 j) Q4 b/ w- N& kThese requirements are intended to address the hazards associated with ingestion of strong magnets (e.g./ R8 e) t; T+ T$ W' Q: u6 M
neodymium iron boron type magnets (“NIB”)), that are capable of causing intestinal perforation or blockage.8 r5 Z3 S: G8 r$ _# t" E  _5 ?
These hazards are additional to those associated with small parts such as suffocation or asphyxiation (see
, o+ v: Y# _0 e" y) j8 u% ^E.6). These requirements apply regardless of the age of the intended user." S/ F$ L3 a1 L( J5 N
Magnets found by children can be ingested. If more than one magnet, or one magnet and a ferromagnetic% i8 N8 j* X9 L# O, t* S! M
object (for example an iron or nickel object) is ingested, the objects can attract each other across intestinal
) G+ @; J9 |( n  Cwalls and cause perforation or blockage, which can cause severe injuries that may be fatal.6 y  i' I, e, Z# q& e
Multiple incidents, including at least one fatality, have been reported involving ingestion of magnets resulting6 o! {$ i$ l) D9 U$ x0 q5 \. `: I% M
in perforation or blockage of the intestines. These incidents have involved children younger and older than 31 D7 [5 ^' O% ?
years of age. Medical signs associated with intestinal perforation or blockage can easily be misinterpreted
. I% F' I+ v. @4 n# Z' Y& N* Fsince many children exhibit only flu-like symptoms. Such misinterpretations have caused delays in the medical8 n: y' T5 ^5 ?8 W' D' B# v
treatment and led to serious consequences for children.
8 e: n. H% n) n% x: Q: w6 PFor the purpose of this standard, magnets or magnetic components that could be ingested are identified using
& M% _* C/ U( f. A0 Ethe small parts cylinder. The small parts cylinder was originally designed to identify small parts in toys/ r  V3 ~" K- i, ^
intended for children under 3 years of age, which are capable of causing suffocation or asphyxiation. It was
7 L, ^0 W* W  Y0 H+ s& I9 @! Dnot designed for identifying objects that can be ingested by older children. The decision to use the small parts: B3 m; T& E0 _5 y1 V( ]* Y
cylinder also for assessment of magnets or magnetic components that can be ingested was made for practical
& n. D2 r! s* ~& \- preasons: The cylinder is a well known test template and it provides a safety margin since the magnets and
( e; B+ b: h, Smagnetic components that have been involved in incidents all fit into the cylinder with a large margin. This
+ e# v2 d2 A6 I6 c  K5 L& ^" z5 m* N0 c. Ssame principle has been applied in the requirements for expanding materials.
4 l, n; ^# a) d6 r4 r6 bThe risk of magnets attracting each other across intestinal walls is a function of magnet strength. A limit value1 s- Z" Z$ F- E9 C- `
in the form of a magnetic flux index has been introduced to define what a sufficiently weak magnet is. Analysis8 Z" k) n: N& _) ~2 `1 W
of the data indicates that only the small, powerful NIB type magnets have been involved in the known
$ [# E% g/ O5 k% y* cincidents. Further analysis has determined that magnets with a magnetic flux index less than 50 kG2mm2 (0,5: p/ F7 {! }7 v& D, u
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