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[IEC灯具] IEC 60598 -1 :2012 draft

发表于 2012-9-28 09:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
) ~: S9 j$ G, S4 J; m' N" e只是草案,了解交流!
! e2 b1 u! C& i& O: L/ o大部分的改动都是针对LED光源的!& \; p* o; e/ p& k2 C
' h) T' U! n+ T. [# \9 x- g4 ]
4.24 Photobiological hazards0 s: Y  ]1 C2 f# M

$ r, i+ y! l# _* ]8 g7 P/ Y1 K9 L/ Z4.24.1 UV radiation
5 m8 ~/ J. V# @- c) I/ vLuminaires designed for tungsten halogen lamps and luminaires designed for metal halide- \, X( q. B, @) B& ~/ v" T
lamps shall not emit excessive UV radiation when used with the lamp. For self-shielded lamps,
+ z7 L( I0 M$ ?! V9 s& cthis requirement is met by the lamp design.
. V; N* i& ~4 C6 [  w, p! yFor tungsten halogen lamps and most metal halide lamps, when needing a protective shield,3 X: k9 p7 g, L* q
any glass will reduce the UV radiation to a sufficiently low level.; X& I  u6 L; Y4 X, ?5 I% B7 S! v$ Y
NOTE 1: See 60432-3 and IEC 62035 for lamp marking" Q" {1 u# Y! D8 D0 c5 M2 W
For some metal halide lamps, emitting a high level of radiation, Annex P describes methods to# a  f$ ]/ i- V4 P. f4 K- {" c' D5 n
provide adequate shielding for UV radiation by the luminaire.
$ H4 _5 R4 j  B3 {$ d- m) PNOTE 2; See Annex P, procedure A or B for method of calculation to provide effective radiation shielding.
7 ?& F& L% k, ?2 O, ^, y0 Q- Z1 m0 O) E! L9 r8 h5 _
4.24.2 Retinal Blue Light Hazard
6 m6 |# z* Q' m" BLuminaires with integrated LED’s or with LED modules shall be assessed according to IEC/TR
! S: V- d/ y& H. F62778 “Application of IEC 62471 to light sources and luminaires for the assessment of blue
; i2 U( l8 x3 p. ?1 d: {6 alight hazard”.1 o$ p( O3 R5 X/ k0 i/ ]# [
The use of LED light sources with a blue light risk group rating greater than RG2 is not
3 F- L5 s2 l( U& jexpected. Additional more onerous requirements for the management of these types of light4 ~4 [+ m2 |/ U
sources would need to be applied./ L6 z- W: N( Q  C0 Z. v, [, {. C
Note 1: Requirements for luminaires using RG3 LED light sources are not yet developed because these products
0 \# W! x' N" H/ }* q9 Qare not generally available on the market. Further requirements will be developed if needed in the future.2 o  u1 `! E" F8 N
For luminaires using an LED light source having an RG0 or RG1 rating in accordance with- c; V2 h) i- H& C* I) l
IEC/TR 62778 rating based on 200mm, 0.011rad measurement), or which have been assessed
8 L6 S) w" \4 ^( I7 ~5 t: kas RG0 or RG1 fully assembled for use, under the same conditions, no additional requirements
, H! A$ [' r5 h& v) W% M$ s( Papply.8 V; X! H' _6 V+ S$ f5 m, \6 ^
For luminaires having a Risk Group 1/2 (Ethr) boundary condition in accordance with IEC/TR9 |- y7 S, i8 D. X$ e8 W
62778 the following requirements shall apply:$ L  v7 R- C' P/ N
a) For fixed mounted luminaires, an additional assessment according to IEC/TR 62778 shall be/ p/ D6 g) _6 m( x4 ~' v7 V
made to find the distance Xm between luminaire and the borderline between RG2 and RG1.! [) [) q: K# m! p* r3 D# x
The luminaire shall be marked and have instructions according to 3.2.23 of this standard.3 W, \1 t2 K; E# j' R2 O
b) Portable and hand held luminaires exceeding RG1 at 200mm (0.011rad measurement), are
% h: Y$ p& e5 k/ {required to be marked according to subclause 3.2.23 of this standard.
5 A9 j6 D8 T! d( e7 M4 y! sNote 2: Normally details of the Risk Group Classification should be available from the manufacture of the LED light* H5 `* f5 J& J0 F; }7 W5 f
: d! M' {: ^1 M2 f$ \Note 3 : In some luminaire designs e.g. luminaires with integral LED light sources, it may be necessary for the- U# l7 T0 z) N7 ^4 J" H: R
complete luminaire to be tested.
) @3 F* u+ j8 a' v3 xNote 4 : The building of discreet LED’s into extended arrays or the application of additional optics does not increase3 u6 i7 ]. c) U$ s
the Risk Group Category of the basic LED light source.
" ?7 G6 L4 J% x7 a" G4 BNote 5 : The manufacturers declared photometric data for the luminaire may be used as the basis for the
3 o2 N. j- l. e5 ^) {assessment detailed under item ‘a’.
: U  x) h! S! O# w: tPortable luminaires for children, covered by IEC60598-2-10, and mains socket-outlet
& a- {6 c$ W' }5 Z9 k+ a5 F' i6 Wnightlights, covered by IEC60598-2-12, shall not exceed RG1 at 200mm (0.011rad4 e& [4 e# K, A; v+ N
measurement); A# @: {. k1 [; E$ a7 U
Note 6: Future amendments specific to IEC60598-2-10 and IEC60598-2-12 in this respect will follow.
. _/ s, ~; D6 g# C2 e


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-28 09:21 | 只看该作者
4.28 Fixing of thermal sensing controls. ~4 Y7 P- i/ [
Any temperature sensing control external to lamp control gear shall not be of the plug-in or an( {/ H, H$ q7 M. w
otherwise easily replaceable type. It shall be reliably kept in its specified position with regard to the
2 A- W% K  A7 H* o( ^, C! e: ?control gear.
/ S: O7 I* d( c9 qAdhesive fixing of temperature sensing controls shall not be used where UV radiation emitted from a
! c: A5 \; w, P# t! ~+ Hlamp could degrade the reliability of the fixing during the life of the luminaire. Temperature sensing" |) v; A1 }3 K3 ?/ H
controls shall not be mounted outside of the luminaire enclosure.3 e8 O' E% f: B7 x6 H# F
Compliance is checked by inspection and, for temperature sensing controls with adhesive fixing,8 b) {* f- T* X. ?$ X. h
according to the following test:
$ K: l' i. M* j0 n, t" F- }The temperature sensing control, together with the ballast/transformer to which it is fixed, is subjected2 l4 T1 c2 p* d  s7 ~1 C  C$ ~
to the
* O' z# G# H4 ptemperature change test in accordance to IEC 60068-2-14, test Na, according to the following details;
. ^, L) e3 \& D: G+ T1 TThe specimen shall be subjected to 100 cycles between the minimum and the maximum values as1 x; R/ j* \/ U& T% B
given below;
, K4 _% t) T/ ^8 `5 {+ E7 e+ U; RThe maximum temperature is the temperature measured on the adhesive material when the3 S# I, ^& S* c8 q' O. s
ballast/transformer is loaded by a current equal to 0,95 times the value of the lowest current that
, w. g' O; k, k8 l0 Q# Pcauses the protective device to operate in steady state conditions;. m& H3 e, N' @- |
The Minimum test temperature is 0°C.
( f# `1 u4 S  KThe duration of exposure of the two temperatures is 30 min each.
6 q9 ^8 r& X4 y1 p( [! mNOTE Standard transition time is between 2 min and 3 min. A transition time (t2) of less than 30 s is allowed, if an automatic
7 H( t" S9 E7 l: L" F% Ltest system is used.
8 c7 I$ v! @" i: ADuring the test the temperature sensing control shall not undergo any change in fixing impairing its
3 m5 u* \2 A* F3 Hfurther use, especially with respect to its operating temperature. After the test, the temperature sensing
; F6 O+ l  @1 }, c8 S5 jcontrol shall not be detached/moved from its designed position.6 z3 t3 f6 f/ D8 H. o
Note - Transformers complying with IEC 61558 are not subjected to this test.
0 \, H: T1 h3 E) W' f
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-28 09:21 | 只看该作者
4.29 Luminaire with non replaceable light source.
0 b# U% a* O( `& g/ \It shall not be possible to replace and/or to give access to live parts without breaking the
8 z6 k, K, m, q+ W; K4 Q; Rluminaire or its parts.' Q) T) c4 k5 c+ I2 U
Compliance is checked by the following test:  {: }- B" u- i' T% G
Parts of the luminaire giving access to the light source which it is possible to open by hand or  g% m! V3 J$ g
by using a tool shall be opened or dismantled.
6 L4 h4 L: k* w/ H: n2 j! [, {Parts of the luminaire which are sealed, or glued, or fixed by screws which are designed and
" \$ G& c  l: H, pshaped to be used only once, or permanently embedded barriers, are not opened.
7 Z/ X) k5 h* x9 s7 {  M4 zAfter removing all parts as detailed above, it shall not be possible to access live parts as
- g- L# w+ i$ O3 B( O# {checked with the test probe and test method according to Section 8 of this standard.8 n' [- ~2 [1 P9 e) ]

# I2 M7 D1 J. e" d6 R  U2 ]. P
% j# q; }5 d( c7 R4.30 Luminaires with non-user replaceable light sources' ?4 v# [3 i9 X. i
Where a protective cover is used over a non-user replaceable light source to provide protection
8 u# v$ B  @' W- w6 Hagainst electric shock, and the cover is marked with the ‘caution, electric shock risk’ symbol6 p! p# M& D5 g! h& R
detailed by 3.2.24, the cover shall be left in place during the tests and inspections detailed by& f2 g0 j# s( u# ^% i. h
Section 8 of this standard. The cover shall be held securely in position by fixings requiring the
+ a( h: R8 T& ^% D8 v* Euse of a tool for their removal, and at least two independent fixings shall be used.
1 Q5 ?% ?; x# q( H0 m7 L
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-28 09:22 | 只看该作者
4.31 Insulation between circuits: B" M; q3 k. ~
Luminaires incorporating transformers or controlgears providing insulation between circuits and
$ |9 V6 H) i* G* @luminaire using circuits insulated from a LV supply, shall provide suitable insulation between
) `1 T- c+ M- ?circuits and between these circuits and the external accessible parts.- f# I9 c  D6 f0 Q# Y
The same requirements apply to the circuits connected to the control interface of a controllable! Q' E3 S' B% ?7 U% i+ }+ j  H& s
luminaire where it is required to maintain the same level of insulation for all components. On) U' E1 l4 U. q' M
the evaluation of the type of circuit to be considered, the information given by the controlgear
5 j+ l: b6 |( e1 e' d8 A, Z5 [& @3 ?manufacturer (see 7.1.k of IEC 61347-1) shall be taken into account.' q4 u. \" l# c% i
Note: at present on the market the following types of control systems are available:
% R5 J9 U5 f4 V3 o! @- FELV Control signal, basic insulated to LV Supply (e.g. Digital Addressable Lighting Interface and8 ]( k; L% ]6 y; Z+ h; \" V' G
1–10 V DC controls)# d# M* m0 E, W$ l9 |% l
- SELV Control signal, (e.g. DMX)
' o0 K, z: o* i+ B- H( V- ?- Control signal, not insulated to LV Supply (e.g. Push button control / phase cut / step dim)& B% ?! O% _7 A. T; h3 X
Compliance is checked by the following requirements.  g" O0 ?  v6 {5 |* k3 B# W) t

# }3 O) \! e) P8 p6 k4.31.1 SELV circuits, c0 i6 P% N6 o: v' a# \  }- @
The following sources may be used to supply SELV circuits:  B) t$ U6 x0 n
- A safety isolating transformer in accordance with IEC 61558-2-6 or equivalent part 2 of
5 y5 M, j# Z. S0 h+ f8 t61558
) F2 ~7 `# O. j3 t& f: O- A controlgear providing SELV in accordance with IEC 61347 Series
' Y+ B: S/ A  [+ U- D- An electrochemical source (e.g. a battery) or another source independent of a higher
" @! P2 P' Q7 z% O* Kvoltage circuit
/ B4 Q! }4 W  q  o" ]  ZThe voltage in the circuits shall not be higher than the limits defined for ELV.! Z1 j  n8 p1 V' @- ?: p  _" z
SELV circuits shall be insulated from the LV supply by double or reinforced insulation (based
# w; s+ F3 S1 M" |& |upon a working voltage equal to LV supply voltage).- U7 H: Q, S' X4 Z* N" B, R, L
SELV circuits shall be insulated from other non SELV circuits (excluding FELV) by double or
1 p5 w" m7 G+ C+ r( @reinforced insulation (based upon a working voltage equal to highest voltage in the circuits).; m9 e. Q- h1 R  D6 N: ?1 ?
SELV circuits shall be insulated from FELV circuits by supplementary insulation (based upon a/ W7 Z8 `* |+ d" q# M2 G" @/ S
working voltage equal to LV supply voltage).2 L& y' s7 g" ~( l5 ~+ k& n& ^
SELV circuits shall be insulated from other SELV circuits by basic insulation (based upon a6 v8 a4 T0 x: T+ h) ~6 z
working voltage equal to highest voltage in the circuits)2 X, r2 u. j- b  h. U
SELV circuits shall be insulated from accessible conductive parts by an insulation according to
# S, e6 B. }$ o5 H3 }* S$ dtable 1 in Annex X.
0 ^4 R5 K) w5 w- ~; q: v0 vNote: In case of controlgear according to IEC 61347 series, the SELV voltage to be considered for
3 R$ n5 |& P  P) Q1 c; pinsulating purpose in the maximum output voltage indicated on the controlgear as “U-OUT”.
5 O& D+ C8 Q0 J7 `. P* k( jCompliance is checked by inspection and by the test required in clause 8, 10 and 11 of this
3 K) h8 w) J: j' W$ w  r" lstandard5 L; M. E8 M% {' q$ I0 h
Plugs and socket-outlets in SELV systems shall comply with the following requirements:( _9 z! f; O0 d' O- x
- plugs shall not be able to enter socket-outlets of other voltage systems;) t& k- c0 `  {( F6 O7 c$ b
- socket-outlets shall not admit plugs of other voltage systems;0 D6 z0 Q+ ]9 p- A: u/ L# g( ?( w
- plugs and socket-outlets in SELV systems shall not have a protective conductor9 X; |5 n; I# n5 T+ Y0 l. V
1 W+ W7 O5 L3 X, \( FCompliance is checked by inspection5 y0 ]# g$ v; P0 O# G- c5 p
- d0 Y& y' `. s, ]
4.31.2 FELV circuits+ \8 r8 g  i  h+ {# V. p
The following sources may be used to supply FELV circuits:* L! K! \0 I( r1 `! }* g( z
- A separating transformer in accordance with IEC 61558-2-1 or equivalent part 2 of
; c: I9 @; C0 N61558) n& E4 r  x4 @, Q
- A separating controlgear providing basic insulation between input and output circuits in
$ i- f( j8 k: O1 haccordance with IEC 61347 Series2 ?1 M; Y4 o/ @4 J
- An electrochemical source (e.g. a battery) or another source in circuit separated by the& I& G7 H' Z: z! k7 x( V- F" ^
LV supply by basic insulation only.2 ^( @; k3 T6 B/ L& P0 a
The voltage in the circuits shall not be higher than the limits defined for ELV.
0 @' T# \$ r, o# Z3 M" EFELV circuits shall be insulated from the LV supply by at least basic insulation (based upon a
& U9 K: c( d8 j, p, s: G1 Gworking voltage equal to LV supply voltage).
. R4 D. G5 z* I3 Q- p( K5 N* k% HIt is not required that FELV circuits shall be insulated from protective earth circuit except for& H# I' \" f! Y, E9 N
functional purpose.+ T/ _* h) D+ g- C' Q, ?
FELV circuits shall be insulated from by an insulation according to table 1 in annex X.+ ]; q1 R$ P# ]8 D6 _
Compliance is checked by inspection and by the tests required in Sections 8, 10 and 11 of this4 x) K, m" E7 T6 \) N; g* X
' T5 D* ]2 a$ @Plugs and socket-outlets for FELV systems shall comply with the following requirements:
& `0 b5 b/ h! l; K: j- plugs shall not be able to enter socket-outlets of other voltage systems;1 L' h! E6 ~: I5 b8 N( [6 C9 k
- socket-outlets shall not admit plugs of other voltage systems;
9 A3 p4 w' B* ?+ N+ e* _4 E+ L3 W- socket-outlets shall have a protective conductor contact.
* O, _; E) M! K: QCompliance is checked by inspection- D( H' h5 p1 A3 e# ^

" c2 u% [2 \3 b: }: ^8 Y4.31.3 Other circuits:
: \& r- }: W5 x- Q; VThe insulation between circuits other than SELV or FELV and accessible conductive parts shall; |8 X4 y& V' g4 g: Q2 g% I" b
be in accordance with the requirements in table 1 in annex X.& d+ ?9 P# G1 L! A8 ~+ i
In class II construction, where equipotential bonding is used for the protection against indirect
, X" I8 y4 o" ?8 O; z5 {8 P4 ~1 G) econtacts with live parts (see table 1 in Annex X), the following requirements are applicable:$ a! {& ^& d  j, r$ E
- All conductive parts are connected together so that two failures of the insulation result5 L- q9 L: s) X* ~: t
in a short circuit
4 x/ g. a, M8 R1 a8 P- To check whether the conductive parts are reliably connected together, the test in
+ W$ ~# I% k9 |' i6 w6 t5 Z% i' }& t7.2.3 (earth continuity test with 10 A) have to be carried out
5 V/ Z* d! P2 Y- the conductive parts comply with the requirements of annex A of this standard in case
) ?  ?. G* [) T0 T1 h# s. yof insulation fault between live parts and accessible conductive parts.) _8 V& A! i4 e& Y0 J! u7 W
- For master/ slave applications (the control gear is mounted in the master luminaire and5 a7 e8 m9 k( a' P
supplies the slave luminaires) an equipotential bonding between the luminaires shall be* ~0 |3 `: s' [& r$ V
used to prevent dangerous voltages between accessible luminaires. For this reason
5 p3 Q: U2 K& ?: P# ~5 Dmaster luminaire shall be provided with a terminal to connect accessible conductive
) [) _; X2 x5 r* o% G2 f2 _4 Iparts of the slave luminaires and the slave luminaire shall be constructed as class I
" v/ ~. b) o% T: p! \luminaires.
" I3 ~8 @. G% i' ^3 M% U( w8 QCompliance is checked by applying the requirements of this standard to check to the insulation% X. |# q! ?* A4 [( ~$ f; k
required in Annex X
! g, K/ e# x4 }9 L
6 N/ p* z- h3 t7 A  [+ c% {' qNote: Example of this kind of circuits are:
, n/ ~' C* u# f0 K- A- output circuits of ballast according to 61347 series
+ U0 t) X: P7 g) H# ~" L. ~0 Q" p4 T- circuits supplied by isolating transformer according to IEC 61558-2-4 or equivalent; I& ?" j8 n  T; l$ H  u
- circuits supplied by separating transformers according to IEC 61558-2-1 which do not fulfil the
0 ^& h$ q" k6 B  v# g% ~; I4 Wrequirements for FELV
4 ]( t. q7 s% h" R5 U" P- circuits supplied by separating controlgear (other than FELV) and isolating controlgear
: X" H$ b9 z2 ~# L& P' h9 ^according to IEC 61347-Series8 z( {3 _/ V8 {* m( A
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-28 09:23 | 只看该作者
Annex X


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-28 11:00 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 qsin 于 2012-10-24 14:57 编辑
3 }% ~% B0 M9 {6 x6 k
7 I9 ?6 @' o4 W做这行的,必须要跟进啊!这样才能对企业有更好的应变能力!
+ h9 o0 H- M, j5 f2 O
: O+ T2 R# v( i; g, T7 ^$ s6 s) l3 h; u$ q7 W  u

! |8 p8 Z* [& g
( t0 D! j; i% T8 {
5 a- O: |* A7 w) u2 j0 [. y
) _9 c# S; [# t. p7 U


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