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[插头插座] 瑞士插头新标准SEV1011:2009变更内容

发表于 2012-7-9 13:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 13400010226 于 2012-7-9 13:14 编辑
1 M( @9 b( h3 h& R8 {- R  B: ~" D4 o( k! T
attach]74304[/attach]3 |' p2 r: v5 I
thanks for your E-Mail and the request mentioned the renewal of the S+ authorization for the plugs ZH-31, ZH-32 and ZH-33.
; p$ V5 h9 e; t2 F) ?/ F
5 e  u! `& G9 e7 U$ c* z7 `4 A) tPlease note following.2 \3 g" e4 b  ]$ p- S  _
The standard SEV 1011 changed in December 2009 from SEV 1011:98 to SEV 1011:09. In the new standard the plugs CH-type 11 and CH-type 12 have part insulated pins, the other plugs and socket outlets should be still the same. During the transition period until 2012/12/31 it is possible to produce plugs and socket outlets according both standards. From 2013/01/01 the plugs and socket outlets have to be produced according SEV 1011:09. You have the possibility to produce and import plugs according SEV 1011:98 with solid pins to Switzerland until 2012/12/31. A information sheet is attached .
Your company has already a S+ authorization 11.0135 for the plugs ZH-31 and ZH-32 with part insulated pins according SEV 1011:09.
; r" b) G. X& Y: B- {" C" E
Do you also have already an updated certificate/test report for the plug ZH-33 according SEV 1011:09. This plug is still with solid pins, but has to meet the requirements of SEV 1011:2009.
  k2 h6 g6 ]/ c7 h/ @( c& R
Do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

1 T, l- R. x% l# A8 b* K5 f6 g
以上是标准的截图翻译过来大概是以下意思:1、瑞士插头型式11和12在插头Pin脚上的采用半绝缘结构,请参考标准SEV1011:2009的SEV 6534-2和 SEV6533-2
4 b( E( G2 S' M7 \- N2、旧版标准SEV 1011:1991的插头和插座在2012年12月31日后不可申请测试及销售到市场) X, P, m$ L+ |* P7 M2 _' w
3、新版标准SEV 1011:2009的插头插座现在就可以测试和销售
, _* T, v- e6 a: G4、有以下插头和插座的标准页已修订:型式11,12,13,21,23,15,25
  o1 k: v5 i7 d4 t7 [5、2016年12月31日后,参照SEV 1011 6534-1页的12型式插座不可以销售到市场: i- p5 K+ Q" G* Q! y" Q  @

9 u/ g. l- p9 J. I! u
. w. m  D" u% d3 i7 i( m
( \% l/ J% m2 g8 A! p" T


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发表于 2014-12-29 09:02 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-12-29 09:22 | 显示全部楼层
标准的欧洲插头是否在瑞士能用呢?$ z% D( h% |$ {/ N4 ]1 i# s
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发表于 2014-12-29 13:31 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-8-21 11:22 | 显示全部楼层
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