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[美洲标准产品] 美标测试电压力锅的内容

发表于 2012-7-1 12:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
发表于 2012-7-1 15:48 | 只看该作者
29 Pressure Vessels and Parts Subject to Pressure . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
; Y# i3 |5 Z1 F' I) [29.1 Except as noted in 29.2, a pressure vessel having an inside diameter of more than 6 inches (152( |+ R6 o& ~, `
mm) and subject to a gauge pressure of more than 15 lbf/in2 (103 kN/cm2) shall be certified by the
" F) r: [3 L1 O6 W; L9 M, ^3 l! `National Board of Boiler and Pressure-Vessel Inspectors and marked in accordance with the appropriate! @2 j" L) s, y* E/ N+ g8 ]
boiler and pressure vessel code symbol of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) (²H²,* k0 }; T! `% z  V( U# R% X! ~
²M², ²S², or ²U²) for a working pressure not less than the pressure determined by applying 29.3.7 s) [/ _. @3 c" @. H- A& x
29.2 If a pressure vessel, because of its application, is not covered under the inspection procedures of
5 y: P9 _' i4 h0 T. Zthe ASME code, it shall be designed and constructed so that it complies with the requirements in 29.3.
1 n6 n  @, k( @. b29.3 Except as noted in 29.4 and 29.5, a part that is subject to air or vapor pressure (including the vapor
3 ~) V) d* T: a' y2 [( ipressure in a vessel containing only a superheated fluid) during normal or abnormal operation shall6 G( U3 Z- m" @1 E, ?( q
withstand without bursting or leaking a pressure equal to the highest of the following that is applicable:6 U  Q. l) m" L) i- G4 W) z
a) Five times the pressure corresponding to the maximum setting of a pressure-reducing valve
# f# n0 x  {( t& f0 q6 pprovided as part of the assembly, but no more than five times the marked maximum supply0 Z4 K) E" B4 J1 I4 F
pressure from an external source and no more than five times the pressure setting of a
/ ?# o( h+ v; i; @; a# |pressure-relief device provided as part of the assembly.) Z" j# u7 w3 v0 q/ y; s. b
b) Five times the marked maximum supply pressure from an external source, except as
* X4 J4 Z  W" J# b7 h5 _provided in (a).
7 ^! s1 B/ v! g( n& h# Qc) Five times the pressure setting of a pressure-relief device provided as part of the assembly.' `, n8 p% j; u) }3 t6 O
d) Five times the maximum pressure that can be developed by an air compressor that is part of; z" e3 ~+ {- d$ Q
the assembly, unless the pressure is limited by a pressure-relief device in accordance with (a).
1 z7 w4 x: O8 ~9 B7 J% L/ |e) Five times the working pressure marked on the part.
0 x1 h/ l; ]* L29.4 A test need not be performed to determine whether a part complies with the requirement in 29.3 if/ b7 m: @5 T: p( Y
study and analysis indicate that the strength of the part is adequate for the purpose as a result of its
) k* q+ y8 H0 \. t" h1 s+ E2 e) zmaterial and dimensions – for example, copper or steel pipe of standard size and provided with standard% m9 M" m  H( X) [
fittings might be considered to have adequate strength.7 c% S( M# q0 `, {. q2 H; E
29.5 A pressure vessel bearing the ASME code inspection symbol (²H², ²M², ²S², or ²U²) is considered
# f" D( Y2 g: ]! U' }to comply with the requirement in 29.3 if the vessel is marked with a value of working pressure not less) M1 J% q- V( C) K5 ]7 m2 r3 \* E
than that to which it is subject during normal or abnormal operation.7 {$ W$ j7 z) Y% n# }
29.6 If a test is necessary to determine whether a part complies with the requirement in 29.3, two samples
+ t  E: {1 T) l2 Sof the part are to be subjected to a hydrostatic-pressure test. Each sample is to be filled with water as to8 r# {) \: {. J" }
exclude air and is to be connected to a hydraulic pump. The pressure is to be raised gradually to the5 |1 d" N3 d6 X' t
specified test value and is to be held at that value for 1 minute. The results are not acceptable if either
# L' r/ G* T, P3 p7 V) L. dsample bursts or leaks, except as indicated in 29.7.& ^9 L2 z0 O: ~4 C+ _8 p: Z6 @
29.7 Leakage at a gasket during the hydrostatic-pressure test is not unacceptable unless it occurs at a% ?  S& H0 v+ A; l/ A
pressure 40 percent or less of the required test value.
5 H" b! n* Q8 k29.8 A means for relieving pressure shall be provided for all parts in which pressure might be generated) J! ]- s" F/ V
in the event of fire.0 C( h6 q$ f. N8 B& T( R
29.9 Pressure-relief devices (see 29.15), fusible plugs, soldered joints, nonmetallic tubing, or other
% e7 i1 Y3 Z! ~2 q3 ?pressure-relief means or the equivalent may be employed to comply with the requirements in 29.8.- b0 L! ~/ H' Y% b% b) w
29.10 There shall be no shut-off valve between the pressure-relief means and the parts that it is intended
% B% s1 {0 [5 i: z! Y& Lto protect.
" ~7 x( J0 d1 _& \4 `1 C& ]) Z. c29.11 A vessel having an inside diameter of more than 3 inches (76.2 mm) and subject to air or steam
7 U& i4 M" ~0 K' F% zpressure generated or stored within the appliance shall be protected by a pressure-relief device.
9 D, _( m, L7 {29.12 The start-to-discharge pressure setting of the pressure-relief device shall not be higher than the
9 Y' N- Y$ q4 ]# eworking pressure marked on the vessel. The discharge rate of the device shall acceptably relieve the
; K# U0 u9 `; R+ s5 r, e, gpressure.) D* |) s+ e6 \8 E9 q" s+ n, F, r
29.13 A pressure-relief device shall comply with all four of the following:. H6 L7 P. D. k# r8 W6 ]( Z  Y
a) Shall be connected as close as possible to the pressure vessel or parts of the system that it
6 M  x& K7 E1 i1 vis intended to protect;; ~- F$ K# a7 }9 }
b) Shall be installed so that it is readily accessible for inspection and repair and cannot be! Q: K5 N5 H1 a' r1 z1 {
readily rendered inoperative;7 K1 Z- N+ E& P8 D" q
c) Shall have its discharge opening located and directed so that the risk of scalding is reduced
- a& x- ?3 h: T; Fto a minimum; and
8 |$ e& e1 S* Ud) Shall have its discharge opening located and directed so that operation of the device does
! M& g* v, f+ L9 X$ _7 R9 Wnot deposit moisture on bare live parts or on insulation or components affected detrimentally by
9 u+ i: ?9 d& M3 V: K. l' W6 bmoisture.# d, [! g& O( e4 u8 {
29.14 A pressure-relief device having an adjustable setting shall be judged on the basis of its maximum( z7 U: c' K0 T' L' F2 D* Y
setting unless the adjusting means is sealed at a lower setting.
4 E3 w  t" v0 M: i8 \29.15 A pressure-relief device is considered to be a pressure-actuated valve or rupture member intended+ O1 Y7 _4 r; ^4 j2 `9 e6 |
to relieve excessive pressures automatically.' A$ [2 N6 R9 }/ w
29.16 Where a pressure relief device is required, the control responsible for limiting the pressure in the
. O% G8 Z4 {2 w9 ~& Cvessel shall be capable of performing under rated load for 100,000 cycles of operation and shall prevent
4 V2 I/ ?+ {/ y) m# Jthe pressure from exceeding 90 percent of the relief device setting under any condition of normal. i+ R! D3 [: w& s+ G& R; L
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-3 08:38 | 只看该作者
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