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[短文] 求职节目:荧屏内外有别

发表于 2012-6-26 10:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
A 32-year-old contestant, Guo Jie suddenly fainted following a series of questions from a panel of company executives on the job-hunting program Only you which aired on Tianjin TV recently.
在前不久播出的由天津电视台录制的求职节目《非你莫属》现场, 32岁的求职者郭杰在Boss团一系列问题的攻势下突然晕倒。
Instead of helping to pick him up, the TV host asked Guo: “Are you putting on a show?”
The panel had raised tough questions about the authenticity of his diplomas, as well as his level of French language proficiency.
Later, Kai-fu Lee, chairman and CEO of Innovation Works, launched a petition on Sina Weibo, calling on the public to boycott the TV program.
The reason cited was that both the TV host Zhang Shaogang, and the employers “did not give due respect to the interviewees” and “sent a negative message to job seekers”.
By June 11, more than 300, 000 micro blog users had cast votes to give support to Li, which accounts for 94.1 percent of all voters.
This has sparked comment on whether TV shows could act as models for real-life job recruitment, either for students or HRs.
Some argued that both the interviewers and interviewees were exaggerating and only trying to win over the audience.
Many company HRs who have been closely following the programs gave their opinions.
Tian Huang, the human resource director in Yulong Computer Telecommunication Scientific (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd asked us to be more critical of the content.
“A system modeled on a TV show could possibly be adopted as a recruitment tool,” he said.
“But I also noticed one common problem was that some bosses were not using the correct methods to gauge the ability of potential recruits.”
According to Tian, employers in this type of TV show seldom look beyond the “hard qualifications” like the diplomas people hold.
But in real life, employers would pay greater attention to a candidate’s “softer, behavior-based skills”, like innovation ability. They would allow candidates much more time to demonstrate what they can offer to a company.
HR experts also pointed out that, in a real-life interview candidates often needed to work in teams to tackle tasks that test their business acumen. But there’s seldom a group procedure on TV.
Zhou Mingjian, human resource expert in Job1001.com has criticized such programs, saying that they depict college graduates in a bad light.
Panels tend to make hasty or negative judgment of graduate contestants, based only on answers to one or two questions.
In Zhou’s company, recruitment processes generally involve application form filling, interviews and sometimes even assessment centers.
Many firms also ask candidates to take online personality tests as well as games that challenge their ability to handle information and numbers.
In the meantime, interviewees on the show tend to overact.
Zhu Zhenshi, a director in Shenzhen TV station said that candidates were often too eager to seek favor with the audience or judges.
They would act in an inappropriate way, like arguing with the judge, or displaying skills employers didn’t look for.
“Such actions would not help employers identify your edge over others,” said Zhu.
“TV job-hunting might be a good show full of conflict, but simply applying what you see on the show to a real interview would be risky.”

 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-26 10:50 | 只看该作者
This has sparked comment on whether TV shows could act as models for real-life job recruitment, either for students or HRs.
发表于 2012-6-26 11:00 | 只看该作者
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