請教UL 817 以下標準的中文意思?" K( f- g8 q) b3 @# M e2 a
這抗電弧測試是否只針對連接器呢 ?) U7 b `! ]! H" n0 z
2 q. p+ g, p( \( a7 Z; K4 S! @8 D
14.7 Resistance to arcing test
1 I" o( G6 W4 _14.7.1 The connector fittings that were subjected to 50 cycles of operation in the Overload test described2 ?: d- b" j ^- S2 k. E
in 14.4 shall perform acceptably when subjected to an additional 200 cycles of operation under the
0 x' t/ ]6 Z/ C# Z" uoverload test conditions following the temperature test and the repeated retention of plugs test.+ ~2 Z: o- R3 L& J# c
14.7.2 Alternatively, six representative connector fittings may be subjected to the 50 cycles of operation
* g. U/ i w# C" X; tin the Overload test described in 14.4, followed by the Temperature test and repeated Retention of blades
. E8 S6 ]' r i/ ?0 c: l( Wtest on the connector fittings, and then, to determine resistance to arcing, a second, previously untested. D' o0 K! w$ K2 G
set of connector fittings may be subjected to 250 cycles of operation under the overload-test conditions.
8 t {; q9 c: w5 |# r: m2 G9 y14.7.3 The attachment plug used for this test may be changed after every 50 operations. There shall not; a9 P' @" L% F) s) w
be any sustained flaming of the material in excess of five seconds duration. There shall not be any V4 C ^ f: ~8 x8 O9 W6 J
electrical tracking or the formation of a permanent carbon conductive path that results in a dielectric; @1 V1 D/ O' [
breakdown, as determined by the application of a 60 Hz essentially sinusoidal potential of 1500 V5 i! q, `6 S2 u8 Q8 }% D4 A0 c4 v