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[短文] 好生活没有那么贵

发表于 2012-5-10 13:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Can you imagine treating 12 friends to a meal with only 35 yuan to spend?
Or could you take a trip to Tibet with only 500 yuan in your pocket? Can you imagine producing a short film on a budget of 3,000 yuan?
Well, you might say it’s impossible because these things require loads of money.
But Qiao Xiaodao, a 36-year-old folk artist, proves it’s all possible in his book The Good Life Doesn’t Have to Cost a Fortune.
“People like to say that ‘I will do something once I have got enough cash’, but you should never let money become an obstacle to enjoying a happy life,” he said.
Qiao, a migrant worker who came from a village in Heilongjiang province to Beijing in 1998, has led a cheap but fascinating life.
The welder-turned-artist has put on his own design work exhibition, started a rock band with his (then) 8-year-old nephew, and released his own CD record.
Qiao has demonstrated how “a little bit of thrift, ingenuity and creativity” can go a long way, to creating a good life even without a big budget.
“There’s a misconception that nothing can be done with little money, but actually things can still be accomplished,” he explained.
Qiao’s recipe for success includes finding discarded resources and “doing the most with the least”.
Take buying furniture as an example. If you consult Qiao he will ask you to analyze your situation first.

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-10 13:46 | 只看该作者
If you’re extremely short of funds, he may advise you to go to the 27 secondhand and flea markets that he frequented in Beijing.

That’s just how Qiao furnished his own faddish art studio, with each piece of his furniture costing below 20 yuan on average.

Anyway, a combination of antique pieces provides a stylish environment for him, his friends, and clients to meet up.

Once he gave life to some junk and turned it into art work.

Another time, he laid a table at home and served a dozen, home-cooked dishes. The ingredients, vegetables and meat, cost 35 yuan in the grocery market.

Qiao hopes to make clear that he’s not promoting a cheap life, or asking young people to live like monks.

“I just want people to have the chance to enjoy a comfortable life which is within their reach and costs no more than the money in their pockets,” he said.

In Qiao’s eyes, those who have the idea that it requires a lot of money to live a good life, have misunderstood the meaning of happiness.

As for himself, a good life could be stripped down to its simplest form.

“A happy life in essence means that you are able to feed yourself every day, to have spare money to make your recent dream come true, and to get along well with family members,” said Qiao.

He reckons those who find it hard to be happy have raised the bars too high.

He also warned young people not to put off their dreams for lack of money, since many people spend years struggling to get their career and social status established first.

“After years of struggle, they’ll regret not having taken the opportunity to enjoy life,” he said.

Now, as the founder of Tiny Salt (Weibozhiyan), a café chain and a platform for emerging musicians and artists to showcase their talent in Beijing and Shanghai, he’s giving speeches in 20 colleges nationwide to promote his idea.

Although many students are enchanted by his ideas, some still question if his time or labor consuming low-cost plans have feasibility for all.

Chen Wei, 21, is a junior majoring in German at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing.

She thinks Qiao provides a novel way of thinking.

“His story of surviving the life of the capital is encouraging and warm. It shows that everyone can earn self-esteem with a creative mind.”

发表于 2012-5-10 14:06 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-10 15:24 | 只看该作者
After years of struggle, they’ll regret not having taken the opportunity to enjoy life...
发表于 2012-5-31 09:10 | 只看该作者
it’s all possible
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