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[综合话题] 讨论:电池过充电压为额定输出106% 或可设置的最高电压中106%是怎么来的?

发表于 2012-3-17 11:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The battery charging circuit is adjusted with the battery disconnected to give
106 % of the rated output voltage of the charger, or the maximum charging
voltage available from the charger (without simulation of faults), whichever is
the higher attainable value. The battery is then charged for 7 h.
If the equipment is intended for direct connection to an AC MAINS SUPPLY, the tolerances on RATED
VOLTAGE shall be taken as +6 % and -10 %,(1.4.5   UL60950)
如果设备预定直接与交流电网电源相连接,则除以下情况外额定电压的容差应当为+10%和-10%(1.4.5   GB4943)
52.6 Overcharge test
52.6.1 When connected to a supply circuit adjusted to 106 percent of the test voltage specified in 41.1,
a battery supply of a UPS is to be subjected to 7 hours of overcharging using a fully charged battery. Any
user adjustable controls associated with the charger or charging circuit are to be adjusted for the most
severe charging rate.
Exception No. 1: This requirement does not apply to a UPS to be used with a battery supply that is not
investigated with the UPS.
Exception No. 2: This requirement does not apply to a UPS provided with a regulating circuit preventing
an increase in battery charging current when the ac input voltage is increased from rated value to 106
percent of rated value.
52.6.2 The most severe charging rate referred to in 52.6.1 is the maximum charging rate that does not
cause a thermal or overcurrent protective device to open.
M.4 Overcharge conditions
If a measurement is needed to determine if a battery compartment complies with Clause M.2,
the battery charger shall be connected to a supply circuit adjusted to 106 % of nominal
voltage and then subjected to 7 h of overcharging using a fully charged battery. Any
operator-adjustable controls associated with the charger or charging circuit shall be adjusted
for the most severe charging rate.
Exception 1: This requirement does not apply to a UPS to be used with a battery charger that
is not investigated with the UPS.
Exception 2: This requirement does not apply to a UPS provided with a regulating circuit
preventing an increase in battery charging current and voltage when the a.c. input voltage is
increased from rated value to 106 % of rated value.
During, and at the conclusion of the test, the maximum hydrogen gas concentration shall not
be more than 2 % by volume. Measurements are to be made by sampling the atmosphere
inside the battery compartment at the periods of 2 h, 4 h, 6 h and 7 h during the test. Samples
of the atmosphere within the battery compartment are to be taken at the location where the
greatest concentration of hydrogen gas is likely, using an aspirator bulb provided with the
concentration measurement equipment, or other equivalent means.
发表于 2012-3-17 14:14 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-17 14:52 | 显示全部楼层
xadzkjdxhj 发表于 2012-3-17 14:14 2 V) Q/ {1 Z3 l' O+ h; I
% k- r& ]5 [: n9 z& e& Q& S0 E$ [
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