EN 60950-1(2006)1.1.2 Additional requirements0 p# j- i& F6 o1 o
Requirements additional to those specified in this standard may be necessary for:
6 ^# Y% ~$ v- O5 [% \) l- k− equipment intended for operation in special environments (for example, extremes of
1 `# l7 @2 I/ F- f; B i4 dtemperature; excessive dust, moisture or vibration; flammable gases; and corrosive
/ J9 o- C/ l, F6 x$ Hor explosive atmospheres);
' F& C+ @4 K. P! \! k3 Y! [− electromedical applications with physical connections to the patient;
( R" y. W' V# }8 ~( [− equipment intended to be used in vehicles, on board ships or aircraft, in tropical countries,
5 e1 m% H+ \) @; B& zor at altitudes greater than 2 000 m;− equipment intended for use where ingress of water is possible; for guidance on such- m3 F t0 B$ X+ E" @0 {0 G
requirements and on relevant testing, see Annex T. |