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[短文] 相思之毒,无药可解

发表于 2011-12-28 10:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
在伊甸园项目旗下一礼品店发现相思豆手镯是由比蓖麻毒两倍的相思豆制成之后,伊甸园紧急召回多条“剧毒”相思豆手镯。在发现这些在旅游景点出 售的手镯是由剧毒种子串成之后,相关单位紧急发出警告,将其尽数召回。在英国康沃尔郡的伊甸园项目,今年售出2800条这种手链,其36个零售点正在敦促 顾客将这些红黑色的“腕间杀手”退回。
Thousands of 'deadly' seed bracelets recalled after Eden Project gift shop reveals they are made from beans twice as toxic as RICIN. An alert has gone out for the recall of thousands of beaded bracelets sold in tourist attractions after it emerged they are made from a highly toxic seed.
The Eden Project in Cornwall, which sold 2,800 in a year, is one of 36 retailers urging customers to return the red and black wrist charms.
They are made from the Jequirity bean - a deadly seed of the plant abrus precatorious which contains the toxin abrin, a controlled  substance under the Terrorism Act.
It can kill if just 3 micrograms is swallowed, 75 times smaller than a fatal dose of ricin to which it is related. It is twice as toxic as the chemical warfare agent.
The symptoms of poisoning are acute gastroenteritis with vomiting, diarrhea, shock and potentially fatal kidney failure.
People who have bought the bracelets are being urged to bag them and then wash their hands and avoid touching their eyes. They are being offered refunds by the stores.
The Eden Project in St Austell was selling the bracelets, which originated from Peru, for about a year before one of the attraction's own horticulturists spotted the poisonous seeds.
All remaining stocks have now been removed from its shelves and the item has not been sold through the company's online store. 'We have been advised that in an extreme case, if these seeds are chewed or ingested, it is very dangerous and potentially lethal.'
The Jequirity bean is commonly used in jewellery in West Africa and is thought to ward off witchcraft in the Obeah religion.
Its toxin is chemically more powerful than ricin, the poison used by the Bulgarian secret police to assassinate dissident Georgi Markov with a pellet-tipped umbrella.
There are three recorded cases of Jequirity beans killing children who swallowed them in the US, and there are cases of death by finger-prick among jewellery makers who jab themselves while boring through the seeds with needles. There is no known antidote.

 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-28 10:54 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-12-28 10:55 | 只看该作者
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