"Equipment shall be so designed that, at an OPERATOR-accessible external point of disconnection of a MAINS SUPPLY, the risk of electric shock from stored charge on capacitors connected in the equipment is reduced. No test for shock hazard is required unless the nominal voltage of the MAINS SUPPLY exceeds 42,4 V peak or 60 V d.c.
: w+ J+ c, e6 VEquipment is considered to comply if any capacitor having a marked or nominal capacitance exceeding 0,1 µF and in a circuit connected to the MAINS SUPPLY。“引自IEC60950 2005 Discharge of capacitors in equipment - E1 D& y4 \4 @
个人理解,标准中规定要做放电测试的1.要由MAINS SUPPLY 供电。
4 m6 `# J& J) \" {7 X7 _ 2.操作人员会因碰到的与MAINS断接装置而产生电击危险。0 M2 A3 n2 y1 u5 E( r& T
3.放电电容大于0.1uf。(放电时间的要求)8 g. X8 G& p& N- a/ n, z8 y
不明白的是,标准中为什么一定要规定是连接到MAINS SUPPLY的情况的呢,比如40Vac-80Vac输入的情况,其输入断接装置时操作人员可触及的,按照标准是不是就可以不做测试了,而如果不控制的话,就有可能造成电击危险了。9 O- l& c. c4 {2 z+ A" n% ^& E# C
刚入行不久,很希望有高手指正,指导。 |