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楼主: bella-bing

[综合话题] UL wiring harness 标签的贴法

发表于 2011-12-8 14:28 | 显示全部楼层
这是必须的, 根本没有商确余地!
发表于 2011-12-8 14:33 | 显示全部楼层
so, firstly, pls check your own UL FUS procedure, if in your FUS procedure, the descrption for the wire and cable assembly is as below:( ~& n3 `- D: i
1. Wire/Cable: R/C (AVLV2/8) AWM, XXXX---> then in this case, no wiring harness label is necessary, but at this time, you must provide the AWM labels;
, o8 z+ i" K0 I$ \7 @2. Wire/ Cable assembly: R/C (ZPMV2/8) wiring harness---->then in this case, wiring harness label is necessary.) _& ?8 Q/ v: v8 g7 z! N
9 L6 N8 ]/ `, h# ?" e* Q4 r
Finally, from my side, the first option is the normal one, and in this case, if your wiring harness has its own label(UL764), then that'll be perfect, but if you don't have the wiring harness labels, then the AWM(UL758) label is also can be accepted, and what the auditor want to verify is to confirm the cable&harness is UL recognized, and have the right labels attached.
发表于 2011-12-8 14:37 | 显示全部楼层
So two options you can select:
$ b/ y1 W% Q( o- i+ q1. Provide the AWM(UL758) labels to UL auditor, and let him know the cable is UL R/C, and has UL758 labels attached;# c) i7 Y, z8 ^7 q1 R* D
2. Provide the Wiring Harness(UL764) labels to UL auditor, and let him know the cable+connector is UL R/C, and has UL764 labels attached, but in this case, make sure that, the right harness lable is used, as per your description, if the cable is multiple strands, then Form N Harness labels should be used, not the Form 1-N.
5 w" y1 d/ L4 C7 L# F2 X8 M6 v+ b$ a# d8 l+ M
Hopefully, it helps.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-8 14:40 | 显示全部楼层
引用第2楼Andrew.Zhao于2011-12-08 11:49发表的  :
2 s2 A$ p+ I3 M4 r) }' W$ E! ~( L首先,你看下你的FUS里的CCL里面有没有对Harness有ZPMV的要求?如果没有,你需要跟做你这个认证的项目工程师确认一下。4 |) ]9 ]0 \2 ~& ]* ?+ Y
你这个产品属于Harness的范围,厂检人员这样要求也是正常的,所以你要确认你的FUS里有没有这个要求。。。$ A4 n: |" X) u6 E4 H9 ^7 Q' F' z
弱弱的问您一下哦,FUS 是什么啊?
发表于 2011-12-8 14:42 | 显示全部楼层
Follow Up Serviece (procedure), that's normally called " UL files"...
发表于 2011-12-8 14:44 | 显示全部楼层
引用第13楼bella-bing于2011-12-08 14:40发表的  :
0 f' ~( }4 z; C. q: w6 [9 d* W1 a* m% L) [( ?
弱弱的问您一下哦,FUS 是什么啊?
发表于 2011-12-8 14:58 | 显示全部楼层
引用第13楼bella-bing于2011-12-08 14:40发表的  :
1 y8 p6 F9 a! w4 ?$ `' b+ |% M& P( ?9 I
弱弱的问您一下哦,FUS 是什么啊?
I believe your FUS procedure only indicates AWM(R/C) is necessary, but during the factory audit, you can not provide the AWM labels to him, here, only show the UL file No. of the cable is not enough, and the AWM labels are also necessary, as you can not provide the AWM labels, then the UL auditor makes it easy, and directly ask you to provide the harness (UL764) labels.
; x' n/ e& L, s
+ j9 a& v  ]" _so you can communicate with UL auditor and let him know you can provide AWM labels, in this case, you need to trace back to your harness suppliers and let your supplier ask its supplier to provide the AWM labels.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-8 15:08 | 显示全部楼层
引用第12楼Andy.Yang于2011-12-08 14:37发表的  :+ Y; B6 h9 Q+ Q! S
So two options you can select:! a: d# T2 C& {8 f. A* j; L+ ^
1. Provide the AWM(UL758) labels to UL auditor, and let him know the cable is UL R/C, and has UL758 labels attached;
' D2 F- Q0 s7 V4 v  `+ X6 m2. Provide the Wiring Harness(UL764) labels to UL auditor, and let him know the cable+connector is UL R/C, and has UL764 labels attached, but in this case, make sure that, the right harness lable is used, as per your description, if the cable is multiple strands, then Form N Harness labels should be used, not the Form 1-N.
8 ?" ~% ~% k" j% |( s
: a1 m: X9 ^1 B- C8 j# Y/ RHopefully, it helps.
Thanks! but we very unluky, Nothing any UL label on the product packaging, The Ethernet cable shoud be applicable to UL 758 standard./ e" \7 @) ~  i1 z
I do not understand is whether can not provide wiring harness label if cabel and plug is same manufacturer?
发表于 2011-12-8 15:08 | 显示全部楼层
Here, I'd like to show some experience about the UL factory inspection as below:
0 o# R+ p! ]+ _" G0 ?# F1. Before the introduction: I wanna show some vocabularies about the factory inspection:
7 f$ b$ E1 ]$ `UL:Underwriters Laboratories
" O, N- y0 N% @7 S# K/ sFUS: Follow Up service9 T! t" h4 N+ l& V
FUS procedure: Follow-up service procedure, which we normally call it the UL certificate, but actually, the first page of this procedure is the real UL certificate.; C# \1 q* N% j  g1 n
Field representative: UL factory auditor
+ |' ^/ A& U( ]2 {) S+ N  TManufacturer representative: the factory representative who's the interface with the UL factory auditor
) @8 P3 ]) R5 F# SType L: one type of the UL products, normally needs to buy labels directly from the UL , but not all* y4 _! i1 T7 ~4 A. {: ^9 C2 }# W
Type R:another type of the UL products, E2 i4 r5 e" w! c! _0 e0 f
0 _# P. L5 h9 q% m, o. }
2. UL inspection frequency:/ J6 x3 h  }2 W- Z2 s' s
For type L: basically, it depends on the output of the factory, that means it depends on the quantity of the UL label which the manufacturer used.
  F2 e5 P3 N) ]4 }0 iFor Type R: normally, four times a year, but for some special products, not four times, but at least one time per year is needed
: I6 ^( F/ r! M# `# N% |
: v' Y% ^3 p2 B  Y+ j$ E3. Construction of the FUS procedure:+ G0 W! f+ _# s3 @: O9 j
Most of the Fus procedures are composed as below:
% q3 n! a. f; B$ a1)Authorization page: that's the first page of the Fus procedure, which generally shows your factory has the right to use the UL mark on your products.
9 r% q# z: _( N/ C* a$ Y2)index page: which show the general information of the products which are authorized by UL that the UL mark can be applied.( c, P! O- X) F* R
2)Sec.Gen.: general description of your products, cause normally, there are many specified sections in your FUS procedure, so the Sec.Gen show some common information of those different sections.
- ?* z2 k" f8 G5 O% S+ Q; u3)Sec.X: X represents the detailed section of your FUS procedure, which show the detailed descrition of the products covered by this section, most of the critical components are described in this section# v6 h" |7 }$ y2 Z  \# ^
4)Fig. and Ill: figures and illustrations which can show some visual information of your products7 q! }+ a  X1 _7 v! ?
5)Test reports: which can show the test items and test methods when your factory applies for the UL approval.
2 q$ R% E+ D% O
& p) F) f4 f* Z( Q- W) x4. Audit areas:
) ^7 {0 m* B/ @* n; U$ GNormally, UL field representive will check five areas:
. A5 n4 Q6 J7 A. S4 g1)production line: to see the specified products and whether there are products with the UL mark on the production line.At this time, the auditor will check the comformance of the components and the online tests, even including the calibration information of the equipments on the production line.
( |5 c" G8 K3 z" o' |( J3 N2)warehouse for the components: when some components can not be verified on the production line, the auditor will check the warehouse to reconfirm the comformance of the components, as well the auditor will check some wire&cable's label which also a very important check item.
$ O; _+ x5 s' U! U7 b3)warehouse for the final products: to check whether there are some products with the UL mark which are not authorized by UL) S' v1 E, [& [' a' q
4)testing area: to verify some test  items which required by UL, including the equipments' calibration information
3 b& @6 m0 T9 W$ l9 ]$ J6 D5) shipping area: to check if  your factory are shipping non-authorized products.
$ V: j% l) G+ f+ x" l5 D+ ~3 g9 h2 X8 i+ k3 n& o9 e
5. Documents for UL auditor use:
( ]# S6 `  Y  {For type L products, the UL auditor will use the related product standards and your FUS procedure, for example, AWM wire, the UL auditor will use below documents:
- M& y) u( Q% p! \* o+ U* S, ^1)UL758, UL1581 standards& Z  L- ?8 s1 o, l1 _; @* u, Q
2)FUS procedure: including the FUII, style page, facing page
' m. Z( _+ ?5 tFor type R products, normally, the auditor only use the FUS procedure, cause they don't have enough time to know each product standards.
& G0 |$ i0 \- l4 e1 ~) S5 M7 r
) A$ a  n# d' P/ Z0 k9 h' Q6. Why VN was issued:
4 j' m2 m, J( X3 I7 vMost of those cases are as follows:' w( a0 L. s2 d4 f4 |7 o
1) nonconformance of critical components, including the raw material, model No. dimensions and etc
. Y& O; w# |# o& R2) noncomformance of the test : including the wrong methods and unqualified calibration 1 \# D- }' |$ M/ ]; l1 z' w
3) noncomformance of the test results: 1 a$ O8 D& }. {& b8 C9 A
4) non-authorization use of the UL mark: apply the UL mark on the products which are not authorized by UL
" }4 s5 u! `  ?9 O+ g. F; q8 u* S2 Q3 n5) nonconformance of the COC documents: can not provide the right traceability documents during the inspection3 Q2 C9 C+ n; P- ~8 ^7 ^& a( @: m. G
6) other special cases: such as the refuse of the inspection and etc...& [  S1 h+ W/ U+ G6 i. f7 T5 g

: ^" c7 M# u( R2 Z+ V7. How to resolve the VN:
( C+ E. F0 N1 G) X6 ANormally, there are three ways to solve the VN, see below:2 D( I* Q' I) [: W9 T
1) Rework under the witness: if VN found, and the VN can be solved in the field, then rework these VN items under the auditor's witness, then ok, X* t! Y$ H1 P9 M0 w4 `7 ~
2) Marking remove: if VN found, and these VN items are not so easy to be resloved in a short time, and you still want to ship these products, then select to remove the UL marking , then ok) N5 i2 {4 k4 `; _
3) Hold shipment: similar with the item 2), and you are not so urgent to ship out the products, or these VN items needs to be evaluated by the UL CAS department, then select to hold shipment until further confirmation was finished. but remember, don't ship out these products without the UL's approval.  h7 r) {) T# G1 j7 \
4 q( s! o& p/ D- t) c
8. Other recommendation:
/ `6 u! K; S8 p( G. J$ }% n1) Don't ship out the products with the UL mark before the IPI(first inspection) was finished: |/ T. G% F+ g7 f) o5 e$ S$ ?8 G
2) Don't show you are so experienced before the UL auditor, even you are a real experienced guy
( @( M' E0 `8 M, a3) If possible, prepare some gifts, or cash for urgent cases
% I4 O. H1 E9 j8 d6 D0 G. m4) Show respects to the UL auditor, even they are rude but not break your bottom line...
 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-8 15:14 | 显示全部楼层
引用第15楼Andrew.Zhao于2011-12-08 14:44发表的  :, x9 J6 ?- X  _9 L) e
# v+ D4 u  M& y. Z5 N7 K
哦 ,有的,刚刚看到了,感谢您和Andy.Yang
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