
楼主 |
发表于 2011-9-9 10:07
引用第3楼a049405于2011-09-09 09:11发表的 :3 Q9 Y! i" H; f8 P4 y! L: e; F! M
IEC60598是有要求的  . S4 d8 a- E& H
4 H( h5 m- z5 `0 E! R你指的是IEC 60598-1: 2008中Clause 5.2.2中的要求嗎:
1 t$ E* l* v1 ` k% S! ZNOTE For supply voltages greater than 250 V, higher voltage grade cables and cords than those given in the above table may be necessary.
+ ?* j6 K" F: c( r9 T2 @+ Q* O. L2 ^
# p) S- ^- O4 _* H8 s' cTo provide adequate mechanical strength, the nominal cross-sectional area of the conductors
3 p' j" h$ R- Y& i( Fshall be not less than:" m/ e" R. h- |: O) [: o6 b+ \2 h
– 0,75 mm2 for ordinary luminaires;/ S& {+ w6 O3 H; `5 i6 r/ z2 B' t
– 1,0 mm2 for other luminaires.5 d- |2 q( ~& j6 S5 J
/ e5 D) F) L" _& R- J, k; E在此處這個要求有指出是針對電源線的,而且還有考慮超過250V的情況,而明顯我手上的此產品是安全低電壓5V1A的,參照這個公用電網電源的標準來要求是否有意義?; M' Y! d% T! ?3 X' z7 z, D8 x
我一個5V1A或5V0.5A的重量30g左右微型的LED控制器,卻偏要配一條超過3倍重量的那麼粗的輸出線看起來會不會很滑稽?3 \9 R( W& j8 A6 s
( T. U5 Y5 X; q+ [6 f而且Clause 5.2.2中有明確指出SELV載流部件不必絕緣4 r" a8 B2 m$ o z" W1 u- b The SELV current-carrying parts do not have to be insulated. However, if insulation is- ^" K% H; \5 z# r
applied, they shall be tested as mentioned in Section 10. |