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[CE认证] 灼热丝测试

发表于 2007-6-1 21:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

2 Q5 k1 b' T& H, x+ w7 c" t大家好,有个问题请教3 j" z# I. M# u5 o+ I# E
发表于 2007-6-1 22:48 | 只看该作者
$ ^3 a5 a) N. ~" ?1 N- r* l做什么标准?
4 e0 n6 ~! r( W7 F胶壳柱子还是奶嘴做650℃?
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-2 08:18 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-6-2 09:12 | 只看该作者
/ t  J- ]  b) {是什么產品?請將問題講明!
发表于 2007-6-2 09:58 | 只看该作者
glow-wire test 的总定义:
3 T# B% p3 q/ p* U  v' N8 K8 U
Parts of non-metallic material shall be resistant to ignition and spread of fire.
0 y8 B' J: K$ \+ u* n. LThis requirement does not apply to decorative trims, knobs and other parts unlikely to be ignited or to propagate flames that originate inside the appliance.    (IEC 60335-1-2006 Clause 30.2)' U5 l9 l* ]" \6 Z. e9 J
9 f& d6 H. }! `
9 o2 Z* J! X; G: z- ^
再看:) i) p0 N! {$ T- H3 D, Y: e

" Q+ W" h" V) X5 I/ p( i/ G30.2.2 For appliances that are operated while attended, parts of non-metallic material supporting current-carrying connections, and parts of non-metallic material within a distance
& u  U) t2 K0 Y+ ~8 n& O# Q6 kof 3 mm of such connections, are subjected to the glow-wire test of IEC 60695-2-11.
$ I- O. ?: X/ D0 f7 P: w( [
However, the glow-wire test is not carried out on parts of material classified as having a glowwire1 v# D: d' H1 a7 ]' A7 g
flammability index according to IEC 60695-2-12 of at least
4 {  p5 ]# q3 C( u7 N– 750 °C, for connections which carry a current exceeding 0,5 A during normal operation,
% J6 |' R0 f8 L+ d3 L$ z– 650 °C, for other connections.
! ?. m! x, |8 z# M5 }) \" C8 ~5 nIf the glow-wire flammability index is not available for a sample with a thickness within
9 A) H6 r, }& R2 D+ J+ Z3 T± 0,1 mm of the relevant part, then the test sample shall have a thickness equal to the nearest2 E; T% F3 w5 u: O- [  C
preferred value specified in IEC 60695-2-12 that is no thicker than the relevant part.- j4 X' s6 d( l: P6 r6 l
NOTE 1 The preferred values in IEC 60695-2-12 are 0,75 mm ± 0,1 mm, 1,5 mm ± 0,1 mm and 3,0 mm ± 0,2 mm.
7 P/ ~; \8 v( ?6 o8 B0 G# yWhere a non-metallic material is within 3 mm of a current carrying connection, but is shielded
, R) W9 K! d2 ]3 D/ ?: Zfrom the connection by a different material, the glow-wire test of IEC 60695-2-11 is carried out
6 [) q3 S% \2 A$ hat the relevant temperature with the tip of the glow-wire applied to the interposed shielding
3 U. L% r. i4 q3 Z: a+ zmaterial with the shielded material in place and not directly to the shielded material.) G6 _! v. _0 ?1 I# ]7 o
When the glow-wire test of IEC 60695-2-11 is carried out, the temperatures are
7 A* K# h5 d$ _  l& F& U5 l7 C* d8 @– 750 °C, for connections that carry a current exceeding 0,5 A during normal operation,/ E( M! ?0 m6 P5 B2 {
– 650 °C, for other connections.$ F$ ^# k8 I( s9 W& Y- s# B; s0 G3 G
NOTE 2 Contacts in components such as switch contacts are considered to be connections.
1 I% y* ]# s2 T7 y/ @( ]0 |# ~NOTE 3 The tip of the glow-wire should be applied to the part in the vicinity of the connection.# L2 I5 F, a1 U( ~3 O# W# J
This test is not applicable to:! g' A" b% K7 U0 L
– parts supporting welded connections;
% p/ q( @8 b- N5 I: C( a1 y" @– parts supporting connections in low-power circuits described in 19.11.1;" e3 Y, ?' u" m' |8 i: \4 K) _
– soldered connections on printed circuit boards;2 |7 r2 a8 `9 z  I
– connections on small components on printed circuit boards;
! ~( Y- Y$ m. R, Y, J, t! Fand parts within 3 mm of any of these connections./ C8 c& A: D8 m' V$ e7 Z
NOTE 4 Examples of small components are diodes, transistors, resistors, inductors, integrated circuits and capacitors not directly connected to the supply mains.
6 m0 I4 y+ |9 v) GIt is also not applicable to:
( F" a7 G" Z2 @+ z– hand-held appliances;
" r2 _# n+ Z3 ?– appliances that have to be kept switched on by hand or foot;
% u3 a% P. J* |" ^2 L– appliances that are continuously loaded by hand. 0 G. a& r6 T, C) _7 i
(IEC 60335-1-2006 Clause 30.2.2)
发表于 2007-6-2 10:13 | 只看该作者
引用第3楼yyfyqzy于2007-06-02 08:18发表的  :
- N$ {- X7 x2 k+ a7 @" B洗脚盆,说奶咀要做灼热测试,做CE
这个肯定要做灼热丝的啊7 L, ~+ i+ o# a; T( w4 G
就是根据有人无人照看' t( J) V% f/ r% @4 F7 ~+ w
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-2 11:04 | 只看该作者
哦,他是说根据EN60335-1 Clause30.2.2规定,$ ]) f$ F2 C1 g5 r
发表于 2007-6-2 13:47 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-2 14:12 | 只看该作者
引用第8楼wiltoncou于2007-06-02 13:47发表的  :# W6 Y6 j3 S* G5 ]1 q& g# C
3 ]: G+ \' G! y& R$ E

" H7 {8 ]* [- o1 k$ c/ E5 P
" h/ t, f4 q7 ^7 C, w$ @我意思是说,套上纤维管,因为纤维管可以通过650度的灼热测试,这样就没有安全问题了,如不套那很可能过不了。
发表于 2007-6-2 16:18 | 只看该作者
引用第9楼yyfyqzy于2007-06-02 14:12发表的  :
, ^5 w/ M3 U* Y, y6 O- D( r& m
% i) y/ X* O5 J
0 ~/ m. v4 j* p2 _& ~" V3 R
0 ^" u; W' S0 A3 \2 t9 G) \% q7 {9 l2 o3 b2 ^6 _8 u9 h
' N- O% d6 K& g6 t/ l或者买认证过的
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