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[招聘] 猎头招聘小家电安规工程师,上海!

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发表于 2011-6-29 15:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
+ B% _1 Y( k1 ~! K7 r& p工作地点:上海
7 K% L4 j4 Z# e, P& |待遇:10000元/月以上:& v/ A$ w2 S! r% f5 w. f$ B  |

' M% l7 q) \5 @% k3 q5 w职位关键点:8 ]: e/ r" v- f0 x  G0 [+ q, i
熟悉小家电安全规定(欧标&美标),尤其是美标9 Z# a; w1 e( H4 O
5 i* z2 [; ]! W) h三年以上的工作经验
. J9 I# }# ?# D: [, q$ U0 J& E: J! E! C8 [
Competencies needed
: h$ J5 }: Y3 u; {" u- Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical/Electronic Engineering or similar knowledge level.7 n! }; W" R" [0 Y8 B; s1 m" e6 ^
- Strong safety knowledge (IEC & UL)
$ G) O# ]4 d0 [2 }9 O! n# f- Strong ability to deal with/learn international test/safety standards.
/ I' g2 u% x7 Y5 D) Q( B7 g- Creative and pro-active in translating knowledge from testing result into proposals for improvements.
) W: \7 w" V+ X, Q' X- Several years of experience in small appliances safety certification/testing.+ c' i0 K. H; `) R4 o
- Good interpersonal and communication skills (oral, written and presentations).0 _" P7 M" [6 ^  b5 t; Q
- Strong capabilities to communicate with management and colleagues in the own product organization, as well as external suppliers, testing institutes and service centers.7 Y$ O0 c4 y: W  B
- Organized and a structured way of working.
3 y3 A0 P4 ^0 y4 M& P: j$ x# [- Team player.3 o. d4 ~2 W2 o! z- ]
- Attracted by working in a multinational environment with different cultures.
: V8 l% x- m3 Y1 O" x- Prepared to travel (national and international)
5 k6 e# t- [( Q7 T6 f7 P
, K# p3 X" c' \) eKey operational responsibilities
- c) {4 V! l* ~  W" v9 S# K# NAs a Safety Engineer your main tasks will be to;( f' |; ^% y- G3 e1 _
- Be responsible for safety tests/certification of small appliances.
* g5 W# b9 J4 J' v% p- Be the safety consultant of small appliances.
5 C0 f) r3 d' K6 C( ~2 V) h0 E- Communicate with testing institutes to deal with the certification/safety test problems.6 G, P: M/ p- U) V7 g% N; J) S/ ]
- Test according to IEC/UL and national standard8 y# D  B3 @3 }
- Guide/instruct the team members in the right way to perform safety tests.+ z4 u# S! p6 N. N* D! e
- Check instructions for use and do corresponding adjustments and/or additions.
9 g4 p" T- Q) \1 ?- Plan the lab activities and time required for the tests
2 G/ A0 L+ o0 A) n' c) g7 F- Evaluate test results and create new solutions and improvements.
) p/ ~8 c/ Z; B* @" h8 x& z
+ B/ S: ^& t9 T( P; f联系方式:Ruth.zhuo@shiningcareer.com.cn2 }1 \2 o- R/ k0 B. j9 I" \

: k& D4 E  g* b电话:010-82780996-8009
发表于 2011-6-29 15:10 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-6-29 15:20 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-6-29 15:22 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-6-29 15:28 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-6-29 15:51 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-7-7 17:18 | 只看该作者
据说工资是1W+4 [% J, }& D6 q. V7 X5 C
0 ~, s7 K" m1 i美规要熟) y& u1 u, A  b  y: y" Z8 q& A
英文要好& z! v- b# P( M7 P3 I5 h7 w% ^

7 f* v* B5 L2 N 可惜了,在上海,去的话要背井离乡啊
发表于 2011-7-7 17:25 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-7-8 00:16 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-7-8 09:33 | 只看该作者
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