这个叫UL 结,很多UL标准都要过35Lbs 或20Lbs吊重测试 ,如果能过则可不用这个结。
9 `9 W0 O; V& Q1 }: ]. P0 i! p8 u! ]3 y. G+ Z, i& k. Z
如UL 859就这样要求:
( ^% G+ ~; W" |6 u0 ]41 Strain Relief Test
2 R1 ~$ m% T) j. w j/ B41.1 The strain relief means provided on an attached flexible cord, when tested in accordance with 41.2,shall withstand for 1 minute a pull of 35 pounds force (156 N) applied to the cord.2 V# Z+ W! B$ D2 B
Exception: In the case of a hand-held appliance having a mass of 1/2 pound (227 g) or less, exclusive of the cord, the pull applied to the cord shall be 20 pounds force (89 N).
3 E. R) u6 L* K* \) r; L- z/ @* c41.2 The connections of the cord inside the appliance are to be disconnected. The specified force is to be applied to the cord and so supported by the appliance that the strain relief means will be stressed from any angle that the construction of the appliance permits. At the point of disconnection of the conductors,there shall not be movement of the cord to indicate that stress on the connections would have resulted. |