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[音视频产品] 不可分离薄层材料的测试装置

发表于 2011-1-27 09:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
6 m. h% t# v) U8.22 Test specifications of non-separable thin sheet material) L6 F) m% ^* q
Compliance is checked by subclause 26.3 in IEC 61558-1or by the following:
; E0 j5 E- |3 q; t1 ~8 q( nThree test samples, each individual sample consisting of three or more layers of non-separable
* n3 d& {, x/ Q7 Nthin sheet material forming REINFORCED INSULATION, are used. One sample at a time is fixed to
. }) C( }2 D) m& `; @/ \0 I5 O8 Tthe mandrel of the test fixture (Figure 14) as shown in Figure 15.; J: B0 t, U/ Y# i( E$ Y* h
Copyright InternationalA downward force of 150 N ± 10 N is applied to the free end of the sample (see Figure 16),# s' n$ f1 t/ V! }) ?
using an appropriate clamping device. The mandrel is rotated by hand without jerks
: ?$ _5 W: ]% X8 D' q– from the initial position (Figure 15) to the final position (Figure 16) and back;
+ ]# y: y; `# `/ p, g# \8 S, G% b– as above for the second time;
: B: h- V; q' R: u# i& M# s– from the initial position to the final position.
; }# C$ ]! V0 E4 c$ G3 [0 LIf a sample breaks during rotation where it is fixed to the mandrel or the clamping device, this
; K* \% P! }& d' gdoes not constitute a failure and the test is repeated on a fresh sample. If a sample breaks at$ e* I4 y, A. u- n2 b/ C
any other place, the test has failed.: J/ ?3 O3 m2 ]+ n# z# R
After this preconditioning, a sheet of metal foil, 0,035 mm ± 0,005 mm thick, at least 200 mm" M% B  c& [2 C4 ?; p) j( h, L
long, is placed along the surface of the sample, hanging down on each side of the mandrel% h5 N* ?! w/ n0 F  v# ]
(see Figure 16). The surface of the foil in contact with the sample shall be conductive, not
$ z% |: R. v7 Xoxidised or otherwise insulated. The foil is positioned so that its edges are not less than 18 mm& l+ f7 R% |/ ]( U: t' S
from the edges of the sample (see Figure 17). The foil is then tightened by two equal weights,6 `2 Z& z" I4 H( h
one at each end, using appropriate clamping devices.
' b. R6 a+ j1 O2 ?8 cWhile the mandrel is in its final position, and within the 60 s following the final positioning, a
0 _* f" ]/ ^2 C+ ?) cdielectric strength test is applied between the mandrel and the metal foil in accordance with; y+ M/ t# l7 H: T
10.3.2, using a test voltage of 1,5 times the value specified in Table 5 for REINFORCED
( _& [+ |" |% _INSULATION, but not less than 5 kV.
4 F" A3 G6 d; o* x. XThe entire test procedure is repeated on the other two samples.7 u0 u& m/ y& O( \# Q: }! R
No flashover or breakdown shall occur during the test; corona effects and similar phenomena being disregarded.
4 V, |* R3 O" _4 b

: ^# S" {& P5 B6 ?6 U9 L有没有哪位筒子熟悉这个新设备的,或者有相关图片介绍下,谢谢
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