SCN-supply code number, 需要是澳洲公司或者在澳洲注册的公司(两者没啥区别好像?)向ACMA申请使用权,之后无论什么产品,只要有EMC报告在手就可以使用的。是对商品的supplyer进行追溯用的一个标记。如果你们是中国供应商的话,确保你被澳洲企业授权使用SCN即可。ACMA网站上原文如下:
5 b+ M. T7 U, u: dThe EME Labelling Notice requires that the C-Tick, RCM or A-Tick compliance label includes the identification of the manufacturer, importer or their agent. The options for this identification are:: x3 z: e7 V# S9 b6 s# i
) {/ b W5 @7 M- c: Y! c6 W$ p0 c
a business name and address in Australia;
$ Z6 A+ w7 S8 ra business name registered on the national business register;2 N3 S. }' A/ V- X/ K4 H& a
a personal name and address in Australia of the place of business;& u% U. D# W4 K# ~: W
an Australian company number (ACN);) G* ~" @ N' z$ G2 x
an Australian registered body number;( F a9 w. j A, @4 {3 C
an Australian business number (ABN);
; s( t6 f/ s: d; {7 Ean Australian registered trademark; or) ^3 _! G4 Y! P
the supplier code number issued by the ACMA (on application to the ACMA) if using the C-Tick or A-Tick, or by Standards Australia if using the RCM.7 M; l2 s7 u* F, ?* Y; F) c
5 _9 h8 l. u2 E) l
出处:acma.gov.au/WEB/STANDARD/pc=PC_1821,记得在最前面加3个W。 |