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[IEC标准产品] 蒸汽烫斗

发表于 2010-7-30 15:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
请问各位大大,蒸汽烫斗的支架是否同时可以是一个功能配件 如:毛刷板?如图放置功能时,蒸汽开口处加一个塑胶片! GS规格的电源线最短要求是否为1.8m?底板处加电压调节开关(110V-230V)是否合理?


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发表于 2010-7-30 17:56 | 显示全部楼层
For pressurized steam irons, the maximum pressure occurring during the test of
4 S8 u# j3 F- I7 `: AClause 11 with the boiler filled but without steam emission, is measured. All pressureregulating
7 E' i) Q$ p6 z( ^1 z. V% {6 Jdevices that operated during the test are rendered inoperative and the pressure
+ |7 O, z1 i/ a- X7 ~shall not exceed three times the previously measured value. Any pressure-limiting protective' F2 T* m7 l$ X. Z  h) X5 J% z
device is then rendered inoperative and the pressure in the boiler is raised hydraulically to"9 q- d4 _  t; b) p
BS EN 60335-2-3:2002+A2:2008
; B4 g  S) m! U9 iPage 14
6 I/ L) M/ U2 b$ d% i1 _( T, XCopyright European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
' |4 X  _1 m. g9 m6 N7 W, xProvided by IHS under license with CENELEC
8 j2 j% E7 E/ TNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
% l  u! _' A6 L7 {( `  U! j--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
$ t8 D9 \1 i  [" @, E2 K0 ], m!five times the pressure measured originally or twice the pressure measured with the
$ U; r8 ~0 |  rpressure-regulating devices rendered inoperative, whichever is higher. This pressure is6 g& s+ V% X0 D, F( Y4 V
maintained for 1 min. There shall be no leakage from the appliance."
: ?$ _6 ]7 `6 s$ O8 _% M, CPressurized steam irons in which the device regulating the steam supply is within the boiler are operated
) `5 N, {# f+ Z# }' D) J# G& w" ~# Ras specified in Clause 11 but with all pressure-regulating devices operating during the test of Clause 11- Q" M6 c2 e3 J" i( i! D
rendered inoperative. All vents in the soleplate are sealed and the device regulating the steam supply
* ^9 E5 a# j& n  D6 X5 C4 p* Qis opened. There shall be no leakage from the hose except at an intentionally weak place within the
% A# ]4 A; q0 J& s- F5 Yenclosure of the boiler. If this occurs, the test is repeated on another appliance that shall also leak in the
9 F" t- N* h1 I' H9 E! G( v* ^same way.
% n2 K+ @. [3 B& q0 B, F7 R5 sAll vents in the soleplate of instantaneous steam irons are sealed and the pressure in the water reservoir# j. K3 a+ I7 S# o
is raised hydraulically until the pressure-limiting protective device operates. The pressure shall not: r" z% z# T( b1 i
exceed 50 kPa. The outlet through the protective device is then sealed and the pressure is raised to 1003 c; m% ^, b1 b9 U* c! p
kPa and maintained at this value for 1 min. !There shall be no leakage from the appliance."
发表于 2010-7-30 18:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-7-31 16:07 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-31 20:36 | 显示全部楼层
引用第3楼kkkkk于2010-07-31 16:07发表的  :
4 _, z" \1 a" K$ O* \% K* c那个开关的位置不是很妥吧。潮气大呀
发表于 2010-8-1 11:12 | 显示全部楼层
那样的电压转换开关按60335-1的要求应该是不接受:* N- U/ }- K+ x* \% @1 A+ z5 z
22.43 Appliances which can be adjusted for different voltages shall be constructed so that
$ E# d1 ?0 ?0 X: o3 Z" X/ Laccidental changing of the setting is unlikely to occur.7 z& @" C: R0 k* C
 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-1 21:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-8-3 09:39 | 显示全部楼层
7 j4 `6 L& s; A" S5 e那个毛刷板应该只是个可拆卸的部件
 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-3 11:55 | 显示全部楼层
引用第7楼zylyr于2010-08-03 09:39发表的  :
: W9 ^1 A% R: a0 e( @5 F3 p/ K不明的楼主说的功能配件是什么意思?3 [: T  X( g9 C! x$ e0 F7 B9 ?, w
发表于 2010-8-6 14:07 | 显示全部楼层
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