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楼主: gordon

[插头插座] 美式三插

发表于 2010-6-28 14:38 | 显示全部楼层
你们厂家肯定要报备的,在他的ul 档案里面会有附件说明,你们也要备案的,不然抽查肯定会开vn 的
发表于 2010-6-28 14:41 | 显示全部楼层
我也相信需要报备.: B* S0 c( Z" w: A& x- A( R  H
% L' e3 y# O+ g* E
但我有个问题: 1. 如果电源插头供应商第一次就给你送已经更改了尺寸又没有报备的插头;5 R4 F0 N( |5 K; Q& i: N: O: p0 G
                          2. 同时更新了规格书;, s3 ~. Q& J3 ?3 y! v0 C6 z- @; q- j
                          3. 你在UL网站上查UL File No.也是有效的;
9 V; ]$ `7 |  ?+ u
. c8 y0 d( M/ y  ~那如何去控制呢?
发表于 2010-6-28 14:56 | 显示全部楼层
引用第11楼andychen于2010-06-28 14:41发表的  :! U* R/ k. e2 e" x- ^3 o
, n, w5 A- m. L  e7 @) e+ y+ w# y  [; n) R& q2 ~6 V, `
但我有个问题: 1. 如果电源插头供应商第一次就给你送已经更改了尺寸又没有报备的插头;( t6 `% U% R) p4 U8 R
                          2. 同时更新了规格书;1 E9 c  |% E8 W. C
                          3. 你在UL网站上查UL File No.也是有效的;2 n, p% Q7 h4 r9 W% r, m. a% M! c2 y
Your know there is detailed description about the attachment plug in the FUS procedure, and there is an agreement between UL and its clients that the products must fulfill the description of its FUS procedure, so if revision occurs, it must be reevaluated by UL, even if only paper work,no additional tests are needed. As for the UL file No. can be checked through UL's website, I can tell you that the UL website only shows some general information about the products, such as the model No. and the marking description, that does not mean you can change your products as your will if the Model No. is not changed.
% Z3 F! y, \  D; R+ a. Z3 G" m7 p; C9 a6 D6 X, e+ ~
Make a conclusion that, as a certification engineer, you must focus on every change or redesign about your products and then compare these revisions with your FUS procedure and the related standards , check if the revision can fulfill the description about its FUS procedure or can fulfill the standards' requirements.
发表于 2010-6-28 15:10 | 显示全部楼层
引用第12楼Andy.Yang于2010-06-28 14:56发表的  :
3 H) c& N, U5 s8 R: @% `+ {& ~1 A! ]/ k( v7 s" N/ D
Your know there is detailed description about the attachment plug in the FUS procedure, and there is an agreement between UL and its clients that the products must fulfill the description of its FUS procedure, so if revision occurs, it must be reevaluated by UL, even if only paper work,no additional tests are needed. As for the UL file No. can be checked through UL's website, I can tell you that the UL website only shows some general information about the products, such as the model No. and the marking description, that does not mean you can change your products as your will if the Model No. is not changed.$ d. m4 G9 L& i- s5 O1 ?
' U3 f# n2 Y, g& _$ |
Make a conclusion that, as a certification engineer, you must focus on every change or redesign about your products and then compare these revisions with your FUS procedure and the related standards , check if the revision can fulfill the description about its FUS procedure or can fulfill the standards' requirements.
* b+ O3 G( q6 n1 n0 C
 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-28 15:11 | 显示全部楼层
引用第11楼andychen于2010-06-28 14:41发表的  :2 n( J- k( P9 u* D% G' B- ~
我也相信需要报备.% m+ N0 x: M7 G2 z

1 {' D0 N! w/ V% m6 z, j但我有个问题: 1. 如果电源插头供应商第一次就给你送已经更改了尺寸又没有报备的插头;# ]) O( \( |0 V1 K6 e' u5 ~- B4 c
                          2. 同时更新了规格书;
, m- r% o( L5 ~& M                          3. 你在UL网站上查UL File No.也是有效的;$ T' Z9 j. j" w5 D* C
) H% V  {, |* P$ X6 H  ]& s" B

7 m- K4 c6 v/ t5 E我也认同这兄弟的说话。怎么控制呢。一般这些厂家不给UL报告你审核的。只提供证书。: s' [5 Z/ A" Y) D; `" t
发表于 2010-6-28 15:22 | 显示全部楼层
引用第13楼andychen于2010-06-28 15:10发表的  :, w6 q1 m% A6 L5 X
; y5 [, v. e* m- J& u* L

) W6 j  n% D! m! }4 m" ^9 Z: H是不是说,你用每一家有UL认证的产品,都需要向其供应商要其产品的FUS,不然不能用?
Normally, that's right. so at the begining of the UL certification, some factories have to select several suppliers as the alternate items and let the UL engineer do the evaluation at the same time. it can avoid some questions later on, but not always the revisions need to be evaluated, it finally depends on the description of your FUS procedure. For examples, pls see below resumed description in the FUS procedure:# A& b, L$ s; b: y. t; \$ J+ G7 q
1.PWB---R/C ZPMV2, 94V-0.  s+ u0 M6 H; o6 [# \. A4 @
A: at this time, if the PWB is changed, but the new PWB is also UL approved, and have the flammability class 94V-0 or better, then the change is not needed to be reevaluated.& x& X8 `4 v! i" i
2.Enclosure---PVC R/C QMFZ2,94V-2, manufactured by XXX, LTD, Model.YYY.# r2 m. H) ^* o# u
A: at this time, if the material of the enclosure is changed to another model No. or another provider, then at this time,it must be reevaluated.$ x$ x' ^( a3 j/ L' U  Z& n7 S' |

, k, `8 A/ \% \1 ]3 n9 m8 e2 Y/ Rso all the revision should be compared with the FUS procedure's description,then decide to do next step...
发表于 2010-6-30 09:07 | 显示全部楼层
当然需要报备! 外形改掉后,那个插头和原来的插头完全两样。认证公司是不会认可的。
发表于 2010-6-30 11:35 | 显示全部楼层
1.UL 检查员到插头厂检查的时候,一般要工厂出具UL 文档,那个文档里有详细的尺寸,如果不符合就要开VN项;如果你们更改的尺寸非常的小的话,可以打擦边球;大了的话,需要报备;' _" e. D1 c( m( w3 l, X( c
2.做整机的话,UL检查员一般检查的是插头是否贴有UL标签;如果有的话,很少去检查插头的尺寸;因为他需要UL FILE才能知道具体的尺寸;近一年来,UL控制的比较严,会在整机厂对插头进行抽样;一旦发现有问题,贵司的整机将无法出货,你的供应商需要整改;
: c1 n$ i, N; N, q# K: G" Q0 ~. D3.还是不要为你的供应商进行冒险,要他去重新申报,应该没多少钱;
发表于 2010-7-12 16:14 | 显示全部楼层
需要报备~! 但是也可以打擦边球。
发表于 2010-7-12 16:38 | 显示全部楼层
# h9 G  {& @! Y  `8 F0 ~! ]+ C作為客戶可以要求供應商提供資料証明此插頭尺寸符合安規.有認証証書即可.
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