作者: 嘻嘻
标题: 您的回复被删除
时间: 2010-04-09 18:00
内容: 您发表的回复被 嘻嘻 执行 删除 操作
文章:Good things...
发表日期:2010-04-09 17:03
操作时间:2010-04-09 18:00
I can not agree you about your operation and your operation reason!
1. Firstly, I actually downloaded the attachment and read it and found it's good, then show the "Good things" response, so it's not a water response!
2. Secondly, before you don't know whether the response is water or not, don't reduce the coins, it will show you are not so professional!
3. Thirdly, there are so many things need the forum owners to do, why you have so much time to do the naive things, not do some important things? Why!
Make a conclusion: You are not suitable to be a good forum owner or the supervisor, cause you never investigate prior to your actions, and you also don't have the potential to be a qualified owner or supervisor, you know what I mean? I don't wanna say my last words...... |