引用第2楼caballo3157于2010-03-24 07:02发表的 :: s2 g3 C% b4 ]& l
同样,对于该条款试验:) x+ n8 o" C. L, C6 n' F4 ?! M
Compliance is checked by the following test.
9 |% R* p8 k; V& }& ?. F/ F! |8 j% QThe appliance is supplied at rated voltage. Any switch is then placed in the off position and2 o. k* W) Z% ~) |3 S ]6 @
the appliance is disconnected from the supply mains at the instant of voltage peak. One
2 G2 C0 M: ?5 A3 j6 B3 ~second after disconnection, the voltage between the pins of the plug is measured with an/ e$ M8 y% g9 h
....... 个人理解是只要电容处于开关后则不需要检测。这是基于对电路原理的分析可知。但是也有机构持不同意见,因为标准没有说可以不检测,虽然此时检测的结果必然合格。我个人认为这种做法没有意义。
# p, \2 A9 Z0 Z- G& @关于如何保证在峰值断开,估计很难,可能只能通过示波器观察,多试几次,找到比较接近的点。 |