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[生活] 解疲劳,闻咖啡比喝咖啡更好

发表于 2009-9-12 15:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 S! o. g; D. c6 j9 I+ \  
' G! x7 U9 V& D8 EA cup of freshly ground coffee is what it takes to get some people moving in the morning.
! a# E7 b9 |* e( d4 R4 k" h) w; }, L
+ f) T, x7 U8 e* v4 D; R
但一项最新的研究表明,这种功效可能是咖啡的香气而不是咖啡本身产生的。5 j" I3 S; z) _8 F* `
  ; ~0 M3 `! x9 k" P6 a: n, |
But, according to a study, it may be the aroma rather than the coffee itself that does the trick./ M+ e0 E- [9 u. w/ x3 F
$ s1 A9 X7 [1 p
) o$ M  }+ U0 V
: B" k' B0 j6 _0 N  
+ ^1 d7 E* D7 n, JResearchers believe that the aroma of roasted coffee beans can soothe frayed nerves -
2 L3 G6 h/ _% v6 B  h- x; f  ^, G) ?) `& j

7 d# [' L; y2 j而且只是一点点香气就可以缓解整夜失眠对大脑造成的影响。
( b% \) l$ N( t* l) f  
6 g9 s" z7 r; d. iand that just the whiff could be enough to reverse the effects of a poor night's sleep on the brain.7 F& V. O; n9 V

, f$ M' o) u  ^  O
, d4 i5 _. W9 D( i. B- H香气: 仅仅闻咖啡比喝一杯咖啡更能帮助缓解疲劳' B2 ~5 a- c6 B% e8 s
  - d: ?1 G3 S3 s+ n
Aroma: Just smelling coffee can help cure tiredness better than drinking a cup3 I! O% K% ]$ i/ r+ V2 D

/ w, n6 Z& _8 z
* K) s) M! u& x* v- C他们说,早晚有一天可以通过提取咖啡中的化学物质并释放到空气中,来缓解人们的疲劳。
: C( m7 f# V0 N: y  ; t1 W! b3 k) J9 m8 ^
They said that chemicals extracted from coffee and pumped into the air may one day be used as a way of reviving tired people.
5 F( c. C: R% W: ^$ W% w& _4 ^& r$ F" P! y( Q4 S3 [

' h8 o: t7 d: I, E8 [日本筑波的科学家们把16只小白鼠放到有1英寸深的水的笼子里,这样保证它们24小时不睡觉。2 u7 c" j) u0 Q/ ~
+ d/ }8 ^) `9 B* l4 D2 s5 dScientists in Tsukuba, Japan, kept 16 laboratory rats awake for 24 hours, by keeping them in a cage filled with an inch of water,
* z, Y) _" q  k$ @# ]  W; u+ W/ ?; D4 @0 @( ~! N+ `

: c2 A4 r3 t1 e, W& S1 D$ T. S然后,将一半的老鼠放在烘培咖啡的香气中。' p# w( {: G/ o+ D% p' Q" h
  , V# T& h7 ~& |
then exposed half of them to the smell of roasted coffee.5 N  F/ B! V- z; r) F

6 {' R+ {7 E# \2 N& h+ n7 G3 D5 V' k+ }0 m
在对小白鼠大脑取样后,他们发现咖啡的气味,增强了关键基因的活动,这种基因活动可以促进体内细胞存活,并且减少焦虑。& C  z* }) K  t* k9 `& X
0 ~* C- ~9 q4 R; [# i: R1 Q% aAfter taking samples of the rats' brains, they found that the smell of coffee boosted the activity of key genes that promote cell survival in the body and reduce anxiety.* ]! E% H$ v3 c' X, _

# [" y. x0 T! ^' T+ v
$ x4 e6 C3 }- x- R$ i+ d/ U领导日本筑波研究团队的益男教授说,当人们为了熬夜而喝咖啡时,0 j5 r8 H! }2 w- `# O0 X! J8 @
  * q9 V9 {0 a* w2 m
Professor Yoshinori Masuo, who led the study in Tsukuba, Japan, said that when people drink coffee to stay up all night, 0 y0 c* ~0 z7 y" @1 F/ T
1 B1 k; `2 ?1 K* h
- ^: q# [2 U" G; H/ l7 h) c
仅仅是咖啡的味道就会减轻由不睡觉而产生的压力。! e& M: V1 |2 E, M. i( Q
+ D4 c+ V) \, O5 f7 I8 b6 z  a" Ujust the smell of the coffee could alleviate some of the stress caused by sleeplessness.
2 N2 k. g+ }3 ?
; ~5 I& @0 i- M0 R5 }/ g3 m5 i  x2 K& d2 o+ H  N8 U
他补充说:'闻咖啡豆的气味要比喝咖啡更好。但是否其他食物的气味会产生类似效应呢?这还需要进一步的研究。7 j/ K2 n& \4 k( o4 D' o6 H/ W' k$ W
3 {6 k" J1 p/ CHe added: 'Is it better for us to smell coffee bean aroma than to drink coffee, or would any other food-related odour produce similar effects? Further studies are needed.'
发表于 2009-9-12 16:46 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-9-14 12:51 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-9-14 17:21 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-9-14 18:32 | 显示全部楼层
. ^1 t! K4 Y$ n0 Q0 T3 J8 L: N不会吧!7 s, F" v- T$ `) U" c
发表于 2009-9-14 18:42 | 显示全部楼层
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