1 V( ^1 p( M" N8 W引用EN 60335-1 29.3对于附加绝缘和加强绝缘的要求:
+ ], _3 g2 Z) g# a6 C0 I29.3 Supplementary insulation and reinforced insulation shall have adequate thickness, or have a sufficient number of layers, to withstand the electrical stresses that can be expected during the use of the appliance.
& Y9 A% I4 a3 q' r" oCompliance is checked by: e% k0 f( R- V4 H6 H
– measurement, in accordance with 29.3.1, or by H2 B; p* W- \3 ]# [* x' j6 H4 f
– an electric strength test in accordance with 29.3.2, if the insulation consists of more than one separate layer, other than natural mica or similar flakey material, or by
[/ a+ X: l/ Q# m Q
8 m0 Z' Q2 U* x- j+ M/ y29.3.2 Each layer of material shall withstand the electric strength test of 16.3 for supplementary insulation. Supplementary insulation shall consist of at least 2 layers of material and reinforced insulation of at least 3 layers.
) G/ J& T( H& i! `9 A8 S此时对PTC元件外面的金属外壳的要求是加强绝缘的要求,根据EN 60335-1的要求,是打3000V,一分钟,不出现击穿即可。 |