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[玩具资料] RE:关于手持式飞碟

发表于 2009-7-18 10:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
* {9 Q. ]2 V! \" R我们公司有款飞碟产品类似于YOYO球,飞碟中间用一跟弹性绳与手腕相连,摆动手腕,飞碟转动
" J: v" a# d0 A请问寿命怎么做
发表于 2009-7-18 11:09 | 只看该作者
ASTM F963-2008
, j& P# i9 X6 R2 E$ c/ S) |4.37 Yo Yo Elastic Tether Toys—These requirements are intended to address potential strangulation hazards associated: _& a2 q9 i3 K" E$ F- R' N& @
with yo yo elastic tether toys intended for children 3 years of age or older.
: s& C5 Q$ O8 o8 I5 n  @4.37.1 Exemptions:
( N9 f0 t% D* x' x. }" _( E(1) Paddle balls.
; f3 i: A8 s* P$ [3 ^(2) Sports balls with wrist or ankle straps longer than 70 cm (27.6 in.) intended to be kicked or thrown and returned to the2 A; l% O% }# c8 ^& E. a& m
user. The length of the strap shall be measured when the product is placed on a horizontal surface with no load.+ t  {$ C! o8 ?( C" `/ t
4.37.2 Toys with an end mass greater than 0.02 kg (0.04 lb) shall have cord length less than 50 cm (20 in.) measured when! a& ?9 b/ [8 v- ]/ x3 A$ t
rotating at 80 r/min. Testing shall be conducted in accordance with 8.23.4 E4 ], Z, {+ k+ x/ X
/ c/ f0 |! F3 M6 j/ n7 N8 _0 m0 p6 u
8.23 Yo Yo Elastic Tether Toy Test Methods:
8 R1 ~' @/ x5 c8.23.1 Hold yo yo elastic tether toy by whatever holding device is supplied, typically a small loop. Rotate the product in% \$ W2 G5 @( c" g  |7 @+ O' K
a horizontal plane using any convenient means to achieve a constant rotational speed. A variable speed drill is one method
  ~$ m1 M, M# H' rof achieving 80 r/min. Rotation of the product is to start slowly and gradually increase to 80 r/min (over a period of approximately 10 to 60 s). If air resistance properties of product are such that it cannot be rotated at 80 r/min, testing shall be performed at maximum achievable speed.
" j2 k  j1 H' @" |; ^8.23.2 Measure the length of the tether when the tether is fully extended during rotation. The tether length does not include the mass at the end, or the holding means (the loop).
( d! p% @+ f% x: A2 Z! W5 _5 ~
6 M/ A, E  ?# K) m$ I5 k0 o测量末端YOYO球质量是否大于0.02kg
% F* K/ @$ g5 A, ]8 \是——转速80r/min或可达到的最大转速,测量旋转时弹性绳长度,应不大于50cm
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-18 12:22 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-7-21 11:50 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-7-21 12:34 | 只看该作者
没有标准,看你的产品能质量如何/ n/ c4 c7 k8 i* r
% }0 o8 A  \9 h+ [4 u. E5 z  N
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-21 13:20 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-8-2 12:01 | 只看该作者
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