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[招聘] 美资圣诞灯饰公司招聘生产经理

发表于 2009-7-13 15:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Production Manager  (Located In Yancheng, Jiangsu Province)6 y; Q) {1 {/ p" U' M* u9 V1 ]2 a0 Z
$ O" {- r/ _$ B0 u4 h ; D; ~- e5 v" C) t: s- T" S& H
    Direct supervision of production team members including scheduling, training, attendance, goal setting, and time off.
! p0 P$ e( H. `( P    Manage relationship with UL and other testing laboratories+ H" ^! M8 x# W5 [$ V( D7 i5 M
    Work closely with Production Planning to manage scheduling and ensure on-time deliveries to our customers.
& r* s8 v% e% z8 A  N0 p. F    Maintain an efficient work schedule to meet production demand.
  ~9 L1 m# Z, u) z8 S& `4 Q    Manage and update all changes to production work procedures.
- s7 R0 R2 c% Y1 s8 }    Responsibility for safety of production activities and team members.7 t5 g1 U( t+ O. Q4 u
    Work closely with all production support staff to continuously improve the quality and efficiency of our operations.! h  s% f+ `: `8 g; v9 L% u
    Management responsibility for all manufacturing related transactions to ensure accurate  data.# c) T2 P  H' y8 Q; e
* ?* b1 @0 S) j0 e
Experience and Skills Required:" v5 X9 Y# S* }

) a2 S/ c8 E7 M0 }4 ~% d/ [    5+ years of experience in relevant supervisory experience in a fast paced environment
0 L# H0 Q2 ~4 O1 G: H4 b    Must have manufacturing experience, with a focus on decorative lighting for Christmas, lawn/garden, LED and Solar power.% V9 s+ a: c# o" F1 n0 u
    Familiarity with UL 5885 Z0 u' e/ L+ D' e! R; A
    High level of initiative, organization, accuracy, and judgment) e* e2 s* `* M
    Excellent interpersonal and communication skills% _. j' I+ Q# d% y
    Self starter with the ability to multi-task and manage time effectively
% u/ n# @: v- N# X! W' y    Ability to build professional relationships with a varied number of team members& l# l2 u) e1 x. M
    Persistence, motivation, and professionalism to find answers and solve problems
' e# I  c. O: [    Microsoft office (Word, Excel, Outlook) proficiency/ y) Y# p' L8 R  [3 T

1 q, [( r; E4 \% {& W! U8 ?这个职位主要是要比较丰富的圣诞灯饰的生产经验,对学历和英语基本没要求,大家有兴趣的,请把你的简历发到antonia.zhang@careerfocus.com.cn,我的直线电话是0221-61645551,如果有任何疑问,请通过这个电话与我联系,我姓张。
发表于 2009-7-14 08:47 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-7-16 14:30 | 只看该作者
引用第1楼digmay2002于2009-07-14 08:47发表的  :% C& [# P( P2 L1 o, {' _" p' M
发表于 2009-7-16 22:28 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2009-7-20 18:43 | 只看该作者
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