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楼主: kingfan
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[园林工具] 欧盟对手推式割草机的具体要求

发表于 2009-5-26 09:59 | 只看该作者
确实没有这一条,但是要注意,在新指令中,这种设备连“机械”这个定义都套不上了,所以也不存在做MD-CE marking
2 d- i9 H5 U& q/ C$ k9 R  [& LThe following definitions shall applya) ‘machinery’ means:
6 u9 S4 D: f0 b* @7 j# y( V— an assembly, fitted with or intended to be fitted with a drive system“ other than directly applied human or animal effort”, consisting of linked parts or components, at least one of which moves, and which are joined together for a specific application,
发表于 2009-5-26 13:57 | 只看该作者
引用第6楼horse_ma于2009-05-25 13:00发表的  :
, ^0 H0 _- Q3 z根据 Article1 clause3.The following are excluded from the scope of this machinery directive:
4 h0 j3 `/ j0 n—machinery whose only power source is directly applied manual effort, unless it is a machine used forlifting or lowering loads,
# g: L2 R# q% r- r6 E1 C7 s 3.下列机械设备不包括在本指令适用范围内:2 O, J/ R! b. U! r* i, I' t6 W
2 ~, R* c( @" X" Z" E
1 Q1 t5 P1 c0 S0 o' @$ \.......

* C4 u9 Y8 I* h; Q- V* G, N% U新指令Article I 只有两条,没有Clause 3......
发表于 2009-5-26 14:08 | 只看该作者
引用第10楼horse_ma于2009-05-26 09:59发表的  :+ U' H: ~3 ~0 w: `* r
确实没有这一条,但是要注意,在新指令中,这种设备连“机械”这个定义都套不上了,所以也不存在做MD-CE marking
$ H4 r( ~  T# X+ i% y/ pThe following definitions shall applya) ‘machinery’ means:+ \* X2 Q% Y3 O, q. A' T
— an assembly, fitted with or intended to be fitted with a drive system“ other than directly applied human or animal effort”, consisting of linked parts or components, at least one of which moves, and which are joined together for a specific application,
2 E& ~: D7 K. b2 J3 `3 s, \1 i/ ?& w
Horse 版,我不是很赞同您的观点及“所以没有CE marking的要求,跟出口老虎钳一样。"的说法
8 `, w, R" k" h. t( c3 n' ]
- _/ \( {2 w" G, Y+ D. G1 ^# L7 G这句话可以从以下几个方面进行理解:
& f1 u! K4 {, r% |首先,机器是一种装置;an assembly5 F8 u7 D: M! [" }9 a4 Z  Z

8 t: [/ g( u/ S) `其次,那是什么样的一种装置呢?an assembly, [fitted with  or intended to be fitted with ]a drive system 装配或意向用于装置传动系统的装置,注意,这里对于原动力并没有严格的要求,可以是各种各样的动力,可以是电动,也可以是风动,等等, 当然也包括人动;0 X! t! L3 {( a

- ]( ^* R6 k- r4 O) G再次,这种装置不能是人力或动物力直接应用的,an assembly, other than directly applied human or animal effort”,即没有传动系统的,如老虎钳,直接应用人力,及牛耙,直接应用牛力,所以不是在这个范围;因为他们是直接人力或动物力驱动,而且没有相关连接的部件或零件;最主要是没有传动系统;
9 ~$ V! q0 X4 c" r) }9 \
1 K( o. H$ Z8 z! x结论,这个帖子中的割草机则不然,虽然有人力驱动,但是并不是人力直接应用的装置,而是能动相应的传动系统进行割草功能的机械,当然是指令的范围以内的。5 K; Q* c7 d1 S8 {4 s$ }
; y' Y9 A$ g3 K8 j) Z
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-26 14:36 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-5-26 15:23 | 只看该作者
建议:4 T" F- y; v2 ?; U1 P
2006/42/EC4 D  k, `8 ^' t$ t
EN ISO 12100-1
- @: E. u) V" |7 A6 n! Z" KEN ISO 12100-2+ h0 v; ~- j. O
1 p0 D2 d! k9 s* G1 r
9 {5 Y4 a$ l" z5 J0 f够了
发表于 2009-5-26 15:27 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-5-26 17:50 | 只看该作者
' _/ v! w( ?' g& F# Cclause (a)‘machinery’means:3 K" H! |$ W( N2 m( @) }( `' I/ N
-an assembly of linked parts or components, at least one of which moves and which are joined to gether,intended for lifting loads and whose only power source is directly applied human effort;
- v5 {1 V4 D# e5 A  U* `' u最后一段完全没有必要单独写出来申明,因为根据第一段就得知Jacks是属于MD指令,因为他虽是人力驱动,但是通过油压或者气压来传递运动,所以最终不是直接人力驱动。- H/ K9 z# L: }* m
6 v* p7 \6 G3 F' d+ W' g, C' D' nLifting equipment, even if powered by directly applied human effort, such as jacks, hoists and hand winches, is covered by the Directive because it presentsparticular hazards, even if it lifts to a low height only, d3 Q; \, u- X* p
# r. g# n( G. B
发表于 2009-5-26 18:12 | 只看该作者
The following definitions shall applya) ‘machinery’ means:
0 J; l2 H5 S- q: o& F— an assembly, fitted with or intended to be fitted with a drive system“ other than directly applied human or animal effort”, consisting of linked parts or components, at least one of which moves, and which are joined together for a specific application,8 e1 {: i/ K: d5 [: i
" p% y: [# A0 r9 ]2 s% d3 p
其实这句话意思是機器係指: - 已安裝或計劃安裝於驅動系統,而非直接施用人力或獸力之總成件。該驅動系統包含多個聯結零件或組件、至少一個零件或組件作動,且各零件或組件係為特定用途而相互連接;
3 F  R# C& @$ ]1 M- [5 b: _Kingfan不是给了中文版吗,我比较倾向于这个翻译的中文版。
4 B; Z2 p/ k# i, F. W. j4 ]这句话本身就认可他是在一驱动系统上,并且是非直接施用人力的驱动系统。反过来故我的理解是直接施加人力的驱动系统非MD指令,除开Jacks类特别申明之外。
发表于 2009-5-26 19:13 | 只看该作者
4 n5 f5 K7 \4 [' Z9 x$ R4 L
" g: t! t4 t# w; f8 w下次我找个更权威的问问.
发表于 2009-5-27 10:04 | 只看该作者
引用第16楼horse_ma于2009-05-26 17:50发表的  :
, ?) Z) `- x3 o: e/ ^: c2 PCerrt,依你的分析话,
, ?8 w! p& Q( C$ Cclause (a)‘machinery’means:0 J  l; ]; ]2 M) C
-an assembly of linked parts or components, at least one of which moves and which are joined to gether,intended for lifting loads and whose only power source is directly applied human effort;
( S: _4 {3 h9 p+ }' a9 _最后一段完全没有必要单独写出来申明,因为根据第一段就得知Jacks是属于MD指令,因为他虽是人力驱动,但是通过油压或者气压来传递运动,所以最终不是直接人力驱动。
. x  F3 i( u! k' Q而实际上欧盟对Jacks列入MD指令的解释是:* r2 f9 U0 i* M5 Y- m0 L, q

4 A2 S! s! K, w3 `. O  ]machinery definition 列举了 多种不同的情况,各个不同的定义与解释存在交叉是可能也是存在的
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