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[标准资讯] IEC新发布“永久性磁铁的磁化行为”等44项标准目录

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发表于 2009-4-27 10:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
IEC 2009年4月上旬颁布的新标准目录 , C1 B3 B& _1 d* h% N

4 D, G/ s* W" l' O3 z' ^+ W, Y' Q( o
  H9 [. E# e* i7 O% U9 j
标准代号# `# `: I1 k- G: n% l
发布时间" P. Q+ M" z, @
国际标准分类号(ICS)) C, }# I& s" Z- q6 Y4 f
- O  A3 ~* G2 F0 I; S
# o! [- B6 }+ o; C
技术& b) S; d: H: J( |; U
委员会TC/SC2 A4 t/ n6 F7 s; m. U% M' o  [9 o" L
IEC/TRF 60238
4 l+ b1 j) n. I" o3 L
9/4/ 2009
- W: O9 K6 `! g- |+ ]3 E" n
% L" r( C; }5 o, }# F8 x9 _4 V
This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60238:2004(Eighth Edition) + A1:2008
$ |. W' A; X6 M+ ]
该试验报告格式适用于IEC 60238:2004(英文版) + A1:200( m; t% g4 R# t$ T! S. s; }7 G) U
8 k4 Y/ K0 b/ Q4 y) @' ~- v
2" t. ?. m6 ]* t- V
IEC/TRF 60269-3, A) n! A5 b0 U+ R4 {
9/4/ 2009
* a# V- {, ], P9 s5 ^
% L) ^  Y* r- c4 z
This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60269-3:2006 (Third edition) (see also IEC 60269–1:2006)
# i- h. R6 Q! t7 t, X0 \. @# E
该试验报告格式适用于IEC60269-3:2006 (3版) (也见 IEC 60269–1:2006)# _- {5 g0 Y6 O4 C$ }! S! q
0 N  b. l$ D3 o' U% j$ o
$ @3 m2 C2 k' n
IEC/TRF 60269-1. i+ d/ F* K/ |8 s- ~/ ]' {# K
9/4/ 20095 X& s5 M4 J- i9 V9 t. D5 g, [
+ I4 d( f' ?" W/ s4 ]
This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60269 1:2006 (Fourth edition)8 i+ ?2 x( z8 g( d8 |
该试验报告格式适用于IEC 60269 1:2006 (4版)
; E% |; }4 {( s0 m
  I- j. s% a& P% Z  F* _; f% X
0 @0 b/ |  H7 C. [8 v
IEC/TRF 60127-4-III, H5 X# I) ]* f) J, K, G
9/4/ 2009
5 |2 v4 _0 j( L1 I: d$ _- _
1 B7 z- p+ P; u% F
This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60127-4:2005 + Amendment 1 :2008 in conjunction with IEC 60127-1:2006 Miniature fuses – Universal Modular Fuse-links homogenous series, maximum rating
+ o! j- O' A. o4 g' Z; l
该试验报告格式适用于IEC 60127-4:2005 + 修改1 :2008 , 与IEC 60127- 1: 2006 微型保险丝一起用 – 通用型保险丝-连接同质系列, 最大额定值( N3 ?/ f8 j# @$ y& g; @
& E1 _5 H$ G# O
51 k: Y1 B2 y  Z2 O% {5 l2 u
IEC/TRF 60127-4-II
: X! Q3 P$ W9 n: {
9/4/ 2009+ l. G" }: Z/ Y9 X
) e: b1 J1 G! n, M) R6 X
This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60127-4:2005 + Amendment 1 :2008 in conjunction with IEC 60127-1:2006 Miniature fuses – Universal Modular Fuse-links homogenous series, minimum rating* m" Z. e/ _* I. X5 b
该试验报告格式适用于IEC 60127-4:2005 + 修改1 :2008 ,与IEC 60127-1:2006 微型保险丝一起用–通用型保险丝-连接同质系列, 最小额定值0 P9 z; Q/ [% ?$ r: _
0 `; G" X) E- o1 F0 C
6 m8 p3 i, M' F
IEC/TRF 60127-4-I  o" h9 b" f  x0 ?
9/4/ 2009
( [- ^6 v: c8 Z
1 {2 `- j. S" c7 k5 ?
This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60127-4:2005 + Amendment 1 :2008 in conjunction with IEC 60127-1:2006. {2 T! ^( \& }5 o
该试验报告格式适用于IEC60127-4:2005 + 修改 1 :2008,与 IEC 60127-1:2006一起用- f0 n, h& ]' {! [4 o: F1 l. ]2 l( E
  B4 Y& z. h) {
7) h" l4 p( R1 d) |: i
IEC 61970-301
  j( z* t8 c8 X# b  V
7 /4/ 2009
# c- o+ F- a! w0 s( k# `4 K  L
33.200.% r2 S" P# F0 O
Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) - Part 301: Common information model (CIM) base
* [, o! q# _1 }5 w
能耗监控系统应用程序接口(EMS-API)——第301部分:一般信息模式(CIM)基础% r/ P: V5 P/ K) Y" h  |
57" q5 b' D' W8 T
8$ @8 i6 l8 R- o1 j5 O. y
IEC 60846-1
) ?7 P6 k7 A# Z* c/ C& U+ m! R
7 /4/ 2009  Y/ D9 S* h5 B; X
13.280.. ~) k% i6 _/ Y1 a8 s: |+ Y, |! V$ c. ~
Radiation protection instrumentation - Ambient and/or directional dose equivalent (rate) meters and/or monitors for beta, X and gamma radiation - Part 1: Portable workplace and environmental meters and monitors; d  F; u4 U: v+ i
' H  O0 h) g' D6 N# \- `* D8 P- T
! H, b+ x7 `$ t& u
7 G6 S+ N: C0 C3 w5 S0 U
IEC 62524) z8 _" t3 h3 ~0 @1 R  b) R9 I3 c# t
7 /4/ 2009
0 A3 c, R9 N9 r: i& N
2 N  T  J- e* L, j, v# v
Multimedia systems and equipment - Multimedia e-publishing and e-books - Reader's format for e-publishing
. M+ h3 h% D* B+ |. L
多媒体系统和设备——多媒体 电子出版和电子书籍——电子出版的读者格式
3 B2 h6 y( [2 g' B9 y& U# h
8 f. Z- B0 k$ I3 ?% i
10( `9 ~- b% h; S: u: Z1 i; u
IEC 61935-34 ~/ h3 t$ t* a% r' j8 A# n/ y
7 /4/ 20096 T- W  h6 E3 r5 i. {
33.120.20& a/ g0 A3 d5 V3 W; m+ O
Testing of balanced and coaxial information technology cabling - Part 3: Installed cabling as specified in ISO/IEC 15018 and related standards
/ N4 e$ p1 F1 a' h' Z& A& c
平衡同轴信息技术卷缆柱的测试...第3部分:ISO/IEC 15018和有关标准中规定的绝缘卷缆柱绝缘
! O; n: R; g6 A' r5 h2 t( c) f
- c4 B+ {+ u$ U7 S
) |( x6 `  u  U
IEC 62517+ H1 y3 V6 c# A% u- p5 [6 X  p; m* I
7 /4/ 2009- k% f: J/ c0 w. E) x/ f6 Y7 m
29.030$ O% m% y/ h8 k) v) F7 k
Magnetizing behaviour of permanent magnets8 s  N5 i  {3 e
% m" L. O& J# ]7 G  }2 t5 r
7 D( g9 E1 f' Z, l7 A) E: C, o
12( q+ U8 ~0 s, [3 I; a* J5 |
IEC 61000-4-271 ]7 A1 S( q- v, {2 B
7 /4/ 2009
" N/ d- ^0 P& X4 r4 Z! b
33.100.20* Y: _& [% `. T9 s( L
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-27: Testing and measurement techniques - Unbalance, immunity test for equipment with input current not exceeding 16 A per phase
1 A5 r1 O/ v1 h  W3 ~7 o$ `( w$ l2 K  E
电磁兼容性(EMC) ——第4-27部分:试验和测试技术——输入电流不超过16A/每相设备能避免抗干扰试验
- i3 w$ O2 u. J0 ]: f8 N
& Y) n" h. J7 S
IEC 61000-4-28
5 ?* j/ b- S0 d2 H
7 /4/ 2009# d' i6 q6 b4 x0 n) p( r# |5 N
33.100.201 J4 S1 Z$ P) j& L
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-28: Testing and measurement techniques - Variation of power frequency, immunity test for equipment with input current not exceeding 16 A per phase
0 ~" [' K2 y4 \8 Y( H4 I$ Y: n
电磁兼容性(EMC) ——第4-28部分:试验和测试技术——输入电流不超过16A/每相设备的工频抗干扰试验
% O8 |: a' L  c) Z: c& b
( o2 I* z5 L; b1 Z
9 Z4 t3 J1 i( u4 e  B0 e
IEC 62258-1
' h$ F5 w  h; Z' F+ Z4 O) M
7 /4/ 2009
" W! v+ s" ?% v8 u
( |  z. O: D$ M  D  r. F9 h
Semiconductor die products - Part 1: Procurement and use$ u5 `, H' f8 P3 |
半导体芯片产品——第1部分:采购和适用) J2 \: g1 h) q, B, K& S6 a  s
- S! F- O& h- Y- _3 ^6 L  H& d* x
153 X1 ~5 H7 s# H! b- v+ s1 J
IEC 60906-1: [, _1 [9 j7 J- U: c) |  w
7 /4/ 2009' M" |+ [( A% w) N2 G$ [' l
9 @% c$ ]; T- u( t5 r
IEC system of plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Part 1: Plugs and socket-outlets 16 A 250 V a.c.
- K2 I8 l- }* J  J
家用和类似用的IEC插头插座系统——第1部分:16 A 250 V a.c.插头和插座$ s5 {; P. ?3 b$ ~
0 j6 w/ o* m; F9 `
$ l+ R; H3 W% c8 E! U1 k$ \* Q
IEC 61111* H6 r0 @; |1 Z- F9 g
7 /4/ 2009
& @  i4 E+ {4 }, F- N
29.260.99; 13.260.
7 O9 U  b) e8 @5 ?' P0 \+ I
Live working - Electrical insulating matting0 D+ E& k+ v( m9 i- P1 \
! |. ^; J6 n7 {. F6 g  f+ h
788 ~) Y, k. U. l1 q
178 {9 \- V$ [1 v) Z4 V8 G
IEC 61112! t" E% d* b+ L
7 /4/ 2009* b( g/ O3 |6 t
29.260.99; 13.260 ; 29.240.205 J  e# Y7 h* u9 E2 Q6 \' i" n
Live working - Electrical insulating blankets% d  K; Y; P% \/ Q
带电作业——电绝缘毯; z: c8 c- W$ \6 y
$ ]& q+ M/ ^3 t3 R0 A
182 Y& |5 }' z1 S9 d
IEC 61558-17 s' x! ]4 z+ H# K/ G6 X
7 /4/ 2009: l; j9 w0 u) ], [/ j
3 q* l" u) H* X3 O
Safety of power transformers, power supplies, reactors and similar products - Part 1: General requirements and tests3 A4 X, h. A& D4 Q
7 v% E1 ~. a) w7 j; \6 M
6 A! X; b3 w; s+ D
19' n, _4 ?: {" X$ k7 Y8 s7 O
IEC/PAS 61169-41
- c# f# t) n9 H- b
7 /4/ 2009$ n4 K1 {+ P& Q- Q% U
6 h2 G% q1 y6 ^" }$ Z& M6 H4 }
Radio-frequency connectors - Part 41: Sectional specification for CQA series quick lock R.F. coaxial connectors& e$ {/ \. f% E4 ]/ U6 f2 r
射频连接器——第41部分:CQA系列快锁R.F.同种连接器分规范, [8 d- q; }: s: j4 e0 Y
46F, f8 P, y( z2 n
7 C7 ?. p/ z- K' C8 z  Z9 h4 H7 v' ~
IEC/PAS 61169-42, G: w' y& N! e
7 /4/ 2009
: S+ R6 C, H4 d5 t) `
: N4 `% S6 z7 F+ r
Radio-frequency connectors - Part 42: Sectional specification for CQN series quick lock RF coaxial connectors
% k5 w! C- Y! W; X& e; Y
% l* F8 \; m" x7 j% E
46F2 @! o3 c+ s4 h# P- P
210 ~2 V  e: Q4 r9 H* O% `; S
IEC 62047-6, ~+ |& y: V$ `  O: i
7 /4/ 2009
& C5 D3 U. f1 j. y& C
- a; X) `; Q& U! v
Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 6: Axial fatigue testing methods of thin film materials
0 b+ A' x! E+ k
半导体器件——微电机器件——第6部分:薄膜材料轴向疲劳试验方法0 w  U  U2 Q) W% ?0 d2 A
47F  4 E" q4 r  k4 y/ L2 M3 `2 E. B5 N) r
225 d% [/ }- y* n$ P; j8 I
IEC 62341-1-1
& }. I% n, \4 s. F3 L) c
7 /4/ 2009
% p, p) R, q; I) U7 r9 m5 n
31.260.' N& x/ Y4 h9 C! [; X
Organic light emitting diode (OLED) displays - Part 1-1: Generic specifications
' h) e; |2 }) k# F
- S8 J2 n/ H$ Q0 |/ R3 s  p' f
1105 u# Z" |( R+ L5 j0 w6 x
23' F0 d3 u5 V0 t$ e6 |* u
IEC 60749-20-18 c  ~( g2 n1 ?* X
7 /4/ 2009
& L) X' Q9 h5 Z9 N: P1 A
6 ~% @6 D& q2 X% i4 k5 w
Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 20-1: Handling, packing, labelling and shipping of surface-mount devices sensitive to the combined effect of moisture and soldering heat
1 A3 ?( Q; U' i' y
半导体器件—机械和气候试验方法——第20-1部分 :对潮湿和焊接热联合效应敏感的表面安装元器件的处理、包装、标签和运输
0 w2 E# ], y( @7 a8 ?# `3 ~
& y9 Q6 O' B, Q) H
IEC 80601-2-59 Corr.1! j% y5 c( u6 {) {! S
7 /4/ 2009# {+ T5 \- x* E. E- _# ~) @
4 N" i" Q1 m; U) T  z
Corrigendum 1 - Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-59: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of screening thermographs for human febrile temperature screening- |9 K0 n1 u- T+ N; E# x/ L7 N
勘误表1——医用电子设备——第2-59部分:人体发烧温度拍摄热录像放映仪基本安全性和主要性能专门要求1 y8 D3 @8 J- }1 \/ }, g
+ u6 m! K5 {) P( t
/ p! E" G6 X4 v) h4 X: ~
IEC 62002-44 v) I9 T6 C+ b, I/ Y2 m1 `, X
7 /4/ 2009
* M4 c9 i4 K  {  @  P; Q  F! p
33.060.99; 33.170.
- ]; |' ]0 q- l: U1 p' r7 J1 h
Mobile and portable DVB-T/H radio access - Part 4: Measurement methods for total radiated sensitivity in hand-held broadcast terminals, \$ N* A; \2 `# u) A
+ f! q1 W& J+ n3 }, L. O& z
100. P7 f: W8 H: v8 u( E
26# b& V5 h# s4 Q( f. x# |4 \- t
IEC 623132 u* i, |0 q( I# a4 q5 ^0 o0 y6 m
7 /4/ 2009" w" I5 |  }7 S) z+ _# n
. \8 `" {/ y7 s$ k( ^! F
Railway applications - Power supply and rolling stock - Technical criteria for the coordination between power supply (substation) and rolling stock0 K5 D/ ?' `+ Z; m, t* K
铁路应用——电源和所有车辆——电源(变电站)和所有车辆之间协调性技术标准" K( H# o3 J1 b6 l% m- }5 z! p2 e
95 `0 I. t+ x' ]
/ m' |7 r5 ^; R5 v, @6 O+ T" }
ISO/IEC 14496-20-am1" R9 B$ i7 g  o5 Z9 Q
3 /4/ 20096 ?, o) T  t% ^; q) Q* x5 t- m
9 S& R* C4 `) V1 t3 b
Amendment 1 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 20: Lightweight Application Scene Representation (LASeR) and Simple Aggregation Format (SAF) - Extensions to support SVGT1.2
- M$ {0 D, b7 b2 `* k+ l
修改1——信息技术——音-视频对象编码——第20部分:轻重量应用场景表现(LASeR)和简单集合格式(SAF)——扩展对SVGT1.2的扩展$ R) O# d5 M; ^: p: p
JTC 1/SC 299 M$ ?6 u1 H$ C- F
281 h+ R' {( l  z2 k1 m$ K
ISO/IEC 12861% o/ G( e" J$ ~% ^
3 /4/ 2009# }- d, i/ L. B: D7 g& K* n
2 W0 @' n; Q% W9 F; S: ~! O( z. u0 w
Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- Next Generation Corporate Networks (NGCN) -- Identification and routing
- U+ m8 M  l# m
+ w  a. y  l7 ?% z4 j' |
JTC 1/SC 6: }; {) [6 a5 E* @! B! j" y
* l( U* @& W4 L" W: a
ISO/IEC 12860% N* h4 U, w( S, {. l5 H
3 /4/ 2009
# ]4 O3 j3 @2 `( s3 R1 x
35.110.. q1 N0 {  a3 C) m1 c; z0 l& z- m
Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- Next Generation Corporate Networks (NGCN) – General  x8 T% D4 i! a( L! H: _: N
信息技术——系统间的通信和信息交换——下一个生成社团网络(NGCN)——总则) Z0 ], \# E  u1 T
JTC 1/SC 6
1 I0 @9 ^8 m  f1 A
30& n; D+ ^! q5 M( `( x
IEC/TRF 60127-3-I
8 v' h/ W/ ~8 n' q% l
3 /4/ 2009
1 ^; }5 I( W; v# _
——2 h5 A! m2 O$ R
This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60127-3:1988 + A1:1991 + Cor.1:1994 + Cor.2:1996 + A2:2002 with IEC 60127-1:2006' p( ~/ {! s, [& ~) l
该试验报告格式适用于IEC60127-3:1988 + A1:1991 + Cor.1:1994 + Cor.2:1996 + A2:2002 with IEC 60127-1:2006
: k% |" f( n7 a: M6 y$ n; J9 Y
8 Q2 L8 n4 b7 Q
319 k1 _/ w* w/ \+ m
IEC/TRF 60598-2-11( V# t) ~5 k5 }" c' V) g
3 /4/ 2009' {5 b( ?# q/ E  |. [
——1 }$ ]/ X" O0 E3 b* K- C8 f# ^
This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60598-2-11:2005 used in conjunction with IEC 60598-1:20081 l) P6 V) s& E1 V' D# ~4 _
该试验格式适用于IEC 60598-2-11:2005 ,与IEC 60598-1:2008一起用
, C5 m2 n2 {, y" z8 ^
3 g3 T1 B) P, n& k* y
3 Q6 k8 B( m4 ~; X
IEC/TRF 60598-2-3
- y7 h5 c& [3 y
3 /4/ 2009
; I; e2 h3 _* x
, z* @$ S7 t" E! X5 d
This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60598-2-3:2002 used in conjunction with IEC 60598-1:2008
! p- O% h! y+ }7 C/ ?
该试验报告格式适于IEC60598-2-3:2002,与IEC 60598-1:2008一起用5 U1 \/ C; P& O% t
$ j* @( _! ]8 k, i
33; z/ ~! R# P+ M2 Q% R
IEC/TRF 60598-2-8: s; \: H- P4 W! }+ G; A
3 /4/ 2009: t4 [' s: {$ ]4 A% ^  ?. B* `
——0 Q3 A; u( R5 J$ @* ?
This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60598-2-8:1996+A1:2000+A2:2007 used in conjunction with IEC 60598-1:2008
6 ?9 |, v+ d7 X$ D1 \9 v
该试验报告格式适于IEC60598-2-8:1996+A1:2000+A2:2007 ,与 IEC 60598-1:2008一起用
6 o8 S9 i- _. O1 g, t
5 B* b3 x8 G* x. @( c
34+ S( {7 j5 R% b, o( e
ISO/IEC 23000-3-am1& B" W' ~" ^7 }4 y, T
3 /4/ 2009
1 l1 U: t' s5 T; ~) i  W$ x
35.040.5 t2 V2 p& _* V* q& R5 n# r
Amendment 1 - Information technology -- Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) -- Part 3: MPEG photo player application format - Reference software for photo player MAF
6 q( p3 F5 r9 K9 a9 `3 i
修改1——信息技术——多媒体应用格式(MPEG-A) - --第3部分:MPEG图片表演者应用格式——图片表演者MAF的基准软件
  n) D& E- g! u& K* r
JTC 1/SC 29" V3 A5 y$ M" U
355 p# K+ q3 b3 L& q& Y
IEC/TRF 60598-2-9
& o! \1 j; i% S/ T7 t* R. i
3 /4/ 2009; P5 a  J) z8 T; P" P% O
——6 `  ?$ v7 n9 [/ F, W  a/ a
This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60598-2-9:1987+A1:1993 used in conjunction with IEC 60598-1:20082 A% C2 P* q. V0 |+ Y
该试验报告格式适于IEC60598-2-9:1987+A1:1993,与 IEC 60598-1:2008一起用1 }  v8 i1 D; L+ Z
$ U% O$ m6 F2 K4 z& n* s' D
$ O1 P7 |4 Y& ?7 T7 R3 N* I
IEC/TRF 60335-2-97
; l% l4 M- t! `3 F3 X8 }
3 /4/ 2009; a3 Y# R" p, {- r7 [
, H1 C& i: j- L$ G
This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335 2 97:2002 (2. edition) + A1:2004 + A2:2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335 1:2001 (4. edition) (incl. Corr.1:2002) + A1:2004 (incl. Corr.1:2005) + A2:2006 (incl. Corr.1:2006)+ v1 V- v  Z/ G' m8 r* o
该试验报告格式适用于IEC 60335 2 97: 2002 (2版) + A1:2004 + A2: 2008,与 IEC 60335 1:2001 (4.版) (包括勘误表:2002) + A1:2004 (包括勘误表1:2005) + A2:2006 (包括勘误表1:2006)一起用$ ~' t3 E5 q. H, Q, U
$ j! Z; |* g6 Y! \8 }9 {: w  F
37, J! L  _# u% Y
IEC/TRF 60335-2-96
. _3 ]: e! s; q5 T4 z  N* Z
3 /4/ 20097 b& x/ `! }6 _, ^
8 H- j0 e9 {9 Y+ W- `$ P" [
This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-96:2002 (First Edition) + A1:2003 (incl. Corrigendum 1:2003) in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2001 (4. Edition) (incl. Corrigendum 1:2002) + A1:2004 + A2:2006 (incl. Corrigendum 1:2006)
3 p& I( q; H' t
该试验报告格式适于IEC60335-2-96:2002 (1版) + A1:2003 (包括勘误表1:2003),与IEC 60335-1:2001 (4版) (包括勘误表1:2002) + A1:2004 + A2:2006 (包括勘误表1:2006)一起用: w: v& [0 C6 h( g4 z% f; p7 I
$ M, f: d( @5 z* q2 H
38' U% a# s- `" f
ISO/IEC 23000-6
7 N1 N- ^$ v( s* @  z! F: N
3 /4/ 2009
: R, X' J: I& I0 Q) Y' ?
35.040.. I3 \7 p+ K" a
Information technology -- Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) -- Part 6: Professionnal archival application format
3 S! ^2 w0 S! N1 O$ ^& `
! g" i5 a; W, @6 j
JTC 1/SC 29* n+ v1 D" l" Q: I+ k( K; o+ y7 F( U
5 i# J) n2 D# \4 p
ISO/IEC 24784, ~! [+ j/ ~& {- I) ~
3 /4/ 2009
: o. _3 `$ r7 t+ }$ y
, H4 m4 R% Y7 k1 j; |
Information technology -- Keyboard layouts for alphanumeric inputs -- Description of ISO/IEC 9995 issues regarding users' needs and necessary innovations
' S6 ~5 v  _* t# n0 e
信息技术——文字数字输入用键盘——关于用户需求和必要的创新 ISO/IEC9995出版的描绘+ e: _! L3 f4 d3 c' Q9 W
JTC 1/SC 35
0 c; u# l7 d; C# q
IEC/TRF 60127-3-IV
" S: k* d3 g  ~8 O6 ~- A
3 /4/ 20098 \1 N& a7 A# ^/ K! n9 O
( T' V# Q% U; j( u( P7 k1 q4 _5 s
This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60127-3:1988 + A1:1991 + Cor.1:1994 + Cor.2:1996 + A2:2002 in conjunction with IEC 60127-1:2006 Sub-miniature fuse-links, homogenous series, maximum rating sheet 3 and 4+ u$ S" B: U) q2 p# z
该试验报告格式适用于IE 60127-3:1988 + A1:1991 + Cor.1:1994 + Cor.2:1996 + A2: 2002,与 IEC 60127 -1:2006 超小型保险丝, 同质系列, 最大额定值为3 片和 4片; }$ i% F0 D  p7 Y2 D, ^
) }: @, T& A) R) y
41, J5 r6 E2 k; m& c: y. b4 R8 J
IEC/TRF 60127-3-III# {, [9 o( b$ |
3 /4/ 2009
- N, }; @4 M2 J
. [4 ?5 W; @( k" @6 \' g1 _. n& K
This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60127-3:1988 + A1:1991 + Cor.1:1994 + Cor.2:1996 + A2:2002 in conjunction with IEC 60127-1:2006 Sub-miniature fuse-links, homogenous series, maximum rating sheet 1 and 20 G; o; h8 T* ~% W
该试验报告格式适用于IEC 60127-3:1988 + A1: 1991 + Cor.1: 1994 + Cor.2:1996 + A2: 2002,与 IEC 60127 -1:2006 超小型保险丝, 同质系列, 最大额定值为1片and 2片一起用
3 w8 N" @- m' N9 z8 R
. `/ t+ T. Q0 C/ `" B
, S- B0 ?* j/ }) c
IEC/TRF 60127-3-II0 x0 B5 }3 s7 ~( U7 o& {3 T4 R& x6 G
3 /4/ 2009% p! |- e' O; o- w( y
——2 a& n- t8 _/ a. u5 f8 h  U
This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60127-3:1988 + A1:1991 + Cor.1:1994 + Cor.2:1996 + A2:2002 in conjunction with IEC 60127-1:2006 Sub-miniature fuse-links, homogenous series, minimum rating$ {# w  N2 }  Y8 A
该试验格报告式适用于IEC 60127-3:1988 + A1:1991 + Cor.1: 1994 + Cor.2:1996 + A2:2002,与 IEC 60127-1:2006超小型保险丝, 同质系列, 最大额定值一起用0 E3 n4 E! u4 ^

" V/ P  B/ R% r: J  r
4 ]4 |2 N3 R3 n4 |! a: E+ ^
ISO 80000-95 f0 U/ C7 E9 z1 _
2 /4/ 2009
4 g$ E1 S1 a- r; y$ W$ Q* e
01.060.+ h: x+ e) Z' w6 ?2 z
Quantities and units - Part 9: Physical chemistry and molecular physics/ \+ c& {4 z& N7 O3 F8 C% j
质量和单位——第9部分:物理化学和分子物理" g0 K& X7 v& Y* I
250 z0 g. i$ \  K% A# G9 k, y
44# Z1 _& W; G6 @$ p
ISO/IEC 23004-8
- n* ^8 x9 A3 U. y
2 /4/ 2009
2 {2 K# T0 s2 A; `" q4 W
* k8 M8 N4 n4 J# f* Q
Information technology -- Multimedia Middleware -- Part 8: Reference software: O/ b% u* l) Z$ \8 n$ Z
8 _. b7 S) b# t. l- q& a
% U, y- Z2 R7 I5 U# X
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