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[RF产品] 关于蓝牙耳机的Audio Breakthrough Measurement

发表于 2009-4-15 09:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
$ }& D# W% v$ Q7 ?7 g 6 }' i2 @$ Z2 `8 x4 c, p# [
客户做Audio Breakthrough Measurement的时候Fall。试验结果图附上。 * L! _' r2 [0 R# b; Y+ }% v9 \" i
请问: & {5 x+ @9 o& v  P+ p
9 a5 {7 ?3 N* W2:如果1成立,哪么如何解决呢,增加一个过滤此频率段的电容吗还是更改电路、PCB设计?如果增加电容可行,需要多少容值的电容呢?
( n  h0 N  t+ }3:蓝牙耳机那部分需要屏蔽此频率段啊? ( ]) ]5 S2 I+ [# {! k, }
3 \, `. L; V* I9 b: Z
% C- F% U* e7 k, @" Q6 F还有哪位大侠能附上Audio Breakthrough Measurement 的一些资料学习一下啊,谢谢


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发表于 2009-4-25 15:29 | 只看该作者
虽然测试是参照301 489-7做的,但是实际产品是bluetooth,所以301 489-17的免测带应当适用  x  @4 g9 W) Z( Y
3 g/ H: G% r; W4 b8 E参见下面的引用- \! v; K* o1 s) W
The exclusion band for immunity testing shall be calculated as follows:
: W# X$ ~- U, ~. r9 j• lower limit of exclusion band = lowest allocated band edge frequency -5 %;& x8 C* Q; l: d8 {( S- U
• upper limit of exclusion band = highest allocated band edge frequency +5 %.
. e+ B  t- z0 gUsing the 2,450 MHz band as an example:
( X* w& i9 ^  h) O! a6 E) O6 O' ]& t• lower limit of exclusion band = 2 400 - 120 = 2 280 MHz;
- w* `  A+ c) l: K: Z' p• upper limit of exclusion band = 2 483,5 + 124,175 = 2 607,675 MHz;  A  S% S  A5 G9 z1 X5 H% q! T) q
• thus the exclusion band for 2,45 GHZ equipment falling within the scope of the present document extends
; a8 `5 j  l# Sfrom 2 280 MHz to 2 607,675 MHz.
发表于 2009-4-25 15:31 | 只看该作者
即使你看301 489-7,那么免测的频率是6%,更大。所以他们测的有问题!3 v4 a$ n. F! ?) i
4.3.1 Receiver and receivers of duplex transceivers exclusion band
( H/ k/ }/ H1 i# C1 MThe exclusion band for receivers and receiver sections of transceivers is the band of frequencies over which no5 ^1 ?. z% T; Q; Z
immunity tests with radiated RF are made.; K$ D/ Z5 @5 [8 G  _" S
The lower frequency of the exclusion band is the lower frequency of the receive band of the EUT minus 6 % of that
! n! M  d) ?- s0 j! Jfrequency., z; w% Q0 A0 \: K5 Z
The upper frequency of the exclusion band is the upper frequency of the receive band of the EUT plus 5 % of that" |) L3 z0 i. @/ o0 I
发表于 2011-1-2 16:10 | 只看该作者
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