有没有哪位清楚SAA 插座 高压测试要求,对地线脚的高压测试是多少伏?1 N0 j0 e; d5 _0 W2 H2 ]* s
The socket-outlet shall withstand, without failure, an a.c. voltage of the value indicated in Table 3.3 applied between the parts set out in Items (a) and (c) of Clause 3.14.2 for 1 min in each case. The socket-outlet shall further withstand, without failure, a voltage of 3500 V a.c. applied between the parts set out in Items (b) and (d) of Clause 3.14.2 for 1 min in each case. The socket-outlet shall be fitted with an appropriate plug during the test.
9 e( e9 }7 S4 U- p% b/ oTABLE 3.3 TEST VOLTAGES FOR HIGH VOLTAGE TEST! N3 ~6 \( d5 {" ^# V2 J
Working voltage (r.m.s.) between parts (See Note) Testing voltage " o1 }7 U2 Q4 h" q" ~1 a2 }
≤ 32 V 500 V
! f) y1 ^) K. p F1 K. { > 32 V ≤250 V 1 000 V
* L( N9 g( Z9 e- ?& [>250 V ≤650 V 1 000 V + (2 ×working voltage) with a maximum of 2000 V : {5 H( b) R d8 ?
NOTE: For example, a socket-outlet for connection to a system operating at 415 V between phases and 240 V to earth, would require a test of 1000 + (2 × 415) V between live terminals but a test of only 1000 V between live parts and earth. 1 T* f& @& `$ z# c& @! v
$ o+ j! `, `- H2 z/ t3 T3.14.2
/ b7 Z* g& Z( cd,Between live terminals of the socket-outlet and the earthing terminal (if any), with the live terminals of the plug being connected together. |