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[CPSC召回] 美国CPSC对中国产男童抓绒帽衫实施召回

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发表于 2009-3-27 15:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
/ b6 T3 J4 J+ [8 }/ ]: B
0 m' z. }; p1 p* w6 y$ |
3 M! I5 S$ v! O3 N& d" J# J
款式号/ {6 ~" }+ l# Q" E
5 t. H6 V% }9 p
4 J) X: `$ n; [) F& n1 b& a4 F, f
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5 x( H' W9 s1 y% U8 Z: S
  ' X" k; m; n- q. D2 k: S
  1 o8 f7 g3 m- W5 q* C
此次被召回的商品数量为635件。召回原因为,该帽衫上的拉绳有致儿童颈部被勒的危险,不符合美国联邦有关儿童服装的安全标准。截至目前,Rusty北美洲公司尚未收到任何事故报告。8 ~" H& S7 S# \6 a% A* A
News from CPSC6 I: a2 |7 C3 p
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
3 a2 b# K% u) ~5 `
Office of Information and Public AffairsWashington, DC 20207

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE$ ~: D8 G. k, }. ]: f
March 25, 2009
8 d; i9 [0 @; n* N8 k! U' a. Y9 C; }Release # 09-168
Firm抯 Recall Hotline: (877) 857-8789
/ U2 @7 J' y; C9 f  u; n. oCPSC Recall Hotline: (800) 638-27727 A* ?- y6 x' S2 b7 t, \
CPSC Media Contact: (301) 504-7908
5 [) F" o& v' }$ N
- g3 o) |* b6 f: W7 B
Children抯 Hooded Sweatshirts with Drawstrings Recalled by Rusty North America Due to Strangulation Hazard3 U: k1 v3 w2 P3 }0 W
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. Name of product: Hooded Fleece Sweatshirts
! x1 {9 E) _4 r5 `2 F+ XUnits: 6354 }* A8 d4 d1 u( ]
Distributor: Rusty North America, of Irvine, Calif.
5 k* t7 {" W, t( n" y: EHazard: The sweatshirts have a drawstring through the hood which can pose a strangulation hazard to children. In February 1996, CPSC issued guidelines (pdf) to help prevent children from strangling or getting entangled on the neck and waist drawstrings in upper garments, such as jackets or sweatshirts.: }7 X( @% X) ~7 D( T' a; Y" T. s
Incidents/Injuries: None reported.
5 M% a, D6 X+ }! ODescription: The boys hooded fleece sweatshirts were sold with the following names and style numbers printed along with the RN# 123549 located on the country of origin and care label in the center back neck: Industrial R48210106, Continue R48210105, Warp R48210122, and Enuff R38203012. All styles were sold in sizes S-XL and came in a variety of prints and colors including stripes and plaids.- g! j- B5 d/ i( a7 Z
Sold at: The retailers listed below sold these products nationwide from August 2008 through December 2008 for prices ranging from between about $40 and $65.
' B0 H6 P; }$ c0 O, O2 jRetailers: Adrenaline, Bunger Kids, Carlsbad Pipelines, Driftwood Beach Shoppe, Farias Surf & Sport, Heritage Surf & Sport, K Five Board Shop, Nomad Surf Shop, Nor抏aster Surf Shop, Offshore Surf & Skate, Pitti Bimi, Riders Outlet, Rusty, Shoppers Department Store, Spellbinders, Surf Hut, Third Ave Surf Shop Inc, TJX Companies/Marshalls, Wallerbears Surf & Sport and Wave Riding Vehicles 4 N7 u- j5 v) q7 E. m# @
Manufactured in: China
9 H7 \7 q5 l9 }, C) m$ qRemedy: Consumers should immediately remove the drawstrings from the sweatshirts to eliminate the hazard, or return the garment to either the place of purchase or to Rusty North America for a full refund.
6 E- A1 Q" X$ ~Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact Rusty North America toll-free at (877) 857-8789 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. PT Monday through Friday.
2 f) ?& }, K& J  U, j, W. ?
( i+ g! l; a" v! R" {

8 |; ?% C7 J. Y; @/ U

9 g  ?1 ^: i5 M  U
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