2004与2006的差异: (标准的preface中有写明的)" r/ ~. R7 C( }) I0 J
1) requirements for the shape of the ends of plug pins 即插针的顶端需要削边,方便插头插入插座; Z9 s1 J9 [3 \% S3 F
2) pin bending test, 增加了插针的弯折测试, 这个条款的测试主要考察插针金属部分的材料,比较难通过测试; a. E2 O# f* G! E0 V
3) changes to fire test requirements
. f4 Z) I& N0 e, ?3 |4) requirements with regards to any interference between metal contacts and thermoplastic or resilient mouldings
0 p% V; W! ~3 k( m" d5) lateral strain test for two pin plugs
. J! X; `, @& ~: O6) upfating of cross-references to referred standards and other minor editorial changes% t( p5 S/ d" {8 Y% |
7) amendments 1 and 2 to AS/NZS 3112: 2000 have been incorporated into the text. |