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[综合话题] 澳洲安规认证强制性产品目录

发表于 2007-5-21 09:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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发表于 2007-8-25 20:48 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-27 09:34 | 只看该作者
至于官方的,应该是OFT提供的.就是Office of Fair Trading.不过最好EMAIL过去要一下,因为澳洲的政府网站信息更新都很慢的,他们不太注重网络这块.
发表于 2007-8-28 16:24 | 只看该作者
引用第3楼yaya于2007-08-27 09:34发表的  :
* M) E! l, j+ H; @9 L/ x$ Y5 L至于官方的,应该是OFT提供的.就是Office of Fair Trading.不过最好EMAIL过去要一下,因为澳洲的政府网站信息更新都很慢的,他们不太注重网络这块.

6 O$ K7 f) e" k0 U7 d$ |3 j能提供網址嗎? 搜索出來的怎麼又回到昆士蘭或新威爾士了? 有沒有全國統一要求這個目錄?你們的TCA是哪個州的啊?
9 N9 d2 u, k( t# W' j% j5 e( q  E  U( R$ l# q
http://www.fairtrading.qld.gov.au/oft/oftweb.nsf  n! j( M; i6 k, U! x  P( H$ f
7 X9 y1 R  F- \; [6 P6 ]
发表于 2007-8-28 16:28 | 只看该作者
3 `7 f+ }1 g( |) z' Mhttp://www.fairtrading.qld.gov.a ... nt&L1=Consumers) L0 P1 ?$ a8 |+ w& H% K$ G
Product Safety
4 q: x. ~4 z% w& E* nThe Office of Fair Trading's role in product safety is to ensure consumer products are as safe as possible and that consumers are fully informed about using products safely with the long-term aim of reducing product related injuries to Queenslanders. ) N  e5 m1 Y$ U( E: P

: ]3 Z; I  U' p" |This is achieved by:* |% p( _( D# Z) g4 T$ |
$ i! X& ^% R8 y# T' U  K! B
Introducing, monitoring and enforcing mandatory safety standards for consumer products; # w: t) E6 M: ]: K; J, I
Recommending unsafe products be banned or recalled;
3 _9 a8 k* `- lProviding guidance to industry  about supplying safe products;
. o$ d( b( n# n5 |Providing safety information to consumers; and
+ z; U4 f6 |# `8 l# u5 D Investigating complaints about unsafe goods
; Q# }8 V6 R$ {9 m$ S. N1 b/ C* ~1 u
0 }# I3 i( X- {+ e9 P+ e! J
Mandatory safety standards apply to:

) C, U8 o; c+ x! y6 |9 g% o1 c) K
' l6 D/ n7 s5 h7 {. p/ Pfull size household cots; ' Z* t: T$ [4 x; r
baby walkers;
  z  ]- F+ J' ]( nbunk beds;
  {6 u8 Y6 U( t6 t5 Abean bags;9 Z' M2 Q( z% w
folding laundry trolleys;2 ]$ w- L! u/ b' R
toys for children under three;7 N8 |7 a( u! f5 U, H
projectile toys;1 x/ h0 d/ ?0 d, N# G7 l
children's nightwear;
  K  S4 ?- @! }% J; rflotation toys;
, Z' v2 d1 x8 U/ I7 {5 ?child restraints for motor vehicles;7 h* O8 ^. _( A, W
sunglasses and fashion spectacles;   K/ M5 t- o7 U% |/ m( X: x) U* l
exercise cycles;  p3 q7 r3 g& n+ ]! C* [, @3 _
bicycles (for normal road use);
( l8 C# A; |2 vportable fire extinguishers;. I( s: d, d3 `4 ~: q& t
portable ramps for motor vehicles;' t) `% P, V' P) _
motor cycle helmets;
0 Z( V' ^* r1 a5 w; `5 M/ rbicycle helmets;
$ m$ T. e8 f' Z" ?trolley jacks;: R7 w  u* N$ X
vehicle jacks; and
$ j3 v8 M& e# wvehicle supports.
2 S+ {) \( n9 o; _/ V% rOther products may not be required to comply with safety of information standards by law, but neverless may have voluntary Australian and overseas standards, which could be applied to them.
" }3 P3 t0 N" s7 s( S1 z- \
/ F1 l' n/ {6 o# ~) XMandatory Information standards apply to goods that must be labelled in a particular way including:
7 l5 ~6 X" u- P. p* a
2 F" Q3 k* I* J# B0 H7 Ptextile products (eg clothing, carpets and drapery products);* s8 e3 t! X4 M* i6 ^
" b* t  e+ q4 K% q* G1 lleather goods;
* E6 b( h+ _* a3 Q6 T7 }4 Rshoes; and ' v* g8 p* t5 h( K+ R6 }
+ z- v  m+ c/ l+ ?/ l1 BSee tips for buying second hand products or buying products for baby for a range of product safety information.. L- l9 o& N+ x) w+ J! c' W! x

; c: f+ N& g* L2 ?: v  [- WA list of products that have been recalled can be obtained from http://www.recalls.gov.au/
1 c( {4 n8 _4 _$ q( \+ b% ^9 J
: @1 z: R' D0 }( @* uIf you would like to make a complaint about a product safety issue, please complete this form.
发表于 2007-8-28 16:31 | 只看该作者
6 w- }! c2 ]7 ]7 q4 X3 D3 whttp://www.tcaust.com/tcaweb/tca ... Safety+-+Regulatory
3 }; r5 N3 I& W/ ], B5 N/ e+ k& q6 U" ?+ k1 D
Declared/Non-declared Articles 6 ?: K* x! C" F' b+ O
In New South Wales, the Department of Fair Trading exercises control over the sale of electrical appliances and equipment. Products found to be unsafe or likely to become unsafe can be prohibited from sale or recalled from the market place at the manufacturer's expense.
. h, D8 N9 W5 \9 X/ Z2 b! r# u3 ~( O: Z. S/ x
Because of unsatisfactory history, certain products have been "declared" and cannot be sold legally unless bearing the number of the Certificate of Approval, issued by the Department.' p* \# C. y) {* @. U+ Y# V
/ G6 {* W7 @) ]& N3 G
The Department of Fair Trading requires that Declared products be tested and comply with relevant standards. Upon application with appropriate test report and samples, a Certificate of Approval will be issued by the Department. There is mutual recognition of such approvals between states so application in one state covers all of Australia.
: ?+ i/ x$ y# C
# t, E3 J* n7 ~2 |  i/ d6 UThe Department of Fair Trading also has powers over non-declared products connected to the electrical supply. Manufacturers and importers have a duty of care under the law. The Department operates a voluntary scheme for all products and will issue a Certificate of Suitability based on compliance to a standard by testing. The Certificate of Suitability is recognised as one means for the supplier to show that reasonable steps have been taken to discharge their responsibility. , `% Y+ P3 k3 G1 V3 K. {

4 K3 X: s  L# O* X+ i' CList of Declared Articles$ h8 i- ^( _, [0 Q

* B+ f+ ?: \' ~. Q
5 r  v3 c+ V& a! q
Appliance Connector
3 ?  S* X+ d5 `Arc Welding Machine/ g3 ?& m% Z* e. X4 J) m6 z- g
Battery Charger - Automotive Type9 {1 x  ]/ z' e, n
Battery Charger - General Type
! u/ M* A- s! B# N8 F. Y7 zBlanket2 E$ G; `: _9 ]4 ~3 U
Bread Toaster
) i) g4 R, L6 fBayonet Lampholder
" }2 ~4 n; {* n+ E9 ?! VBayonet Lampholder Adaptor
$ Q5 f3 k2 O) b3 HControl or Conditioning Device) r& w& t0 A1 u) R  D
Cord Extension Socket. R% A9 |' [* S
Cord-Line Switch
9 |' l& I. Z% t& f5 ~( jDecorative Lighting Outfit
+ c7 {/ O4 b. r4 d: A: Z( @# qEdison Screw Lampholder
3 n+ g7 ^% c, B, L; WFluorescent Lamp Ballast Unit( Q# h, b" [% m
Fluorescent Lamp Starter
  ]4 N2 c* b$ {! {- x8 ?Inspection Handlamp. g4 ~' q5 n$ A* F; g; a- }. \
Luminaire - Portable Type' t3 h& c4 {9 R
Microwave Oven
2 V3 K' M' V9 c1 v. WMiniature Overcurrent Circuit-Breaker
9 R  @. X) B* E+ C% I9 r2 W6 @. b8 SOutlet Device
Projector3 }1 `  [7 ~) W+ m* f& s
Clothes Dryer; s8 d8 Q3 M7 w; S# c" n/ m
Cooking Appliance - Portable Type% M4 H6 x! Z4 |3 H
Dishwashing Machine& U. _, D6 d' b8 P/ {& D
Extra Low Voltage Power Supply
  ]7 y. D4 i) L0 p, |' JFan; Z8 T5 q- g9 \7 c# N
Fence Energiser; S* B5 h: }- l' {5 D( u
Flexible Heating Pad
  V  r/ G) o' K  G9 S9 qFloor Polisher/Scrubber! ^8 P4 r3 u, _. ?. B+ t' t0 M
Hair Care Appliance
2 }( |0 r* `" o, c$ \% uHedge Clipper2 E; D. \! k+ K+ s/ t
Immersion Heater
7 W  @0 Z3 f, m6 y5 IInsect Electrocutor3 Y: P9 t0 L' Z/ R* [3 _5 F
Iron  [* ?7 u$ L4 q; R, V' ^2 S: `
4 _4 H1 a# b6 u  i* C6 \$ {* aKitchen Machine ) H8 p  }! s8 y# r! i0 C4 K
Lawn Care Appliance : u) E( t- m9 y3 m0 ^6 a
Liquid Heating Appliance
, N) M' M6 T$ e$ l, x* T$ CMassage Appliance( Q" @2 s" `8 v: k; ^' F/ V
2 v; L) ~5 y3 |2 O/ b7 KRange Hood* O7 o% O2 X  s
Razor/Hair Clipper9 s& B3 n- T3 h! F  [9 b3 S
1 l6 ^1 i: u* i1 i- |Residual Current Device4 k# z6 t% l5 R$ D( }/ m& `) ]
Room Heater
' t+ u! J7 P$ B# t- Z9 S; g6 ?Sewing Machine3 D8 H2 `" `2 W, H+ M
Soldering Iron
2 s" y, b7 h' l( c8 F  KSocket-Outlet
# l! v" S. a. P# P- T9 e: M* mSocket-Outlet Adaptor. o- @' S. c( `2 a2 D
Supply Flexible Cord. t- a" N. C" ~, o/ O3 ]
Swimming Pool or Spa Equipment* G5 M8 y* k+ }/ G
Television Receiver. ]3 ?$ g! K$ o/ D
Therapeutic Lamp. U6 [6 z) o3 _$ L
Tool - Portable Type
. L" D8 |% D+ I1 D. sVacuum Cleaner) f  w1 e/ A7 t$ K, I( N8 F* S" y
Washing Machine
9 r1 G  t! q$ e9 o3 F& `2 {2 O2 rWater Bed Heater. x6 U8 _6 ~& ~5 V
Water Heater - Pressure Storage Type, p3 F% o7 Q1 Y" J- [$ H/ B
Wall Switch

8 S8 D% O' {2 ^- g+ Z5 V' ?If you require more information about the regulatory system for products sold in Australia please contact Robert Woo or John Diong.
- z* F' n! O7 e) V5 E' A% n
- A0 h* \9 z; F
Testing & Certification Australia0 n5 H0 f/ v5 O$ L4 z
Product Compliance
. F) {; Y% O' [/ \! x" u
14 Nelson Street
7 h3 T1 r! \: mChatswood NSW 2067
1 B  f# |  H2 @: m0 a. |Australia
2 P3 @4 l5 {! e7 o1 q5 S
, }" Y4 f" R8 v# C3 ]) s0 G6 X2 yPh: +612 9410 5111
P.O. Box 841
2 f  V. c  k' l" u2 n& ~Artarmon NSW 15705 Q1 W9 F% E6 \) W' h. Q
6 j, K7 R3 g+ [  N) @. s1 U
: P% u$ e4 p. ]: a& A; {Fax: +612 9415 1567
发表于 2007-8-28 16:56 | 只看该作者
這個網址先記個號, 有空再研究一下:
8 b* j0 K! X* rhttp://www.legislation.nsw.gov.a ... t+68+1987+FIRST+0+N
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-29 09:58 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-11-15 14:03 | 只看该作者
追根溯源,各州的要求都是来自AS/NZS 4417.2. 如果想了解澳大利亚的电器产品的认证方面的要求的话,AS/NZS4417系列标准可以作为一个很好参考资料。4 l# P" e/ m! x  ?7 [( S

5 d" q/ Z  ~+ V  w昆士兰的网址:) G4 S8 p8 v% \/ m3 h/ r: V
http://www.deir.qld.gov.au/elect ... rescribed/index.htm
, }) k, l9 D  N3 N- s
9 D# O, d1 h, u" a/ F4 ^0 _! v$ P新南威尔士的网址:/ ~" J( G! F: f: A7 ~  [2 K$ m
http://www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.a ... tricalproducts.html
发表于 2007-11-22 14:33 | 只看该作者


http://www.legislation.qld.gov.a ... /ElectricalSR02.pdf


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