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[产品召回] 美国CPSC对中国产兵人模型玩具实施召回

发表于 2008-12-8 22:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
美国CPSC对中国产兵人模型玩具实施召回 0 q: `2 @3 q4 O, d4 ]) E: b4 i: U

& v7 B* q: i) N5 x$ L! [5 o) W2 l8 @' ?- N- f
3 O9 C  |! I9 M$ h; m. P
7 f$ l% T: \2 n) @此次被召回的兵人模型高约7英寸,身着迷彩服,持枪。该玩具自2008年6~9月在全美的Dollar零售店和OKK贸易公司网站上销售,单价为1美元/个。1 H- P# ^4 h( X9 B9 g
$ d, I0 U+ T/ O; u
此次被召回的商品数量约为5400个。召回原因为,该兵人模型表面的油漆铅含量超标,违反了联邦含铅涂料标准。目前,OKK贸易公司尚未收到任何事故报告。: \  @& F  Q9 V) t
% n  n# u: T8 e- J
) [3 s. |$ E! i- i5 `4 F" z; r6 v! s! A$ x/ I# O! z
$ n, q; C2 |; Z
8 d2 x" F$ j& {% J4 a: cOKK Trading Recalls Toy Army Figures Due to Violation of Lead Paint Standard
9 U1 k$ S- q1 A* T! O1 D( oWASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. 8 n6 Q. n' [/ D& C, J7 h9 _

1 U8 P* ~3 a( j. QName of Product: Army Figures( ?' F+ ?, ^) R% u3 d: n- V
9 u; a" c! e  a" n" m$ v5 S/ \1 w
Units: About 5,4005 |- F1 J$ P$ ~4 d& \. G2 t# {

* r9 w& H  S0 L3 lImporter: OKK Trading, of Los Angeles, Calif.
- T) a8 m. {- W- D, |
. s/ r, Z  c! l/ }; x& L* q  d6 [Hazard: Surface paint on the face of the Army figures contains excessive levels of lead, violating the federal lead paint standard.) o* t) m$ r& A- ~* Q4 }% N  t
) b& b  j9 X1 Q
Incidents/Injuries: None reported./ Y# _: `! z3 q" B

) Y! t9 ]( t( \2 n! q5 F) h1 nDescription: The recall involves 7 ½ inch tall plastic toy Army figures. The figures are dressed in Army fatigues and have guns.6 c$ r3 a% s2 H, B

( ]2 H" A/ ^& X/ D. }/ CSold at: Dollar type retailers and OKK Trading’s Web site www.okktoys.com from June 2008 through September 2008 for about $1.9 y" s. ]0 u5 w- S& w  O
: j% c0 [: Q( T- s, {
Manufactured in: China( h6 i2 _4 \" B, T* V
# X- a: t. b  j; _8 [
Remedy: Consumers should immediately take the recalled toys away from children and contact OKK Trading for a full refund or replacement toy.0 u( q/ N, |. D; S& W8 f. M
+ k8 J+ P' I/ d, q) M% T
http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prhtml09/09060.html3 i# g- `$ j& ^
4 |4 g0 F3 X5 l" T3 |% F
' T4 r& g# m6 v, s& d这已经是本月以来第二起由于表面漆铅含量超标的召回事件了。另一起是针对印尼生产的娃娃的衣服表面油漆含铅超标。; S: E  [- H7 x7 e/ n8 V) U! N
根据16 CFR 1303表面喷漆的铅含量不得大于600ppm。
0 L3 g  _0 C, n' y; X& B这个事件并没有描述违反了哪一条联邦法规,但是针对表面喷漆的铅含量要求应该是上述法规。该要求适用于
1 q2 I0 M. w1 _9 z1.儿童玩具
. D* y4 c0 R1 c9 y# W2 Z2.家具9 z  P9 D1 }! W2 H
以及消费产品(这里适用范围就广了,不同的机构有不同理解)7 r+ k. V- V$ m" i! l1 b5 w% C
此外美国还有很多关于铅含量的法规,例如40 CFR 745关于环境中的含铅油漆。
( P6 {6 |- @4 _. u* i, l# C


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发表于 2008-12-8 22:37 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-12-16 11:18 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-18 12:55 | 只看该作者
Xtreme Toy Zone Recalls Toy Dinosaurs Due to Violation of Lead Paint Standard- d* H3 J( b8 Y; U* m1 k# A+ F
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. 2 S" }3 _9 I# e8 E7 \( V

: X4 S6 X1 {- d6 o3 YName of Product: dinosaur Epoch?Toy Dinosaurs
' G- R! b; W( f
* b% a: [* q" U4 C& {) r& }2 YUnits: About 4808 e. Y; e) t7 O1 \0 {
2 q1 z& a& Z: G% E5 a$ E$ X# a
Importer: Xtreme Toy Zone, of Los Angeles, Calif.
$ p# h4 b4 A% X& o6 T. H0 j$ G" X  g$ ^
Hazard: Surface paint on the toy dinosaurs can contain excessive levels of lead, violating the federal lead paint standard. - P: |: y3 K( r) S+ G( z

* @" n6 ~  Z0 y& c! rIncidents/Injuries: None reported.
' a6 F+ I2 Z: V+ }" H4 @
! ~& x/ r; {5 J! SDescription: The recalled dinosaur Epoch?Toy Dinosaurs are battery-operated dinosaurs that move and make sounds. The recall includes the orange-colored dinosaur Brachiosaurus?(model #1033) and the green, yellow and orange-colored dinosaur Carnotaurus?(model #1030). The model number can be located on the toy battery cover.
* N% p% e$ U/ p- l. n; J) H( J5 Q3 _, j9 [
Sold at: Xtreme Toy Zone Web site from May 2008 through October 2008 for between $15 and $20. : d  \5 g4 P* N
. q, _5 s. I  C6 t; P+ J/ Y
Manufactured in: China
% f0 g5 I: M" `) l$ T  W
" S& u8 k7 Z, F- s- n- E: j( z# s# pRemedy: Consumers should immediately take the recalled toys away from children and contact Xtreme Toy Zone for a refund or exchange.
2 V6 E0 C  k; J5 ?3 i
9 b2 B" q# ?+ e$ n- Jhttp://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prhtml09/09068.html
0 Y6 b0 G! ~# Q4 O+ _) P6 d
7 M8 I" R+ u/ u1 y反思:近期频繁发生类似的油漆含铅量超标的召回事件,值得行业内引起重视。
9 c: Z: Y0 w7 s' K
( [1 h- F2 m+ w


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发表于 2008-12-18 14:25 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-12-18 22:40 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-1-28 21:12 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-2-19 11:50 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-3-31 20:23 | 只看该作者
中國造1 w8 n7 Z0 E7 D5 D! u6 H) H- B! g3 @
啥時候能讓老外也佩服哈咱中國造哦 % d: A6 x& |4 ?3 `. R" {' @' \
发表于 2009-4-27 20:17 | 只看该作者
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