GB 4706.19 S2 p9 }% J2 \4 o
7 标志和说明
1 y4 z- [ {8 q0 `0 {7.1 器具应有含下述内容的标志:. d6 Y) @" X; D
9 ]; x5 v4 V( }6 W% _; J: _——电源性质的符号,标有额定频率的除外; F4 d) a+ E4 R ?( H- J* j
; R: \7 P- ]; I7 w+ T——制造商或责任承销商的名称、商标或识别标识;8 A: o2 A4 b0 n3 d
——器具型号或系列号;5 e% x; @8 ^3 V* y% g% s- ~2 ^2 O5 y
——GB/T5465.2(idt IEC60417)的符号5172,仅在II 类器具上标出;
: Q9 Y' q% j, u4 o5 E' p——防水等级的IP 代码,IPX0 不标出。
1 P& e6 v" ]! l& K8 R注1:IP 代码的第一个数字不必标在器具上。
) s* L3 Z8 h; V6 J9 k注2:在不会造成误解的前提下,允许有另外的标志。! ]0 k! s2 t x" H: A' {8 k
注3:如果元件上分别标有标志,则元件上的标志不应使器具本身的标志存有疑问。' j- m3 e+ i# O Q1 O) d7 w$ V* i
' o& e' P4 U# z1 k' y7 q: t% ]: M
IEC 60335-14 ^4 V5 i/ N6 a$ N1 P1 F
"Appliances shall be marked with the- \2 J! R$ S w5 R8 d
– rated voltage or rated voltage range in volts;
0 `( c" U* A l: o– symbol for nature of supply, unless the rated frequency is marked;7 R7 L# ~2 n$ [9 k9 l
– rated power input in watts or rated current in amperes;. f5 h4 q4 g1 f6 A5 p* }
– name, trade mark or identification mark of the manufacturer or responsible vendor;
* Y j& a7 a- d– model or type reference;
! G& Q- U8 y* }6 p$ g* c9 h7 B* R– symbol 5172 of IEC 60417, for class II appliances only;! p; w! D$ d6 W) B4 Z
– IP number according to degree of protection against ingress of water, other than IPX0."
2 J% v% f& D8 ~1 ~7 i* e# {& ]% H9 X6 P8 t4 `5 }8 z
Compliance is checked by inspection.% Q) L+ j+ ~5 N( M# _# N5 D8 Q
& }) H9 l" J9 w3 \1 z" [) eNOTE 1 The first numeral of the IP number need not be marked on the appliance.
6 n. Q' ^5 Y. b* ~. CNOTE 2 Additional markings are allowed provided they do not give rise to misunderstanding.
( V z3 C) l! p- v) e"NOTE 3 If components are marked separately, the marking of the appliance and that of the components is to be such that there can be no doubt with regard to the marking of the appliance itself."
) C9 O2 @+ L! w# s- @
( G ?3 q, N& O) }, A欧规的很多元件都标额定电压250V,是何道理?
. @% }2 V) u) v6 N5 ]" U5 m用在整机上能满足上面标准中NOTE 3的说法么?% s6 c; _! q; G6 e2 y2 h( L
' @, f" \: k& ^' [/ O3 Z如果不会引起误解。& v/ ]7 c5 v+ s7 ` `' G
那什么样的情况才像NOTE 3中那样引起误解,有什么例子么? |