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[职场经验] 帮忙看看UL的这两个职位

发表于 2008-8-27 11:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
最近注意到UL的两个职位: account manager 和 management system sales executive. 很感兴趣.这里想请教两个问题?
) w/ W( X5 r5 b  O6 h6 ]& R
3 ^7 L9 j5 ]% P  O/ ^, f谢谢!
1 J  @: @. G& u+ k( `6 p3 l8 S
8 P. l/ W* s) \1.这两个职位的薪水范围大概是多少?* p2 ~; G. X2 v7 L- w" ~" S

8 n9 P# y$ X( ~8 n" T* C: Y$ R) v2.销售的职位在安规行业的发展前景如何?- V) |7 N0 o" J5 n; F1 ^% N% _

2 q2 j. H; i/ d% o: n; saccount manager:* I/ G% n; `. a: \7 o, j

  |" c; G% Q) O/ }1 w3 i& N! q职位描述(Job Descriptions) 7 H1 V$ B# E4 ~$ L- r( H0 i
. y3 P: C4 E& t( d1 u5 @( n/ V7 F9 |3 n# D
·Builds relationship with various management levels, divisions, locations and functional departments of managed accounts
, M$ J+ p$ T+ x. j4 H. c* C·Builds strategy and account plan based on information collected to support and cross-sell complete range of UL-CCIC services to multiple divisions and locations of managed accounts
) C7 E  a; x% b. S4 c; ~0 x9 e·Work with business unit managers for customized service package for managed accounts
4 w9 I) V* i2 d/ s·Reviews account plan and tactical plans progress regularly and takes corrective actions if needed 7 v* q3 A! H, G! d
·Track UL-CCIC business, account share and account penetration with managed accounts
+ f0 W* J! C# @9 Y1 q·Accountable for achieving sales revenue targets for assigned industries 7 o/ w* q+ [6 `' a$ a
·Manage key accounts and promote UL services in assigned territory
9 y! O* S8 z: t+ J, c( @/ ]·Growth the market shares and revenue by developing new customer thru marketing activity and sales channel
- J  q0 H  T; y+ K
1 P( I) @+ `2 g* L' n) R0 p) |2 O2 |. P2 R7 w* x* Z
Requirements 8 h4 A) w0 G: ]- |$ _9 Q: c' W
·Bachelor degree in electronic, electrical, chemical and mechanical engineering 4 S  {+ }, [2 T5 V3 |" Z" o0 \1 |
·Minimum 3 years working experiences in electrical & electronic fields.
) W! Q9 R+ g! n2 W·Previous sales or engineer experiences in testing and certification business preferable
: h  p! x! i# I# m% B) S·Good networking in and familiar with Power Supply, PCB, Plastic, Switch & Motor industries 2 h" x/ V5 b0 H
·Proactive and hardworking, willing to travel - f3 |- U$ f/ p2 P& Z8 r
·Good communication and interpersonal skills, self discipline.
; O. l7 v; u2 j4 l6 Q1 L·Good English reading, writing and listening skills 1 a& D" a' Y3 v! c: p! V4 H, M( w
: [6 M% I. l# r/ w( x0 `7 t+ |
1 ]- @' `* D$ q1 v( H9 {6 |
+ w" u9 J" _$ g# `1 f. q4 H
Management System Sales executive:( a+ p3 J: q5 c: ?: U4 ]
3 l: p8 \, Y: T! K9 d, s2 i
$ p; p6 `3 {# n* n1 z2 s; V; x) s" G' D6 s8 t$ z/ C2 `
Achieve sales targets and develop new revenue opportunities in South of
% l! A: c3 {; D5 W& F
/ L  o4 F( [+ l6 x3 k/ V( T  HChina;
3 ~" k3 ?3 j9 K$ i- E! B) V3 G, z# \1 k
Collect clients information, contact, visit to customers and get contract;
: G" X4 L6 n3 c: Q" g" c- ?3 z, W# E
+ K" r0 T8 }2 n$ M, i- yPrepare quotation and serving project;
0 c3 P5 I8 |9 J( E
+ g3 V) T2 k/ k& W) G, bBuild up and maintain a good customer relationship with clients.
8 }6 S/ G+ Y; s0 K" O7 l% l4 A" }( ^; j
! A- }+ R  Q9 v
) N# M" c% a& U$ kBachelor degree, knowledge of System Certification preferred;
: n) l! A( p' {; y! u) m- a6 J: z* F
; m( n# i3 i3 f+ T5 J8 }0 z; ~Minimum 3 year's experience in sales function;. T; _/ G  l+ w

; p0 f! G& a# r& _Strong communication and coordination skills;) r* B1 p1 o# B
+ {/ a, J6 l' X4 F! ~* P) g
Be fluent in writing and reading English;
& C9 Q8 k0 V' p
$ e0 O4 D# J; r# B* V. u& y4 hCan work under pressure.
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