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[翻译] 50个小习惯——让你减大肥!(1)

发表于 2008-7-16 09:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
This is not a diet -- or a rigorous exercise program. (Nobody can stick to those for long.) Instead, it's a simple way to make weight loss a natural part of the life you already live. And guess what? It's fun! You don't have to give up the foods you love or join a gym. It's about balancing calories in tiny ways that add up to big benefits. You just adopt some tricks naturally lean people do. Pick the ones you like, stick with them, and you'll slim down and tone up -- for good!

Morning Makeover

1. Wake-up workout When your eyes open, sit up slowly without using your hands. With legs straight out, lean forward until you feel a gentle stretch in your back and hamstrings. Hold; then, using your abs, lower yourself flat. Rest and repeat two more times. Strengthens core. Burns 10 calories

2. Go for the grains Not ready for Twigs & Rocks cereal? Sprinkle on a few tablespoons of wheat germ or oat bran. Work up to 3/4 cup of low-sugar whole-grain cereal with at least three grams of fiber per serving, and you'll pass on that Danish. Saves 100

3. Add some protein The more you eat earlier on, the less you eat as the day wears on, research has shown. So after your cereal, add a hard-boiled egg or a part-skim mozzarella cheese stick to keep you feeling full -- and away from that pre-lunch brownie. Saves 200 (or more)

4. Balance booster While you brush your teeth, alternate standing on one leg as you switch mouth quadrants (every 30 seconds). Balancing develops your core muscles and may even be good for your brain. Burns 10

5. Be a ballerina As your coffee drips, stand sideways, put one hand on the counter, and lift the outside leg straight out in front of you, keeping it extended. With upper body straight, hold for a few seconds and move it to the side; hold and extend it behind you. Do five to ten times on each leg. Tones outer thighs, hip flexors and quadriceps. Burns 10

6. Coffee saver Instead of pouring that 1/3 cup of half-and-half (a whopping 105 calories!) into your mug, replace it with the same amount of 2% milk. Saves 60

7. Better your bagel You can walk 10,000 steps to justify your 500-calorie bagel with cream cheese, or try this: low-fat spreadable cheese like Laughing Cow Light on an English muffin. Saves 300

Nine-to-Five Fixes

8. Tone in traffic Use the time spent bumper-to-bumper to develop your buns of steel: Squeeze your derrière each time you tap the brake, holding for 10 seconds. Shoot for 10 to 15 squeezes a trip. Burns 10

9. Snack smarter Portion out the day's snacks into pint-size zip bags, or buy single-serving portions. For example, four regular Oreos have 200 calories versus the 100-calorie snack bag version. Go for the lower fat chips: a Lay's Light bag has only 75 calories, while the regular has 150. Saves 175 (over two snacks)

10. Casual day payoff You will blast more calories during the day wearing comfy clothes like jeans or khakis, sport shirts and soft-soled shoes than donning constricting suits, skirts and heels. Why? Because you walk more, a study found. Now you just have to convince the boss. Burns 25

11. You know squat! At your desk chair, pretend you're going to sit but don't -- stop and come back up without using your arms. Always start squats by lowering your hips, not bending knees forward, and keeping your weight on your heels. Repeat the motion throughout the day (even at the potty!) for 15 to 20 total. Strengthens quadriceps. Burns 15

12. Switch your soda Your body doesn't register calories from liquids the same way it does those from foods, so you won't get those "stop eating" signals to help you compensate for the overload later on. Change from two glasses of regular soda or fruit juice to diet soda or a flavored seltzer. Saves 300

13. Talk it up Every time you grab the phone, stand up and pace around. Heavy people sit on average two and a half hours more per day than thin people, according to the Mayo Clinic. Burns 50 or more

14. At lunch, pick a pita Use one mini whole-wheat pita instead of the usual two slices of white or refined wheat bread for your sandwich. Saves 70

15. Get face time We use e-mail so much we've forgotten what our co-workers look like. Pick a colleague or two who sits farthest from you and deliver 10 of those daily messages in person. And go out of your way: Hit a bathroom or a copier on another floor -- and take the stairs, of course. Burns 100

16. Firm as you file Pause from your papers with a few wall push-ups. Place hands wide at shoulder height against the wall. Take a couple of steps back so your body is at a slight angle and your weight is on your toes, and do three sets of 10 push-ups. Strengthens chest and triceps. Burns 10

17. An apple (or more) a day They're packed with fiber and water, so your stomach will want less. Plus, studies out of Washington State and Brazil have shown that people who eat at least three apples or pears a day lose weight. Try two small apples and two fewer large cookies. Saves 100

18. Try a simple chair workout

Dips: If your chair has wheels, brace it against something. Facing forward, place palms on the front edge of the seat with knees bent at a right angle. Lower butt toward the floor; raise and repeat for two sets of 10. Tones triceps. Burns 10

Lifts: Seated in a chair with your back straight and your feet on the floor, squeeze knees together and gently bring them toward your chest. Do two sets of ten. Strengthens abdominals. Burns 10

Around Town

19. Carry some weight When you're grocery shopping or running errands, wear a backpack with a 5-or 10-pound bag of sugar inside to increase resistance and burn more calories. Add purchases to your load as it becomes easier. Burns 20 (for an hour of errands)

20. Tweak your treat Instead of a large caffè latte and a chocolate cream-cheese muffin, get a small nonfat latte and a small low-fat raisin or carrot muffin. Saves 340

21. Pump at the pump Instead of fuming over gas prices, think about firming your calves: With one hand on your car, stand on the balls of your feet and slowly rise up and down for as long as it takes your tank to fill -- for an SUV that might be 50 raises! Burns 10

22. Do the pizza pat Blot your slice with a napkin to cut anywhere from a teaspoon to a tablespoon of grease -- and calories. Saves 50-100

23. Shop till the pounds drop At the mall, try on at least ten outfits, both pants and shirts. No need to buy! Burns 60

24. Eat like a kid You don't have to give up that quick lunch if you order smaller portions: Instead of a Quarter Pounder with Cheese and large fries, opt for the cheeseburger Happy Meal. You can even play with the toy. Saves 390

25. Recharge yourself Anytime you're waiting in line, stand evenly on both feet, clasp hands behind your back and squeeze shoulder blades together to open your chest, an energizing yoga-based move that stimulates the nervous system. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds while slowly breathing in and out, taking longer on the inhale. Burns 5 On the Home Front



1. 醒来锻炼:当你睁开眼睛,不要用手慢慢地坐起来.伸直腿,脚尖绷紧,举腿,你的背和跟腱都得用上劲.坚持住;然后慢慢地把腿放平.重复2遍以上.可以加强腹部肌肉. 减少10卡路里

2. 谷物食品:没准备好维格洛克麦片粥么?只要几勺小麦或者燕麦片.最多3/4杯的低糖全麦片至少可以提供3克的膳食纤维,你可以继续吃丹麦点心. 减少100卡路里

3. 增加一些蛋白质:研究表明,一天中越早多吃蛋白质,你越不容易觉得饿.吃过一些麦片后,再来个水煮蛋或者是来些半脱脂的干奶酪可以让你感觉比较饱,这样你就避开中饭前小甜点的诱惑了. 减少200卡路里或更多

4. 平衡效应:当你刷牙的时候,试着只用一只脚站立(每30秒换换). 平衡锻炼腹肌同时还有利于大脑. 减少10卡路里

5. 当个芭蕾舞演员:像咖啡机一样,一只脚站着,另一只脚抬起来成90度,来个金鸡独*立. 上身要挺直,坚持几秒钟,然后换个脚. 每条腿做个10次. 可以锻炼大腿、髋部屈肌和股四头肌. 减少10卡路里

6. 咖啡节约者:将你大杯子里那1/3杯的速溶咖啡(竟然有105卡路里)换成2%的牛奶。 减少60卡路里

7. 升级你的面包圈:你可以通过走一万步来中和你那奶油起司面包圈的500卡路里的热量,或者是你可以用低脂奶酪来代替奶油。 减少300卡路里


8. 交通堵塞:你可以利用交通堵塞的时间来联系翘臀: 每次刹车时都收紧你的屁股,坚持10秒钟. 开一趟车可以练上10到15次. 减少10卡路里

9. 聪明的加餐:把你每天的零食都用小包装装好,或者是买专门的小包装食品. 比如,4个标准的Oreos有200卡路里的热量你可以把它变成每包100卡路里的 去掉里面的脂肪芯: 这样一个包装只有75卡路里,而通常的有150卡路里.

10. 每天穿休闲服:当你穿牛仔服,运动服和软底鞋时,比穿套装,高跟鞋要消耗更多的热量. 为什么呢? 根据研究,这样你会走更多的路. 不过要说服你的老板. 减少25卡路里

11. 下蹲! 坐在椅子上的时候,假装你坐在凳子上,其实在蹲马步,站起来的时候别用手. 蹲的时候屁股要低,膝盖尽量成90度,把中心放在脚后跟上. 一天重复个10到20次. 可以加强股四头肌. 减少15卡路里

12. 换掉你的碳酸饮料:你的身体不会像计算食物一样(过量会发出停止进食的信号)来计算液体的摄入. 所以把你的普通碳酸饮料或果汁换成节食碳酸饮料或者是矿泉水. 减少300卡路里

13. 运动聊天:每当你抓起电话聊天的时候,站起来,来回踱步. 根据Mayo临床研究统计,胖子比瘦子每天平均多花两个半小时坐着. 减少50卡路里或更多.

14. 吃中饭时:选皮塔饼:用全麦的皮塔饼来代替三明治里的白面或精面的面包. 减少70卡路里

15. 亲自见面:我们用电子邮件来沟通以至于我们都忘了同事长什么样了. 选一两个离你最远的同事,然后每天亲自和他们说上10句以前用电邮说的话. 离开你的日常路径: 到别层去上厕所或者复印文件,当然是爬楼梯. 减少100卡路里

16. 忙里偷闲健身:从你的工作中暂停一会来做几个墙壁俯卧撑. 面对着墙,双手与肩同宽抵住墙. 后退几小步让你的身体和墙有点角度,全身力量放在脚指头上,做上三组每组10个的俯卧撑. 可以加强胸肌和肱三头肌. 减少10卡路里

17. 每天吃一个以上的苹果:苹果里富含纤维和水分,可以填满你的胃让它不那么容易饿. 而且,根据华盛顿和巴西的研究表明,那些每天至少吃三个苹果的人会减肥. 试试2个小苹果加2块不很大的饼干. 减少100卡路里

18. 做些简单的椅子锻炼

下蹲: 如果你的椅子有轮子,把它抵在什么东西上. 背朝椅子,手按住椅子边,膝盖弯曲. 然后把你的臀部往地板落,在升起来,做2组每组10次.可以锻炼肱三头肌. 减少10卡路里

举腿: 在椅子上坐直,脚放在地板上,然后把膝盖弯曲尽力向胸靠拢. 做2组每组10次. 可以加强腹肌. 减少10卡路里


19. 负点重:当你在逛百货公司或者在外跑腿的时候,背上一个背包,里面放上5到10磅的糖,可以增强耐力还能燃烧一些脂肪. 当你觉得不够重时在加点别的. 减少20卡路里(每一小时)

20. 调整饮食:把你的咖啡牛奶和大块巧克力奶牛松饼换成脱脂牛奶和小块低脂葡萄饼或萝卜饼. 减少340卡路里

21. 加油时给自己加油:与其等着眼睛看加油价格表,还不如锻炼锻炼小腿: 一只手放在车上,踮起脚尖慢慢再落下去,直到油箱加满--如果你有SUV,你说不定可以做50下! 减少10卡路里

22. 去掉披萨的油:用一张餐巾纸可以从披萨里吸出一茶匙到一大勺的油来,这就是脂肪呀. 减少50到100卡路里

23. 购物减肥:在超市的服装部,至少试上10套衣服,上衣裤子都试. 不过不需要买! 减少60卡路里

24. 像个孩子样吃饭:如果你点了小份的,你倒是可以吃快点: 将1/4磅的奶酪和大薯条换成儿童快乐套餐. 你甚至还能玩到玩具. 减少390卡路里

25. 给自己充电:当你在排队的时候,双脚平稳站立,将你的双手在背后合十,挤压双肩挺起胸膛,这种瑜伽的姿势可以刺激你的神经系统. 慢慢的呼吸,进气长呼气短,坚持10到20秒. 减少5卡路里
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