
楼主 |
发表于 2021-10-14 17:26
Berryang 发表于 2021-10-14 15:53
8 `! B' i% `& f7 Q: s- r, z) |1. 依据5.3.2。 ES2 是不可以触及的。(不能单看Clause 4.) 只要是ES2, 至少需要basic safeguard.
, @. l% k/ u6 A! R ]0 p7 ^! Q( f7 \) _. ]( W! ~+ }
2. ... $ {9 B- h2 C& Q T/ @
2.是指的中性线断开吧: 是讲的PE, 二类设备没有PE,故不需要。 有些一类设备,二类结构也不需要。
g3 R8 w$ l8 P! G8 V6.2.2.2 Fault condition No. 1
6 O. q9 k/ b6 N5 e! h% ZDepending on the kind of EQUIPMENT, several safety degrees of the protective conductor are to be distinguished (see IEC 61140).$ B8 E1 k" Y: c. l# h) f# f* V
Single-phase EQUIPMENT not reliably earthed shall be tested with loss of protective earth connection (switch e) in combination with normal and reverse polarity (switch p).0 @' }5 H! U# p* g0 ^7 B
Three-phase EQUIPMENT not reliably earthed shall be tested with loss of protective earth connection (switch e).8 c) n+ r) b H1 x
Unless decided otherwise by the EQUIPMENT product committee, the requirements of this
) p/ i9 \0 K2 s+ {* \0 C! U- w- H, |2 Asubclause do not apply to reliably earthed EQUIPMENT (e.g. see IEC 60364-7-707) which is
2 s! I4 G% k& ]6 `* `connected to the supply either permanently, or by means of plugs and sockets which are of
6 z6 f+ T/ |, Iindustrial grade (for example, connectors specified in IEC 60309-1 or a comparable national8 {6 q% ~6 |6 M& R+ [
* g5 T9 [( L6 ~# E* f, V在IEC62368-1 2018版本中对应的IEC6099:2016,没有看到那个地方有写到代表是PE呢,请大佬帮忙指导- ?( I8 W: b, M$ e. p' l
$ r* p/ k+ k. }& y但是看翻译稿对应的GB/T12113,中线断开(开关n),这里指的不是PE吧
* w' T% v$ B: L
9 I6 \7 S \+ E# b( z0 {3. 这样说吧, ES2 限值为25mA, 用FIGURE 5 U3 测定。/ [: y3 h3 C6 P1 k7 m! k( F, u8 \
用FIGURE 5 U3测试,AC:ES2限值是7.07mAPeak, DC: ES2限值是25m吧0 ^+ S9 R6 f0 v t8 G
' ?0 ^- D2 o: A6 @/ l
) l+ P+ g" B* I