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[综合话题] 关于MEPS注册创建申请人的问题

发表于 2020-9-7 15:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
有产品要注册MEPS, 但申请人之前没有注册过,所以要在里面创建一个申请人,目前是等待状态,等了几天了一点反应都没有。。。。。
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  E. X: h$ T8 I7 h- F! H请教下各位,创建申请人一般需要多长时间的?是不是一定要澳洲的,我这个申请人可不是澳洲的,我看了里面的介绍也没说一定要澳洲的,只是说如果是澳洲的就要提供澳洲公司代码。
6 f! ~1 [! Q! O5 f3 k* a* a0 UCreate An Applicant
[size=12.0012px]The following page will show you how to create an Applicant in the registration system.
[size=12.0012px]The Applicant is the company or organisation submitting product registration applications to the regulatory authorities. The Applicant is responsible for the applications they submit and holds the legal responsibility for product registrations.
[size=12.0012px]If you’re an agent registering on behalf of an Applicant, click [size=12.0012px]here for important information that you need to read before creating an Applicant.

[size=12.0012px]Applicants submitting product registration applications to the GEMS Regulator may be based in Australia or overseas. Businesses registered in Australia must provide an Australian Company Number (ACN) and / or an Australian Business Number (ABN) in the Create New Applicant process.
[size=12.0012px]Applicants submitting product registration applications to the New Zealand Regulator must be based and already registered in New Zealand.
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发表于 2020-12-29 11:01 | 只看该作者
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