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[美洲灯具] UL 1310对变压器绝缘材料打耐压有没有层数方面的描述?

发表于 2019-4-26 14:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
L 1310对变压器绝缘材料打耐压有没有层数方面的描述?clause 40中对绝缘层打耐压我该怎么操作呢?是按照1层打,还是按照总厚度大?
& K6 n' ~3 L' N6 E  c6 M
& G, e2 ^5 e# T40 Tests on Insulating Materials! @1 k8 {1 t) p+ }. i2 o

8 t' `3 k( S6 Z: |, h1 K. E40.1 If required by 13.2.1(b), 13.2.2(c), 13.2.5(c), 13.2.6(c), 13.2.10(b), insulating material shall be( K, Q3 A: W9 n, M: ^- {  H
subjected to the test described in 40.2.
- W& S9 E0 ]! u, U) K# \1 g
. Z& I) T4 m- @Exception: The insulating material need not be subjected to this test if it is generic material noted in 40.3
6 w& {+ U, Z  e. }) Pand Table 40.1.# X$ F/ L2 V- ~" i# d7 h

  g/ r1 @! ~6 y40.2 The insulating material is to be placed between two opposing electrodes. The electrodes are to be
, B& w* m* p! y6 H- `cylindrical brass or stainless steel rods 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) in diameter, with edges rounded to a 1/32-inch( e" |- j" Q! h  m
(0.8 mm) radius. The upper moveable electrode is to weigh 50 ±2 grams to exert sufficient pressure on$ S2 h: k% s9 i# Z* n8 ~4 h
the specimen to provide good electrical contact. The test potential is to be increased to the test value and- Q/ T% b1 B1 k9 V, T; V4 n
the maximum test potential is to be maintained for 1 second. The result is acceptable if there is no
, x; n  D# B$ @$ ~# i/ K! g# J6 Ndielectric breakdown.$ s' U5 x: U6 \3 x& p% {

  g/ A$ l$ S# b) `: K0 R
! S3 s" T' f2 `& f# O% G- `4 K3 h" }* S5 J1 w7 s! L: y6 J1 r
# q0 C% c0 ]% A/ g( `" s
60950-1 ©IEC:2005+A1:2009  +A2:2013
* g% K" g9 J5 C3 n, u Thin sheetmaterial - alternative test procedure
If layers can beseparated for individual testing, the following alternative to the standardtest
procedure in2.10.5.9 is permitted.
Electric strengthtests are applied in accordance with 5.2.2, using test voltages equal to the
test voltagespecified in 5.2.2 for SUPPLEMENTARY INSULATION or REINFORCED INSULATION as
If two layers areused, each layer shall pass the test.
If three or morelayers are used, each combination of two layers together shall pass the test.
If three or morelayers are used, It is permitted to divide these layers into two or threegroups
for testingpurposes. In the above electric strength tests, two or three groups are tested
instead of two orthree layers.
A test on a layer orgroup of layers is not repeated on an identical layer or group.

7 I7 e' [2 x! R( f- K9 C. J  O" |. M! ?, d( E6 Y' w
$ a% A' f: u+ G/ }) ?
62368-1 © IEC:2014

( w! l( c' l6 S: O( ^! Y
5.4.4 Solidinsulation
0 M! j2 f# K2 b8 H# l Thin sheetmaterial

0 v, X3 k6 E' K Standardtest procedure for non-separable thin sheet material
For non-separablelayers, electric strength tests are applied in accordance with to all
layers together. Thetest voltage is:
− 200 % of Utestif two layers are used; or
− 150 % of Utestif three or more layers are used,
where Utest is thetest voltage specified in for supplementary insulation or
reinforcedinsulation as appropriate.

# W5 N5 d5 o0 W, z
发表于 2019-6-21 15:47 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2019-7-1 16:27 | 显示全部楼层
0 o% T1 G  y) w3 O* f3 w

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发表于 2019-7-2 12:57 | 显示全部楼层
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