( M7 w( Z6 b, X# uMARKING
4 P) X. \2 [! ^$ r' Z' _% T( |16 Details
% f0 ~/ K# l- ^4 `0 ]( D16.1 An insulation system shall be legibly and permanently marked with the manufacturer’s name, trade* K+ A0 n" c6 o4 r" R( U8 T' A
name, or trademark, and a distinctive catalog number or the equivalent.# ]% M9 y( i' w" P+ k. p% ?8 Q
Exception: The insulation system is not required to be marked when it is intended to be used in the \$ X! p1 t5 u2 L
manufacturer’s end-use product, and when both the system and end-use product are available for
- }; r8 j: p$ J7 d4 z; aexamination at the same time and place. U, O% m( w g% }7 P( s- v3 p
16.2 When a manufacturer produces or assembles an insulation system at more than one factory, each o8 Y) Y% W6 f3 U" {
finished system shall have a permanent, distinctive marking by which it shall be identified as the product
. D9 s9 ]4 _6 [& v" qof a particular factory. |