
楼主 |
发表于 2018-12-14 17:45
0 }1 }0 r6 w0 N* A" u) H BNOTE 102 This standard does not apply to
, L0 J/ N' [$ N– built-in battery chargers, except those for installing in caravans and similar vehicles;4 \# ~% a! y0 ^+ s* \ b+ l6 Q
– battery chargers that are part of an appliance, the battery of which is not accessible to the user;
" h/ v- @5 S }6 M– battery chargers intended exclusively for industrial purposes;
! t1 C9 K, p7 n, \– battery chargers intended to be used in locations where special conditions prevail, such as the presence of a
2 }; l2 s7 R& [, [8 E, E8 Ycorrosive or explosive atmosphere (dust, vapour or gas);/ X* i- q$ `; E; J4 w: K
– battery chargers for emergency lighting (IEC60598-2-22);
* L% @/ k/ d: N9 Z& d% g; A– supply units for electronic equipment.
; w# p1 q+ S" a9 k1 v$ R麻烦问下60335-2-29中有说明,用户不能触及到的电池是不适用60335-2-29? |